outdoor grow help

hows it goin fellow weed smokers?

ok so heres my deal im preparing for the outdoor season this year got a few already started in cups to try and make some giants so ive grown weed before outside usaully in buckets so they can be easily moved never done more than about 7 but this year i want at least 30 females now heres my set up i have a small field about 40 by 40 yards in the woods that im gunna tear up in the next couple days and throw some nutrients in the soil

so heres where i need some help i need some ideas on how to hide a crop of this scale i have been thinking about buying a huge camo net to hang over the field but not sure how obvious it would look from the air so guys any help would be much appreciated and dont try and talk me into a smaller crop my mind is made up i want some LBs and yes i know the risk


Well-Known Member
a big crop like this is going to be hard to hide, the usual advice is to break up into smaller patches
subbing for replies mostly, never know what the devious minds here can come up with
i'd guess camo net would probably be about the best thing, with downsides of course
wind and a large net are usually a bad combination
well i was thinking 8 post bout 10 feet tall 1 in each corner and 1 mid way of each corner for extra support and pull the net tight and tie+nail up but would it let enough sunlight in?


Well-Known Member
i'm not sure how much light such a net would let through
i was thinking about either a modified or custom built net with just enough coverage to do the job
the idea will be to break up the distinctive profile/color of the plants
large project for sure, your plans to secure with posts sound ok
but high winds can be a killer, if a support/line fails it can be complete disaster


Well-Known Member
Good luck bro. I have a 15 acre field and would not plant even close to that many. Find a couple spots elsewhere in the woods and guerilla grow.
thanks kik but the field im using is nowhere near as big as yours and it is not on my own land and it is dead in the middle of the woods best place i can think of for a large grow

i just had the best stoner cheech an chong idea what about if i buy a bunch of 2 way mirrors and ill hang them above my plants and just maybe ill get lucky enough it will be blue skys when the nosy choppers look around and the reflection will look like water :shock:

but keep any ideas comin guys


Well-Known Member
the simplest thing i can think of is the camo being on the ground and underneath
idea is there is some pattern/coloration that would effectively blend with the plants
does such a pattern/camo exist? maybe not, probably dependent on the area you're in
thats a good idea my ground cover plan is the plants are gunna be planted close together no rows or anything i had a old head tell me that when you grow a good size crop if you bunch them all together its more apt to look like some thick brush from the air then weed plants but the idea is they needa be so close every plant is touching and tangled up with the ones next to it may hurt the results on the bottum side of the plant but the idea sounds crazy enough to work what do you think?

pls guys keep any ideas comin im open to all suggestions


Well-Known Member
I think your underestimating the cost it's going to take to camo that field and if someone walks in to this spot and rips them then whats the point. You absolutely must find atleast two more spots that are remote and plant three plots of 10 , or pick a location and within that location plant a few 3 plant plots. This will limit the risk of theft and being spotted and if you were to get caught you don't get caught with 30. Cheers.


Well-Known Member
tightly packed plants is an interesting idea, that could break up the plant profile
i know that the copter spotters use color as a key 'watch for' sign, around harvest time out favourite plant does tend to stand out color wise
but that partly depends on your location
one tip i have seen in my area is to mix with Staghorn sumac, it's a very close match to cannabis
hmm i could uproot a couple small trees to my location couldnt hurt
whats your opinion on plant food im not looking to order anything but a local farmers market sells 50 lb bags of plant food im thinking till the land and spread the food a week or 2 before i plant
the plants will be at least a foot before i plant them
or any good fertillizer suggestions


Well-Known Member
outdoor ferts are tricky, lot of them attract animals
my experience of old is to fert early and mix well, animals may be initially attracted but will lose interest, let 'em dig in any empty field and crop goes in later
as to what to fertilize with is tougher, i currently grow all organic, but hauling organic for a big outside grow is a big project
i have been thinking about chicken shit a friend of mine owns a chicken farm and they have a huge pile of it so im thinking the dirt shall be tiled this week and mix a few buckets full of that with the dirt to make it good and tasty for my babies i watch a high times video nicco dendidos grow like a pro and the outdoor plants on it are organic i never thought you could grow such big tress with organic material and yes it may be a project but its still cheaper and has to be better for you then smoking miracle grow lol but just to throw out a update i didnt do any paper towel germinating but i have planted 75 seeds in individuals cups in soil at an estimate what do you think my harvest outcome will be if none of my plants are attacked by animals and everything goes as planned im hoping 30 to 40 females and expecting 20 with a dry weight of 3lbs?


Well-Known Member
I've worked a lot with that camo netting (mostly in the Army) and honestly I think the following about it:

1- The netting is designed to hide from a lot higher up than the helicopters that are looking for these patches. Also, the cops in these helicopters have rather good zooms and focusing on the cameras they use for surveilance, so they'd surely be able to make out that it IS in fact camo netting and hiding 'something'. It may however provide you some security while tending the patch, and buy you a few days to a week in time while they get a warrant to come back and see what's under it. I believe they'll probably think it's moonshiners or something at first.

2- They will cast a prominent shade on your garden. I don't know if you're only planning on putting it on later in the season closer to harvest, or from the start, but it was always rather dark/shady underneath those things.

3- They're hard as hell to put up by yourself. Think about struggling in the woods for hours by yourself, or the possibility of needing a 'helper' to set up... not always a good idea to have 4 eyes on a patch.

If it's in the middle of nowhere and has no connection to you, soak up the full sun, and leave less to be confiscated if it does get found. I wouldn't space them so closely together that they touch, otherwise you'll have a nightmare of a time tending the center of the patch, and you'll almost surely have mold/budrot issues when the late season rains come and there's no airflow through those plants.

Also, if the entire plot is going to be tilled (think of the noise of the tilling) you'll also need to sort out some mulch to put around the plants to retain moisture and blend away the fresh brown patch. It will also controll weeds (no pun intended). Best to use natural mulch from your surroundings so rake some back to the edge of the patch before you till.
viper and barn fuck you and go the fuck on an stop hating im not effecting your life and i didnt ask for your derogatory comments if you want to help then help if not then pls leave my post alone assholes the reflectors was a joke i know in reality that wouldnt work thats why it was a cheech and chong idea and the camo net was an idea i wanted to see what other people thought about it

growone diggindirt thanks for the info ive honestly decided not to do the net though it would be alot of trouble and i was looking at netting and it would probably stand out more than a weed plant my mulch was going to be pulled up grass to cover my places ive tilled up and the noise of the tiller is not a problem yea i know it noisy but the closest house to my crop will be roughly 2 miles (gotta love mountains and 4wds)

can anybody give me a good organic receipt that they have used with good results?
also how about topping when can you start i have a couple 7 inch plants already can they be topped?

pls guys keep any idea coming

viper2020cobra and barnbuster just wanted to add a extra fuck you


Well-Known Member
Small plots are harder to find and less risk of DEA going after you. Make a big plot if you want to go to prison.
i am alittle worried about the risk but i believe the place i have picked will be the best for this its not my land its on the southside of a mountain i over calculated the size abit its bout 30by30 yards and its just an opening in the forest the people who own the land are older rich folks and they NEVER get out or hunt the land they dont even have a house on this land its just equity to them but they own about 300 acres and to top it all off about 100 yards up the mountain from my plot is a spring that appears to run year round or at least enough to keep a camoed 200 gallon tank filled

i would love to have quantity and quality im here for that as well

to put this all in short and why i am taking this risk is this time next year i hope to have the funds and resources to move to colorado and obtain my liscense to do this legally(may be easier said then done still looking into it) i love weed i smoke everyday and ive caught a few charges for it 1 being a felony and im tired of living in this uptight weed illegal state and want to do something i love that doesnt involve a assembly line and some factory besides i cant support my habit and pay bills on a $300 a week check so go big or go home right? besides ive done 6 months in county its not that bad and prison is easier at least ill have a tv so im willing to risk it to get mysself out of this place and if you cant respect what ive just said then pls dont bother posting on this thread its not for you

so like i said im open to any ideas just throw it at me whether its security receipts for fertillizers(preferably organic) topping budding techniques whatever becaus what is greater than 1 brain? 10 of them