Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013


Well-Known Member
Good thing I decided to take my flashlight and do an egg hunt...found a budworm that had barely done any damage, kicked him ass to the curb. Just gotta maintain for a few more weeks...
I get the joy of feeding any worms I find, to my chickens!.......fitting end to the little bastards!.......


Well-Known Member
Bogglegum dudes, some serious dope. But it doesn't make you dopey, it makes you a genius lol. But seriously, it's some excellent smoke with some amazing pain relieving qualities.

photo (53).jpg


Well-Known Member
One of the many aspects that I'm jealous of, the variety that's available to you guys...maybe I should get out more lol


Well-Known Member
Come to the BBQ..............
The invite alone is amazing, if given half a chance to meet up with you guys it would set my year on fire, but I am unable to make it that far with the funds available to me at the moment, thanks doublejj it means a lot.


Well-Known Member
Are you a Leafs fan? I am a big hockey fan!
Saturday night was hockey night and we bleed blue, we all played hockey and have the scars and dentures to prove it lol.
I'm a home town supporter but being stuck between T.O and Buffalo we're not getting a team anytime soon :(


This is my 2nd grow, last plant to be harvested (Deadhead OG) - I'm loving the purple - @ night it's been in the high 20's & low 30's. I got scared & pulled early last year, so this is new to me & super cool! Does anyone know if the color will stay thru the cure? Just growing for my own personal stash:) Any comments would be appreciated, thx in advance! PS - prob a stupid question, but how do you "give rep" to people w/ great info? I'd love to help out everyone who's been posting such good stuff! Wish I would have found this site last year :)

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Well-Known Member
This is my 2nd grow, last plant to be harvested (Deadhead OG) - I'm loving the purple - @ night it's been in the high 20's & low 30's. I got scared & pulled early last year, so this is new to me & super cool! Does anyone know if the color will stay thru the cure? Just growing for my own personal stash:) Any comments would be appreciated, thx in advance! PS - prob a stupid question, but how do you "give rep" to people w/ great info? I'd love to help out everyone who's been posting such good stuff! Wish I would have found this site last year :)

probably View attachment 2865333View attachment 2865334View attachment 2865335View attachment 2865336View attachment 2865337View attachment 2865338
do you see that little star symbol below each post? it...


Do you cover the sides @ night w/ anything, or just leave it open? Damn, marijuana is tough - they don't call it "weed" for nothin'!!! Everthing else in my yard is all frozen & ugly & dead - but the girls just keep on going.... LOVING IT!!!:hump:


Soory, asking DirtSurfr re this post:My girls have been in the low 30s high 20s at night for over a week, their fine cause I got them protected.
sorry, still trying to figure out how this site worx, thx for patience:)


Well-Known Member
got this shit trimmed yesterday, Mija stopped by for like 2 seconds, and ended up staying for about 20 minutes looking at my goodies, and my hash oil, and the trimmings and yeah, totally forgot to take pictures. I'm pretty sure she was late getting her friend to go Salsa dancing... I spent ALL night trimming, and I STILL had 8 branches of the Molokai kush left in the morning, I was going pretty slow though since I had to walk home with my stuff stuffed inside my coat (my bike got a flat tire right after arriving at my spot, 20 mile walk...) I will have to post some of the dry stuff when it finishes, I've got them hanging in a shoe box in my room, covered with a towel, covered with like 2 blankets and my room smells like someone ran over a skunk. GOOD LORD I will have to do something about that... I only cut about 1/10th my crop, hopefully it grows bigger in the few weeks that are left. I haven't touched a single bud on the wild thai, or blue thai, they are getting big, but still lots of white pistils