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  • Whats good bro?

    Hows everything going, havent talked to you in a min hope all is well.
    hey man im a first time grower i know youre pretty experienced from your threads i was just looking to maybe get a little advice on some things if thats cool
    hello little brotha. i love my purple le pews. got 2 on right now. Both very very different strains. please check out my puppet cONkeys journal. i will post some pix by the end of the weekend on there for ya. miss ya, hope your well. stay green . Abmz
    INEW it I fuckin NEW IT!!!! i aint no spammer, never have been. Im in the dog house i dont know why ? what did i do, was I tooo mean ??lol
    I MISS YOU!! i cant get or give pms THIS SUCKS ROYALLY> i asked mello kitty and potroast to give em back but they arent listening yet. I gues s im too much of a dirty dog! and what about your killer dogs.???. I tried sending you a package a long time ago for you and billcollector and it got sent back . IT said that there was a dog at the address and they couldnt deliever it. !!!!!In fact i was sending some cards out this evening and saw your name !!!!!!!!! to wierd. you still got my yahoo email? no?
    Im so gald your ok.! im in fuckin arizona now!!!! more baked then ever. keep in touch family guy..lol
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