One thing i fucking hate


Well-Known Member
alright the one thing that i hate is being judged by other people, but being judged for smoking pot is probably one of the shittiest things..especially by people who have never tried it before in their life, because how can you judge something when you've never tried it before or learned about the positive things about it. Like there is so much shit out there especially shit that the government puts out about pot that like isnt true. If only people knew how sweet pot is ha like only if they knew that it was pretty much harmless, but alot of people think its like the devil. i dont get it..anybody have thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Because the shitty government has lumped it in with drugs. It's complete bullshit. I used to hate being judged for having tattoos but I've long been over giving a damn what the morale majority thinks.


Well-Known Member
ya, i like to point out that I scored a 2100 on the SAT and got the highest score in my class on all my APs but one. And I smoke herb. where's the downside? is it hurting my life because I had my choice of virtually any college I wanted? (ok, I didn't get into Carnegie Mellon, but that's it) people think that potheads are dropouts and dead ends, I like to prove them wrong


Well-Known Member
exactly, im proud to be a fucking pothead haha. It doesnt effect me at school like in anyway and i play varsity sports and still manage to stay in shape and blaze a few a day. it keeps my soul alright and it keeps me high up above


Well-Known Member
exactly, im proud to be a fucking pothead haha. It doesnt effect me at school like in anyway and i play varsity sports and still manage to stay in shape and blaze a few a day. it keeps my soul alright and it keeps me high up above
What grade are you in? and how old are ya?


Junior Creatologist
i toootally agree. I hate people that are all "fuck you for smoking pot" n then im like "no way bitch" n hes all "your the devil you drug addict fuck" n then im like "suck my ballsack mister, go fuck your wrinkled up wife on your hermedically sealed couch" n then hes all "fine, i will" n like, totally walks away....


Well-Known Member
a perfect score on the SAT is a 1600...
new SAT is out of 2400.

I also scored a 32 composite score on the ACT (out of 36) which translates to an SAT of 2120 or something like that. I scored top ACT and second on the SAT in my high school class, so I was perfectly happy. (though mad about a 700 on math)


Well-Known Member
yo dudes, jsut remember that ignorance is bliss, its easier for idiots to just ignor ethe facts about weed and say that its a drug like heorin or coke, they dont care about erowid or NORML cause its easier to be a fuckface
haha this thread makes me wanna go outside and smoke another bowl real quick

ok im in 12 grade and im 18 (had to redo 7th grade, i know, what the fuck) i got a 2160 on my SAT, even though im a big time stoner i can keep my shit together, ive been on high fucking honor roll all through highschool and everything, being a stoner does not mean that your dumb, in fact it means that your smart enough to question the bullshit of the government

HOLY shit i just realized how profound all this is