ok ima squash tis question 1ce in all


Well-Known Member
i kan spel car i kan spel you but if chu kno anything its bout ya background ya gotta keep it but fuck sum ppl have no respect for their background no more
let me guess you're a white kid in the suburbs somewhere who just found out your great great grandfather came from mexico and now your wearing a long sleeve plad only buttoned at the top and some khakis and you're walking around calling everybody essay. right?


Well-Known Member
i kan spel car i kan spel you but if chu kno anything its bout ya background ya gotta keep it but fuck sum ppl have no respect for their background no more
I personally could not care less about using proper grammer,i cant spell worth a shit but you gotta understand that the way your writing these threads is hard as a mother fucker for people to read,i can barely read your posts.

I find myself sitting here sounding out each word slowly before moving on to the next word.

Chat room spelling does not go over well on most forums for this reason.


Well-Known Member
No problems w/your opinions,Just your grammer & how you pronounce your words,And by the way,I completely have now idea what your trying to say in your thread."Chu===You" Chit==Shit right.I just want to clear that up.I concur w/you i enjoy out growing outdoors my self.Good luck w/your grow And you may look into taking an english as a 2nd lanuage & writing course.Please dont take that as me being a dick.


Well-Known Member
wel fuk then ima try mak mor since then but why the fuck ery1 gota get hurt bout it?
Im not hurt nor am i mad at you,i understand how fucking hard it is to communicate with people in other languages,i try very hard to speak spanish with men who work for me,most of the time they laugh at me but i dont get mad or give up either.

Keep trying & you'll get there,your english is much better than my spanish & ive been trying to learn spanish for years.

Guared el intentar del hermano,usted conseguira alli :blsmoke:.


Well-Known Member
nah i see wat ya sayin homi an i dont tak no1 for adik until they talk shit<<<mah fackas haper now erry1 has they opinoins but when they start hatin its pret fucked


Well-Known Member
Hey Chain.Dont listen to most of those "assholes" Fuck them.I had an extremely hard time trying to decifer what you wre trying to say,but after reading it for @ 20 mins,I understood.


Well-Known Member
nah im not sayin ya hurt pan im takin bout the other 1s who say im fukin idiot an shit but i understan wer yal komin from so im try jus shange my shit round to help yals out