Obama? or McCain?


New Member
Did acorn have someone sign me up and voted for bush x amount of times?

Never voted for bush, sorry...um, what where you saying, again?:mrgreen:

What you fail to look at, is you might remember the bush white house as not sooo bad after the time spent with an obama white house.
fucked up thought huh?
funny you should bring up acorn...john mccain was the keynote speaker at acorn's 2006 convention...


Well-Known Member
mcain is to fucking old + hes a republican so as far as im concerned i dont want his ass in there cause thats what is in office right now a republican and are economy is fucked. we need a democrat in there now and i think obama is serious about fixing the economy and i think he will make some good choices hes got my vote, fuck mccain.


Well-Known Member
That's a weak argument.

His Grandfather, and his Father both served this country, as did McCain (even if he didn't a shitty job of it.)

And Canada and England's Health Care do deserve to be mentioned with nothing but Sarcasm.

Both of those system's are falling a part.

In Canada you wait 8 months for a hip replacement, that's inefficient.

In England, well there's a reason why even after decades of socialized medicine we are still joking about their teeth here in the states.

Hell, this isn't even something that could be accused of bias, because it wasn't reported by the US Media. It was reported by one of the British Newspapers. Dentists in Britain are refusing to take on complicated cases because of the lack of compensation.

Socialized Medicine is stupid!
You would say that since you have only looked at one Model of it. (Canada/UK Model) Look at the Netherlands model, it may be more to your liking. There if you make under the equivalent of $23,000 a year you pay nothing then the system is tiered after that. Secondly they have a philosophy that the patient comes first and the paper work comes into play after the patient is taken care of.

Study different models of socialized medicine / Universal Health Care before you make that assumption.

You see the reason those health care systems don't work so well is because of the Tax Base (population) Canada and England does not have a population near the amount of the United States. The US with a Population of 300 Million and climbing this is a perfect tax base for such a health case system.
The Netherlands Model would be the better system to pursue.
Also in the Netherlands model, you allowed to supplement the health care with private insurance, so if you think that you deserve better health care than the rest of the population, you can do so with the private supplementary insurance.

You see you are making an assumption without having all the facts.


New Member
with the money our government spends on healthcare we could have the best system in the world, if we weren't so worried about lining the pockets of the fat cat doctors. not to mention the pharmecutical cocompanies.....The U.S. spends much more on health care than Canada, both on a per-capita basis and as a percentage of GDP. In 2006, per-capita spending for health care in the U.S. was US $6,714; in Canada, US $3,678. The U.S. spent 15.3% of GDP on health care in that year; Canada spent 10.0%.


Well-Known Member
ill hurt your mom when i thrust this large cock in her pussy.
posting this thread was pointless anyways

Doctor Pot

Well-Known Member
Me and my significant other are going to vote for Obama too. She wore an Obama/Biden shirt to work yesterday, and it was amazing how nice she was treated by black folks. We're in a red (but battleground) state, so you don't see a lot of blatant Obama supporters around here, because of fear of redneck backlash. My significant other's a Jew, so her ethnic group has dealt with persecution, so she doesn't give in to redneckophobia, and me, I'm just fearless.
Yeah, I felt really safe in black neighborhoods when I was campaigning for Obama. Ordinarily, I'd feel a bit uncomfortable, I mean, my brother was mugged once while going through a black neighborhood. I remember there were five black guys sitting in front of a house talking about some guy that one of them knew from prison, and I just walked up and asked them if they were registered to vote. It was kind of funny trying to pinpoint each candidate's most reliable supporters. Obama's were black people. Every one of them was either for Obama. Hillary Clinton's most reliable supporters were ugly middle-aged white women. Funny how that worked out. ;)

no, there aren't any better alternatives. who you votin, nader??? come on, he isn't a real candidate. i think both parties pay him to run at every major campaign that he's eligible to participate in, just to throw off the numbers and fuck with the system/media. if you sit down and listen to him, you'll see he's got a pretty good head on his shoulders. that's why he'll "never" be a serious challenge to any major political party. any green candidate, has got to really have a serious message to deliver, to change the status quo. "feel free to use my words to deliver the message to the masses!"
There is a grain of truth to this. Mainstream candidates have to act in a very specific, kind of douchebaggy way in order to not alienate certain groups of voters and thus win. Candidates like Nader know there's no way in hell they'll win, and so they're able to speak their minds.

Obviously I'm voting for Obama. The guy is extremely intelligent, he understands a broad range of issues, and I agree with all but a few of his policies.


Well-Known Member
Obviously I'm voting for Obama. The guy is extremely intelligent, he understands a broad range of issues, and I agree with all but a few of his policies.
It's sooo broad I can't get a simple answer and to what in detail are these great policies?

...Is it the way he pushed a 4 page trillion dollar deal?:roll:
no, no no it's his free healthcare plan, right?:roll:

Learn what you can(before the lights go out:mrgreen:)about inflation, it's coming soon.that will tell you whos telling the truth, don't just take my word..or obamas.
He has no platform to stand on other then hope and not being mccain

hope and not being mccain vs inflation...guess who wins?
no winners, only losers across the board for a while, some say a few years.

Doctor Pot

Well-Known Member
It's sooo broad I can't get a simple answer and to what in detail are these great policies?

...Is it the way he pushed a 4 page trillion dollar deal?:roll:
No one, least of all Democrats, pushed Henry Paulson's initial three-page proposal.
no, no no it's his free healthcare plan, right?:roll:
That's not even part of his proposal. Get your facts straight.

Learn what you can...
I find this kind of ironic from someone with only the vaguest notion of Obama's policies and proposals.
(before the lights go out:mrgreen:)about inflation, it's coming soon.
Inflation has been going on since at least the 19th century. It's been particularly bad under a certain current president who shall remain unnamed...
that will tell you whos telling the truth, don't just take my word..or obamas.
He has no platform to stand on other then hope and not being mccain

hope and not being mccain vs inflation...guess who wins?
no winners, only losers across the board for a while, some say a few years.
I could recite any number of issues in Obama's platform, but I am 100% sure that it won't do any good. So here's his website:

Barack Obama and Joe Biden: The Change We Need | Policy Issues


Well-Known Member
No one, least of all Democrats, pushed Henry Paulson's initial three-page proposal. here I thought, it was the repukes who voted such a dumb idea down the frist time around.oop's must have been some other party.

That's not even part of his proposal. Get your facts straight.
Healthcare isn't apart of his platform? again, oop's my bad.

I find this kind of ironic from someone with only the vaguest notion of Obama's policies and proposals. no shit, dude! were both talking about you, right?

Inflation has been going on since at least the 19th century. It's been particularly bad under a certain current president who shall remain unnamed...You and your mothers mother has never seen an inflation that's about hit.I'm not trying to scare you either, I'm being honest. we are a system of credit, right? what's credit like during a huge inflation?

I could recite any number of issues in Obama's platform, but I am 100% sure that it won't do any good. So here's his website:
see that's not true.He has ideas and plans, they all do.and might I add, they are all just as wonderful.
his platform is easly discredited: no money no honey.

Barack Obama and Joe Biden: The Change We Need | Policy Issues


Well-Known Member
with the money our government spends on healthcare we could have the best system in the world, if we weren't so worried about lining the pockets of the fat cat doctors. not to mention the pharmecutical cocompanies.....The U.S. spends much more on health care than Canada, both on a per-capita basis and as a percentage of GDP. In 2006, per-capita spending for health care in the U.S. was US $6,714; in Canada, US $3,678. The U.S. spent 15.3% of GDP on health care in that year; Canada spent 10.0%.
I blame those damn greedy tort lawyers actually...

Does it strike you as fucked up that a surgeon pays over $144K in malpractice insurance?


New Member
Dr. Pot ...

If you liked Jimmy Carter, yer gonna LOVE Barak. O'Bama is Jimmy Carter on steroids.


Doctor Pot

Well-Known Member
Hmm. Considering Jimmy Carter's presidency and my life never overlapped, I'm not sure I'd be able to offer an opinion on his administration. Still, the only people I've heard compare Carter and Obama are conservatives who really don't like either of them. I hear comparisons between Obama and Kennedy a lot more.


Well-Known Member
Carter was a wiser man than he's given credit for. It was he who said that we should never allow ourselves to be dependent on hostile countries for oil, and that we should begin exploring alternatives. Unfortunately, the gas lines stopped and gas got cheap again, and people just kinda blew it off. Now, 30-35 years later, we see just how right he was every time we go fill up the tank.