Obama? or McCain?

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
Because there are better alternatives than the two main stream candidates. So, why did you vote for Obama?
no, there aren't any better alternatives. who you votin, nader??? come on, he isn't a real candidate. i think both parties pay him to run at every major campaign that he's eligible to participate in, just to throw off the numbers and fuck with the system/media. if you sit down and listen to him, you'll see he's got a pretty good head on his shoulders. that's why he'll "never" be a serious challenge to any major political party. any green candidate, has got to really have a serious message to deliver, to change the status quo. "feel free to use my words to deliver the message to the masses!"


Well-Known Member
Me and my significant other are going to vote for Obama too. She wore an Obama/Biden shirt to work yesterday, and it was amazing how nice she was treated by black folks. We're in a red (but battleground) state, so you don't see a lot of blatant Obama supporters around here, because of fear of redneck backlash. My significant other's a Jew, so her ethnic group has dealt with persecution, so she doesn't give in to redneckophobia, and me, I'm just fearless.


Well-Known Member
Ron Paul is getting my vote. I am intrigued to hear tipsgnob's explanation though as to what is wrong with McCain.


New Member
Me and my significant other are going to vote for Obama too. She wore an Obama/Biden shirt to work yesterday, and it was amazing how nice she was treated by black folks. We're in a red (but battleground) state, so you don't see a lot of blatant Obama supporters around here, because of fear of redneck backlash. My significant other's a Jew, so her ethnic group has dealt with persecution, so she doesn't give in to redneckophobia, and me, I'm just fearless.
God help us all if Obama gets elected.....

"What do you mean Reverend Wright isn't qualified for the Supreme Court? Are you......RACIST?"

"What do you mean you're voting against my budget proposal? Are you......RACIST?

"What do you mean my poll numbers are dropping? Who the fuck cares about them......they're all just a bunch of RACISTS! Lets send another brigade to Niger. They can plant more maize."


New Member
God help us all if Obama gets elected.....

"What do you mean Reverend Wright isn't qualified for the Supreme Court? Are you......RACIST?"

"What do you mean you're voting against my budget proposal? Are you......RACIST?

"What do you mean my poll numbers are dropping? Who the fuck cares about them......they're all just a bunch of RACISTS! Lets send another brigade to Niger. They can plant more maize."
don't you just hate those uppity-ass colored people......