obama flips off mccain what a gentlman


Well-Known Member
Yep, and most of it is is being born on the right side. The amount of those who made alot of privaledged birth (cuz you SHORE ain't gonna make it startin from nothin, you can't, try it if you don't believe me) seem to think they know what it is like, when they have been born with enough money sittin in a bank making them more money than I make bustin my ass all week wipin asses and cleaning up vomit and pee. No, peas and apples, my friends.

That goes for race, too. I had it bad being born white trash, but I prolly had it worse if I had been born another race. I am resentful enough of the treatment of females in this culture, I wudda been worse if I had to deal with prejudice over race, too. I have had a little bit of it, but not nearly spoon fed it from day one like some have been. I can only empathize with them.
I couldn't disagree more: explain OBAMA then.
Be honest, What's stopping you from, um being a doctor?
10 years from today, you could be working in the ER or privet practice living the good life. How does 10k a week sound?.(a half as doctor makes 120k)
I have what I need to maintan a nice personal freedom lifestyle, because that's what I want in life...
Don't want to clean up piss anymore? I don't blame you one bit.
You have an option to not do it anymore, you really do.
How bad do you want it?
yes, I empathize too. I'm human, geeze.
I'm all about helping the homeless.In fact I'm making a film about the subject.Youtube has banned the first chapter twice or I'd get you the link.
I can only edit so much reality.


Well-Known Member
Um, it is interesting you would mention doctor (tho I honestly don't need or want that pressure) I dropped outta med school once before, now I am slowly crawling my way back up that I hafta pay for cuz I blowed my Pail grant and I am getting my LPN thing started this spring. I am already certified, but as of spring I am goin for LPN or RN.

Nothin stops my stubborn ass.:mrgreen:

But I don't mind. I am actually quite content with my life right now, I am havin a blast and actually doin pretty good in bad times. But it is partially cuz I believe you make your own reality, and perspective is everything, so I try to keep mine positive.