obama flips off mccain what a gentlman


Well-Known Member
I think we was a gentleman about it. At least he disguised it. Besides... gentlemen are boring anyway. I would've enjoyed it if he would've just came out and said "Fuck you, McCain!".

Big P

Well-Known Member
I think we was a gentleman about it. At least he disguised it. Besides... gentlemen are boring anyway. I would've enjoyed it if he would've just came out and said "Fuck you, McCain!".

I can see you view as a supporter but you must understand this type of thing would be very upsetting to independents and if hes realy doing that on purpose I find it very troubling how petty and childish it would be, very unworthy of our leader

I mean think about it man, that is one of the scaryest things I ever seen him do if it was on purpose, it shows that his evil hateful side is definatly there beneath the surface. it show he has great bitterness to sneak that in for his own personal backhanded slap. shows selfishness

and that means bad things for atleast half the country if not all of it

Big P

Well-Known Member
On a serious note... I think you're for McCain and thats why your using this shit as anti-Obama propaganda. Of course he didn't do it on purpose. Believe it or not, the middle finger is used for more than just flicking the bird.

I dont know if it was on purpose, Im just saying if it really was then its really wrong.



Well-Known Member
damm P your sad...........thats like getting a pic of Mccain waving to someone, and than saying he was preforming a nazi salute:wall::wall::wall:

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
Thats the kind of asshole we need in the Whitehouse and his Bitchass wife too? You forgot to mention he was congratulating Mccain on a good race. Why bother if you planed to flip him off! Just shows Barrack Husein Obama ( sound like muslim to me) is a real Chicago Dickhead politician and a backstabber. The American people are gonna take it in the ass if he become president because he is allready flipping us all off and laughung about it! Terrorist do the same shit. Smile and tell you what you want to hear and then flip your as offf and do what they said they would not! Same as Obama!

Big P

Well-Known Member
lol maybe

but i cant know if its true or not, how can I say for sure he was meaning to flip Mccain off

but there are other videos when he does it when talking about hillary


Well-Known Member
I'm with Natrone. This is a sad, sad example of making sure the focus AIN"T on the issues......

But what can you expect? The other side promotes rascism, mysogeny and homophobia, but the middle finger is bad?:roll:


Well-Known Member
This thread should be entitled "Hey lets get together and have one last BASH OBAMA FOR STUPID SHIT session" before he becomes president... because thats all it is. Hey while we're at it, lets bring up that bullshit picture of him in Arabic dress and call him a Muslim!... but we must make sure we leave out the facts.

Big P

Well-Known Member
This thread should be entitled "Hey lets get together and have one last BASH OBAMA FOR STUPID SHIT" session before he becomes president... because thats all it is. Hey while we're at it, lets bring up that bullshit picture of him in Arabic dress and call him a Muslim!... but we must make sure we leave out the facts.

wait a min? are you guys saying its wrong to say such bad things about a sitting president?????



however as for me I could never publicly speak badly of our leader regardless of whom as it weakens us as a people and a country. Somthing dearly lost on my liberal friends whom seem to have no restraint or tact


Well-Known Member
i agree with you growspecialist

yep lets bring up the fact that he is well educated,attends a christian church regularly for past 20yrs(this makes him a terrorist?)

lets bring up the fact that obama is more than qualified to lead the country out of disaster,lets bring up the fact that if he was muslim,would that actually matter?lets bring up the fact that he doesnt go on snl to boost a funny side to get votes,lets bring up the fact that we have a comedian in office that got us into a world of shit.

lets bring up the fact that he was mostlikely just scratching his face,anything to bash someone to deter voters.

lets bring up the fact that there are stupid racist rednecks who want to ensure the white race,come on quit fucking your cousins and get a fucking education,accept the darwin theory. get a life,the south will not rise again,for it has permanatly fell and for the most part(not including the racist dipshits) changed for the better,excluding katrina.

get your head out of your cousins snatch and make the right decision and vote for.....:peace:BAMA

Big P

Well-Known Member
you may remeber me from such posts as "Obama is a black woman" and "Obama, the other white meat"

and who can forget about

"Obama is he really and mexican illigal alien invader?":mrgreen:

ok im done for now gotta go back to work, I think ive said enough. next thing i know the Obama Gustapo will be knocking on my IP address once he becomes pres:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
lets bring up the fact that there are stupid racist rednecks who want to ensure the white race
Thats what its all about right there. Thats why there are Obama haters. They don't like dark skinned people. Doesn't matter how smart they are. Doesn't matter how compassionate they are. Doesn't matter how qualified they are. All that matters is that pesky pigmentation. They can't find anything of actual substance to use against Obama... so they have to come up with baseless rumors and bullshit pictures to twist them into something that they aren't. Rednecks are so intellectually stunted its unreal.


Well-Known Member
I'm old school. We called them 'Bigots' back in the day, but now 'rascist' would still work.

Same thing, I will judge a man by the decisions he makes, and the example he has set, not by things he has had NO control over- such as his name, race, and so on.

To me that is as assanine as saying 'He wuddn't be a good president cuz he has brown eyes instead of blue."bongsmilie

Big P

Well-Known Member
Thats what its all about right there. Thats why there are Obama haters. They don't like dark skinned people. Doesn't matter how smart they are. Doesn't matter how compassionate they are. Doesn't matter how qualified they are. All that matters is that pesky pigmentation. They can't find anything of actual substance to use against Obama... so they have to come up with baseless rumors and bullshit pictures to twist them into something that they aren't. Rednecks are so intellectually stunted its unreal.

heres proof u guys are actually race baiters which is worse than an admitted bigot

I would vote for Colen Powell right now. so pls dont insult me.


Well-Known Member
lets bring up the fact that obama is more than qualified to lead the country out of disaster
Lets do that. more then qualified you said, huh?
must be talking about a different obama, not the 2 year JR Senator from IL.


Well-Known Member
Thats what its all about right there. Thats why there are Obama haters. They don't like dark skinned people. Doesn't matter how smart they are. Doesn't matter how compassionate they are. Doesn't matter how qualified they are. All that matters is that pesky pigmentation. They can't find anything of actual substance to use against Obama... so they have to come up with baseless rumors and bullshit pictures to twist them into something that they aren't. Rednecks are so intellectually stunted its unreal.

Pretty broad paint brush. Could almost call it 'prejudice'? Or your own version of bigotry?

How about I don't agree with Obama on 80% of his views? Why can't that be a factor?

If I don't vote for Obama I'm a racist?

Call me a racist then, what ever label you deem appropriate.

Sounds like you support Obama because of his 'pesky' pigmentation.


Well-Known Member
Pretty broad paint brush. Could almost call it 'prejudice'? Or your own version of bigotry?

How about I don't agree with Obama on 80% of his views? Why can't that be a factor?

If I don't vote for Obama I'm a racist?

Call me a racist then, what ever label you deem appropriate.

Sounds like you support Obama because of his 'pesky' pigmentation.

that doesnt make you racist,it makes u oppinionated.its the stupidity of people who say stupid bullshit to get "shock votes". each has his own,thats how people need to vote,by the words or views of a candidate,not skin color,ect...