Nike617's 600watt seedsman white widow grow!


Active Member
I am gonna pull up a chair for this one. I am also growing WW mine are from BCSEEDKING.COM. Check it out if you want So far everything looks good keep up the good work.
Very true in my experience about 75% of the faster/bigger growing plants turn out to be male hmmmmmm. Of course thats before I started buying my seeds feminized now 100% have always been female so far so good. OOps I think I grabed the wrong post. LOL Im stoned !!


Active Member
Why do u have a stick in your pot. Ive never needed to prop up a plant. You just need to have a fan blowin on em all the time to make the stalk and stems strong and also helps the plant take in co2.


Well-Known Member
cause the plants were very small and the fan was making them grow sideways. oh btw my seeds are femm seeds so yeah. I should have ALL females. and you think I should wait 2 weeks? to transplant? its in week 2 of vegg. and im not stopping at 3 gallons the goal is 5 gallon grow bags.


Well-Known Member
hey, i would put them under the hps for a few days...i put my widow under a 250 for a few days and holy shit, they got huge. Tons of under growth. had under cfl's for week, then under hps for a week... i have them back under the cfls again because i have to leave a lot.... 3 weeks in and i'm gettin my 3 gal pots tomorrow....flowering at the end of the week


Well-Known Member
Here's mine... Seedsman White Widow on left and GHSC Church on right... I usually veg longer and bigger but i want to flower these i can have some smoke soon... I always take 2 clones per plant and veg one longer to take several more... I'm topping tonight and flowering friday....



Well-Known Member
things are still going very well, a day over 2 weeks in vegg. Keeping my fingers crossed lol. More pics coming up in a few days or so.


Well-Known Member
These around 2-3 weeks... i forgot... i want these soo bad... i havent smoked in 6 months.. hopefully i can toke the 28th of nov

Since these are from seed i always flower small and just take a clone or 2 then work on those.


Well-Known Member
oh really, yeah im just going straight through. Have you smoked seedsman ww before? I cant't wait to smoke it im just over 2 weeks of vegg lol. I feel like its going sooooooooo slow lol


Well-Known Member
yeah I can't wait to smoke it. I'm only in 2 weeks into vegg lol. I haven't seen to many pics of it.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, I don't hace pics right now, but a couple of my leaves are turining very light green amlmost a yellow color its really the smaller bottom leaves the very bottom ones. they seem to also be very wrinly looking lol. Can't explain it. Ill put some new pics up later.


Well-Known Member
have u started nutes? Mine are still green as ever... just put into flower yesterday.

Started its first feeding of bloom... never fed in veg. Used FFOF then transplant to half FFOF and half Happy Frog.


Well-Known Member
im going to be putting some more pics up soon today is week 3 of vegg I feel like they should be alot bigger then they really are 2 are doing awsome. another is tall but not bushy at all. and the smaller one is bushy and green its just short.


Well-Known Member
pictures will actually be coming up tonight. I'm kinda confused, its 3 weeks of vegg I feel like they should be bigger.


Well-Known Member
things are going pretty well. they seem very sensitive to nutes, even though I started at 1/4 strength. Im just going to wait for flowering to start nutes.