Nike617's 600watt seedsman white widow grow!


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, ITS NIKE617 here, finally starting my grow journal. My grow is an aircooled 600 watt. Im growing 4 seedaman white widows. with Fox farm Ocean Forrest soil. I just put them into 16oz cups. im doing to greenhouse effect. im also using fox farm nutes the trio- grow big,big bloom,tiger bloom. I just put seeds into soil today. Pictures coming up in a few hours.


I'm in the 8th week of flowering with my widows. Seeing your journal makes me think back 4 months.....lotsa fun lol. Good luck to you sir.


Well-Known Member
hey everyone I need help. 2 of my widows popped today. but one of the the tape root came up what do I do?


Well-Known Member
Hey...Following this.. I also have Seedsman widow.. I'm also doin church, and g13 haze x NYC Diesel


Well-Known Member
ok cool thanks man. Hey I need some help. Im starting them off in 16oz cups. Then I am going to put them into 5 gallon grow bags. When do you think I should transfer into the grow bags.


Well-Known Member
and does anyone know whats the deal with one of my girls the canopy lookl like its stuck to itself. its been like that for about 3 days. I dont know if it will eventually fix itself?


Well-Known Member
i usually transplant once they become rootbound... maybe 2-3 weeks. She should open up by now...give it a few more days...idk.


Well-Known Member
hey nike don't transplant, just leave em grow. you should cover up the clear cups, algae and other whatnots that you don't want in your soil, will be in your soil. leave them grow until they max out in the containers you have them in and slowly work your way up, maybe use some white paper around the cups with tape that you can remove to look at the roots, but not have them directly exposed to the light. these are some basic gardening tips. i would say transplant to a 1 gallon after they max out, then a 3 gallon before flowering or 5 gallon depending on how long you want to flower. but remember, more rootspace=more buds but not all right away, transplanting is good. hope this helps