Nibiru / Eros / Planet X


Well-Known Member
Anything to do with the bible is fuggn hoopwa. The Christens would love for the earth to end so they could have there “I told you so” episodes. For all of you wishing that this will bring an end to your miserable existence, all I have to say is sorry. I got up today, and unless I die on or before 2012, I will continue to get up again and again. Any logical person could tell you that unless the sun red dwarfs or a large object hits the earth people are going to have to keep guessing when the world is going to end. I sure as hell don’t know as well as other s when the world is going to end but I promise we will be long gone and forgotten about. See the problem we have is speculation, we as humans live in the moment and feel we understand time, when all we are is a shit stain on time. When we are gone and no one even knows we existed, except for all the plastic!

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Thanks!I saw your other post which said this!
Check this out
ive been reading through google scholar
on the properties of marijuana. in this article states (through injestion) place 1 gram of your fav bud in vodka or barcardi 151 cover with plastic thc disloves in alcohol solution!!!(only drinkable alcohol)!!!!!we have to drink it!!! it the solution or tincture
tetrahydracannibinol-thc- offers properties
such as antineoplastic (tumors) neruroprotection (increases motor function's)
all forms of living plants,herbs,fruits,vegtables have these effects


Active Member
Thanks for posting that. I have a couple of comments and a few questions.

some good info to read which may help some understand the concept a bit more
So this also implies that this planet is in orbit around the Sun. Are we in consensus then that this theoretical object is in orbit around the Sun?

As I was reading this article, it occurred to me that none of the math makes any sense. There are formulas without any basis ... almost as if the result was driving the formulation of ideas. For example, sexigesimal number systems don't work like that. There's no tens in there. It goes 1, 60, 3600, etc.

There is reference in the article to what is described as a 'pole shift' that occurs every other orbit. It doesn't go into any detail as to what that entail, or how it is physically accomplished.

According to this guy, "[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Sumerian and Mayan text both state that Nibiru is clearly visible by day as well as night[/FONT][/FONT]". Now let's assume Nibiru will return in 2012, that means the last time it visited was around 1590 bce (2012-3600) and before that around 5190 bce (-1590-3600). So the first Mayan settlements were around 1000 bce and the Mayan collapse was by around 900 ce (AD). The earliest reference I could find for the Sumerian pre-cuneiform was around 3500 bce and Sumer's renaissance appears to be done by 1700 bce. It looks to me that neither of those cultures were around to witness this astronomical event. I suspect the texts he was referring to reference some other events.

Finally, he references some news articles concerning Planet X in the media. Now, sure, there was an unexplained wobble to Uranus. Unexplained, that is until a couple of smart guys figured it belonged to another planet. Their predictions were within one degree of where Neptune was discovered. Then there was a little more uncertainty and it still didn't get resolved with the discovery of Pluto (or Charon). It wasn't until 1993 when they revised the mass of Neptune due to the flyby of Voyager 2 that the gravitational effect of Neptune on Uranus was completely satisfied.

I'm sorry, but again I'm not finding anything compelliing.


New Member
My personal jury is still out on this Nibiru thing. I have questions.

The theory is that Nibiru will be visible just past the sun with a telescope in 2009. I have a telescope, if you try to look just past the sun with it, you'll be blinded. We can't even look at the moon if it is over half full, it's just too bright. Who is looking at the sun with what telescope and thinks they will be able to see anything?

I've also read lots on the Mayan 2012 prediction. I've read the theory about the center of the Milky way being perfectly aligned with our galaxy also timed with an increase in solar flares from the sun.

I think something may happen in 2012, too many ancient cultures have targeted that date. I see no harm in trying to prepare for it.

I have noticed an increased number of websites dedicated to surviving 2012, I think I'll browse a few, if anything they'll be good for a laugh.



its almost 2009 and there isnt jack shit but planets moons and satellites in that sky


Well-Known Member
anything to do with the bible is fuggn hoopwa. The christens would love for the earth to end so they could have there “i told you so” episodes. For all of you wishing that this will bring an end to your miserable existence, all i have to say is sorry. I got up today, and unless i die on or before 2012, i will continue to get up again and again. Any logical person could tell you that unless the sun red dwarfs or a large object hits the earth people are going to have to keep guessing when the world is going to end. I sure as hell don’t know as well as other s when the world is going to end but i promise we will be long gone and forgotten about. See the problem we have is speculation, we as humans live in the moment and feel we understand time, when all we are is a shit stain on time. When we are gone and no one even knows we existed, except for all the plastic!
pretty good i must say to that!...............


New Member
I tried to read it Stoney, I really did, but it's early and it was being all scientific so I gave up.

My jury is still out, I'll let ya know what I think about planet x on dec 20 2012......:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
stoney, way to kill my thread, lmao...that was some good literature, put my mind to ease a bit, however i still am curious about summerian and myan dates and predictions based on galactic alignments...maybe i just smoke too much


Well-Known Member
Beat me to it misshestermoffitt. I see there hasnt been many posts since last I was here. Hope all had a great holiday and new year! I watched last night and what was the thing that exploded above the earth that was equil to like 1000 nukes? supposedly happened like 100years ago? I was a little sleepy when it was on.

Dont worry Bobby I will help keep this thread alive. I think we are more likely to have massive earthquakes and a super volcano when we go through the dark rift and the earth wobble thing happens. Yellowstone Nat. park has been on an elevation for a long time so if that blows were f*cked especially here in the states!


New Member
We aren't going through the dark rift, our sun is going to align with it and it's going to create some kind of weird eclipse or something.

The thing 100 years ago is probably that meteor that hit in siberia and knocked down a whole forest.


Well-Known Member
I was under the impression that we are headed into the dark rift currently and the sun will align in the center of our galixy in 2012. Dont we go into the central gravitational plane about every 26000 yrs? This is the dark rift. Causing pole shifts and such? How if at all will the sun being in the center of the galixy affect gravitional pulls or will it just be eclipses and such?


Well-Known Member
from what i know something is aligned with the center of the milky way forming a some type for perfect holy cross which fors the dark rift.....maaaan theres so many different views out there im damn near confused


New Member
I don't know, there are so many scenarios that I'm confused as hell too. They other night on History they said the dark rift what a dark spot in the center of the Milky Way (some tribes think this is where all matter comes from) (maybe our universe is the sewer system of a larger universe.)

I'm not really sure how the sun being aligned with it is supposed to cause an eclipse either.

The yellowstone volcano is supposed to pop off any time. There are supposed to be increase solar flares in 2012. Maybe it's going to be a combo-plate.