New set up, short rider auto questons


Well-Known Member
and as for most autos...they do best in a 20/4 light cycle...which you can run reg seeds at.and autos finish pretty fast...some in as little as 60 days start to it depends on how big you can let your reg seeds get before they are too big to flower in your stay mostly pretty short...on average 16 inches tall...but some do get if you can veg your reg seeds for 60 days...then go 12/12 to flower them and they not outgrow your can grow both at the same time.and most autos can go into any light cycle..they just grow best it seems in a 20/4 cycle


alright well i found the correct bulb for a mh conversion on my hps ballast here >>
and the bulb is really pretty cheap so im probably going to get it.

For this batch I'm going to have all autoflowers, since thats what i ordered before all of your help. So for this auto flower short ryder and jock horror when should i switch the bulbs? I want to get as much out of every plant as possible ...
I'm thinking of using the mh bulb to let it grow until the buds show and then switch to the hps?


Well-Known Member
alright well i found the correct bulb for a mh conversion on my hps ballast here >>
and the bulb is really pretty cheap so im probably going to get it.

For this batch I'm going to have all autoflowers, since thats what i ordered before all of your help. So for this auto flower short ryder and jock horror when should i switch the bulbs? I want to get as much out of every plant as possible ...
I'm thinking of using the mh bulb to let it grow until the buds show and then switch to the hps?
since autos flowers so fast...i would go ahead with the hps bulbs from start to dont need the stress of switching the lights mid most it would only be 2-4 weeks before it keep it under the flowering bulbs from start to finish


alright cool, then once this batch finishes im gonna pick up the conversion bulb and quit the auto flowers
thanks for your help again, ruiner the link helped a lot