New house, New room layout idea's


Well-Known Member
There is nothing in this world like the feeling of grinding up an ounce of flowers, running it through the bubble bags and tossing it into a lb of butter just to give it away!!! I absolutely love the look on faces when I randomly hand 3-4 zips to someone and tell them to enjoy!! :clap:
i used to do that, then i stopped growing for a while and those people stopped coming over. now i just grow enough for me and my own and say fuck everyone else.


Well-Known Member
Currently no one comes to my house! I live 30 miles from the city! I deliver........ I love to grow, it is part of my therapy :weed:

I just share a lot and I will continue to deliver!

Here is an updated version of the ducting. I also moved the air filter from the veg wall to the drying closet wall and added a large filter/black cloth to the drying closet door for air flow. I added a "T" to the intake and the intake from the garage area. Those will be select-able!

new room revise 1.png


Well-Known Member
Currently no one comes to my house! I live 30 miles from the city! I deliver........ I love to grow, it is part of my therapy :weed:

I just share a lot and I will continue to deliver!

Here is an updated version of the ducting. I also moved the air filter from the veg wall to the drying closet wall and added a large filter/black cloth to the drying closet door for air flow. I added a "T" to the intake and the intake from the garage area. Those will be select-able!

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This looks like a winner to me! I'm excited for you, and I'm impressed with your preparation. I look forward to seeing the final product. the room that is. ..:bigjoint:OH and the cannabis:weed:


Well-Known Member
This looks like a winner to me! I'm excited for you, and I'm impressed with your preparation. I look forward to seeing the final product. the room that is. ..:bigjoint:OH and the cannabis:weed:
Thanks!! I am excited to have a full sized room. My last room had a ceiling height of 4.41 feet so I always had a sore neck when working with the girls.


Well-Known Member
The A/C unit that was given to us for my room has been given to someone else! I won't need it till next summer and a friend needed it for this summer sooooooo I will be purchasing one next year.

Any ideas as to where I should install one?? I will be using a wall/window type unit. I do not expect temps to hit the 120+ mark in the garage like my last garage loft area. Should it be in the veg area since the carbon filter and fan is in the flower area? I had it in the flower area in my last room with a small duct pushing some cool air into the veg area and I always had high temps throughout both rooms.
I have thought about putting it in the flower area and ducting the supply to the veg area. This would create a supply and return type setup that would help circulate the cool air from room to room.

Any thoughts?????


Why not try some LED grow lights for your new room ? No need to worry about HPS heat problem , moreover you can save some money on electricity bill . Why not have a try ?


Well-Known Member
Why not try some LED grow lights for your new room ? No need to worry about HPS heat problem , moreover you can save some money on electricity bill . Why not have a try ?

I like the idea, however I already have the HPS's. LED's are out of my budget for now since I need to buy building supplies.Maybe by the end of winter I will be able to spring for some!


Well-Known Member
Well we got our stuff moved to the new house. Been working on the hot tub and solar heater for the pool so nothing to do with my garden. I replaced old ass toilets today with some that actually swallow toilet paper!! LOL!!

I need to get out to the shop and get motivated with moving stuff to where it goes. Here are a couple of shots of what it looks like right now. The rooms will be in the back corner on the right looking at the first picture. It will be on the left in the second picture behind the tent trailer. Actually the tent trailer will get moved towards the front some more as it is in part of the flower area right now.. That box to the right of the box fans is housing all of my stash!!! :weed: Well, what is left of it anyways after I donated a pound. :bigjoint::clap:

The look on my friends face that helped move it was priceless when I told him what was in it!! :mrgreen:

20140905_105953.jpg 20140905_163102.jpg

Possibly later this week or the beginning of next week I will purchase studs and drywall materials and get this shit started!!! :peace:


Well-Known Member
I got some time in on the new rooms! After moving and cleaning and repairing and...... I am beat!!!

I got the rooms framed out and started hanging the drywall on the outside. I still need to go grab the insulation before I cover the inside.

It turns out that there is already two 110 volt outlets in each room and two 220 outlets in the flower room. :hump:

I will be running the HPS lights on 220 volts so I need to pick up a contacter relay and a box to house it. I will use a 110 volt timer to switch the lights on and off.

The room layout has changed from my drawing a bit. Now the flower room is where the veg room used to be. I did the swap because of the location of the 220 volt outlets. I will re-draw the plans and post them when I get a chance.

Here is where I am at this morning.


Well-Known Member
Alright! been busy with the new digs and have not gotten much done on my rooms. Still working on the solar panels for the pool, clearing the garden area for next year, setting up the greenhouse, sitting in the hot tub...... Lots to do still!! And painting the entire inside of the house before the wife's Birthday Partay!!!

It rained last night but we woke up to this.. It should be around 76 degrees today!


I rubbed some seeds on the concrete and stuffed them into wet paper towels last week. So far I have an XJ 13 at 1/2 inch tall. I also have a Blue Magoo that popped and a AK 48 that popped but have not came out of the soil yet. I have two bag seeds in a wet paper towel also that I need to check this morning.

I need to get my ass in gear and get the rooms done ASAP!!! I also need to get the greenhouse done so some of those plants by the pool can go in it for the winter. I need to get all of the bulb plants into the garage so they can hibernate for the winter without freezing.

This morning however is going to be spent tearing apart two whole chickens that have been boiled with all kinds of yummay for a large amount of Flouta's!!!! I also need to make some more sweet hot Jalapeno jelly for the Nom's Flouta Dipping!!

I think I need more Coffee!!!!!