New CFL 2nd grow using Scott's Hyponex Potting Soil in 6" pots

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
day 83 and the girls are doing good, i think 2-1 is getting close as most of the trichs are cloudy now with 1 or 2 amber ones. molly still has mostly clear to cloudy on her. i gave them the last of the nute mix jug and now with go with just straight rain water to start flushing in the next couple days. 2 gallons should take me right up to havest time.

the clones are coming along real nice with more green sprouts. they are getting taller at about 6" now. 3-2 has 2 tops already from where i cut the little bud off. 3-1 has branches just shooting out everywhere and 1 main top so far. i really hope these girls make it as they will be my next grow.



Well-Known Member
3-2 has 2 tops already from where i cut the little bud off.
just think if you top 3-2 again and take the top and clone it, you will have a pre-topped clone. then once it gets roots and veg's a few weeks, you can top both of those tops and have 2 more clones!!! :bigjoint: I know, i get ahead of myself, just rambling basically. they do look good though!!!

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
they lookin real nice those buds are swelld right up
hell yeah, gettin plump, almost ready.
just think if you top 3-2 again and take the top and clone it, you will have a pre-topped clone. then once it gets roots and veg's a few weeks, you can top both of those tops and have 2 more clones!!! :bigjoint: I know, i get ahead of myself, just rambling basically. they do look good though!!!
well after the these 2 clones get goin, i really want to order some new kind of seeds to try. but when they go in, i might cut a couple more off for now.
Damn, I hope my buds swell like that! I bet you can't wait to smoke it:)
no, im dieing here, i want to smoke some of that shit now!! LoL.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
HaHa.. I don't blame you I want to smoke mine already and she just started budding lol.. Not a good sighn!!!
no, not at all, LoL.

its day 84 and it been 8 weeks of flowering, no change in the girls and watching the trichs close.
giving them straight rain water now for flushing.

the clones are are 30 days old today and looking right, cant wait to harvest and get these 2 girls in the big box and really let them grow some.


Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
so i took a couple more test buds to dry and try. i made sure that this time i know what plant each came from also, LoL. i swear that 2-1 has a pepper smell to her, where-as molly still has that pine smell. the first buds i took, i didnt really let them dry out that good and it was hard to tell what was up with them. these 2 i will let dry out real good and smoke them far enough apart to get the full effect of each. so will update what there like in a couple days.

also, heres 3 pics of the plants throughout the grow. day 10, day 29, and day 59.


Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
day 85 and things are still the same, getting close now, 2-1 should be done in about a week, molly a little longer. the clones are looking great.

ok, now the buzz on the buds i picked. the bud from molly has a good tatse, kinda minty/piney but the high is more heady and up. it kinda makes you smile, LoL. but i dont like it. i rather have it more of a body high and stoney and couchlock like 2-1. to bad 2-1 isnt bigger, i dont expect that much off 1 short skinny 16" stalk, kinda sucks she didnt top right and have more to give. the grow has gone good, but im not happy with the weed nor the amount im gonna get. new bean was much better as far as high and the amount i got. the buds were huge. we'll see what the final numbers are when its all done. and im really happy i did the clones, but its off molly and i dont like the buzz from her. not sure what i wanna do now????



Active Member
molly is a satvia. just let 2-1 be your solo project. and buy a 5 gallon container or something. 1 plant might be better for you now.


Well-Known Member
well you can harvest part of molly when you think she is done. you can then let some of the buds go a little longer to be more amber. this may give you more of a buzz you would like. that is the good and bad with bagseed!!

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
molly is a satvia. just let 2-1 be your solo project. and buy a 5 gallon container or something. 1 plant might be better for you now.
yeah r2, i thought that when she first came up with the long narrow leaves. 2-1 is almost done, maybe about a week to go. after this is all done, i need to regroup and figure out what i wanna do (i want some real seeds). it sucks cause the clones from molly are growing about an inch a day right now and doing very good.
well you can harvest part of molly when you think she is done. you can then let some of the buds go a little longer to be more amber. this may give you more of a buzz you would like. that is the good and bad with bagseed!!
true, i might just do that. theres really only the the 6 main colas on her and then all the little buds below them. i hate to be bitching about all this, but i just wish this would have gone a little better like 2-1 getting topped wrong and no clones from her instead of molly, oh well, it is what it is.