New 600W HPS tent grow. Super Lemon Haze + Arjan Strawberry Haze.


Well-Known Member
When I actually have the plants in there I will put the ballast outside but I just put it inside to show all the equipment. Cheers nas, got it set now mate. Having my dark hours during 10-4 because that is when my house is the warmest. I don't think I can plus rep yet, ill try anyway.

It's a 5" cooltube and 5" fan. Everyone says you shouldn't have your CF and cooltube on the same fan because it lowers the circulation of air through the tent but the hole thing is sucking inwards like a pornstar. Off to london for the weekend then start germination on monday. Just going to go straight in with the SLH and Strawberry haze. Gonna save my LR2 seed for next grow with a few more autos.


Well-Known Member
i just seen your first comment on thred lol so your using canna coco soil thats very good! i would advise you to use coco a and b and canna rhizotonic. thanks god you didnt use terra pro plus, becouse all my seedlings died when i used it,

tell me the light your going to use for the seedlings?


Well-Known Member
I wanted to get some rhizotonic but just can't stretch to that atm, got bills to pay first ya know. I'm just going to put the HPS right at the top of the tent for the seedlings because I have no other means of artificial lighting.


Well-Known Member
ok i inderstand. yeah but do expect abit strech on the seedlings coz you have to keep light well away. becouse there is such thing as called to much light for seedlings. keep a close eye one them!!


Well-Known Member
Well everything is in and working like a charm. Even at 600W the temps hover around 23/24 C which is about 75 F. Some pictures:

Got a question though, I was donated this timer and have no idea how you're suppose to set it up. I figured You push the grey pegs in for the "dark" period but don't know what i'm suppose to do with the middle dial. If anyone can shed some light It'd be much appreciated.

Nice set up WOW very similar to mine as it goes.. Yeah those timers can be a pain & sometimes they can jam & fuck up the lighting schedule (I had the one pictured above & it got stuck & screwed up my grow for a while) Got a mini 99p timer from B&Q two years ago, done about 8 grows with it & has never let me down..typical..

Looking forward to all the updates from your grow m8, keep us all posted


Well-Known Member
Yeh I'm expecting plenty of stretch. When do you think would be a good time to bring the light down, 5 or 6 nodes? Haha, I may just make a quick trip to b&q this weekend, I'm not letting a busted up timer send my ladies hermie!

Haha, surely it makes more sense to have freezing point at a unit of "0", not 32, wtf lol.


Well-Known Member
Super Lemon Haze germed today - thank god. Waiting on the strawberry haze. Will post pics when they have both sprouted.


Well-Known Member
Both seeds germed within 48 hours, they went into 4" pots on the windowsill this morning, will move them into the tent tomorrow.

Decided to take a leaf out of edsthreads book and buy a 100ml of Formulex for the first couple of weeks and 250 ml of Rhizotonic off ebay. Got them both for £10 including postage :D


Well-Known Member
MH bulb is in, got it about 3 ft away from them but the cooltube is working a treat - cool to the touch.

Using a mates Canon SLR to take pictures as I am now paranoid about using my iphone, but they take fucking ages to upload!

Going to buy materials for a scrog screen this weekend :D

Super Lemon Haze on the left, Strawberry Haze on the right.



Well-Known Member
I've not been happy with the nutes/ soil setup I have going on:

canna terra pro soil

canna coco A + B nutes
canna rhizotonic
canna aqua flores A + B

My options were:

1.sell all my nutes and get the terra vega and terra flores which came to around £38
2. buy some coco medium for £15 and ditch the aqua flores nutes and the remaining terra soil for another time.

So i decided to get some coco, because it was cheaper and I've heard good things from everyone who's used it. But, because I've got the seedlings in terra pro right now, if I transfer them into coco, the bit of terra in there isn't going to stress the plant?

Gave them a 5ml/ litre of formulex today, stretching a bit but I'll sort that out when I transplant.


Well-Known Member
I've not been happy with the nutes/ soil setup I have going on:

canna terra pro soil

canna coco A + B nutes
canna rhizotonic
canna aqua flores A + B

My options were:

1.sell all my nutes and get the terra vega and terra flores which came to around £38
2. buy some coco medium for £15 and ditch the aqua flores nutes and the remaining terra soil for another time.

So i decided to get some coco, because it was cheaper and I've heard good things from everyone who's used it. But, because I've got the seedlings in terra pro right now, if I transfer them into coco, the bit of terra in there isn't going to stress the plant?

Gave them a 5ml/ litre of formulex today, stretching a bit but I'll sort that out when I transplant.
I would ditch the Terra Flores as that isn't designed to be mixed with Canna Coco A+B.. keep the Rhizo, Formulex & Canna Coco A+B. When you transplant just give it a good watering with plenty of run-off with the Formulex or whatever nutes you will be using when you come to transplant & flush out any flores nutes thats left in the coco.. Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
I've not been happy with the nutes/ soil setup I have going on:

canna terra pro soil

canna coco A + B nutes
canna rhizotonic
canna aqua flores A + B

My options were:

1.sell all my nutes and get the terra vega and terra flores which came to around £38
2. buy some coco medium for £15 and ditch the aqua flores nutes and the remaining terra soil for another time.

So i decided to get some coco, because it was cheaper and I've heard good things from everyone who's used it. But, because I've got the seedlings in terra pro right now, if I transfer them into coco, the bit of terra in there isn't going to stress the plant?

Gave them a 5ml/ litre of formulex today, stretching a bit but I'll sort that out when I transplant.
your doing good dude. but listen, i hade my seedlings in canna terra pro soil and its really hot for seedlings, all u do keep a close eye on it becouse the soil drys really quik, and i wudnt add any nutes!!! for atlest3 weeks in that soil its got plenty of nutes in it to take you for atlest 3-4 weeks thats what the guy told me at hydro store,

dont transplant them now you have to let them root now you to late. i wudnt try anything now coz they babys they really fragile!! at this time. and i wudnt let the light come to close coz canna terra pro plus drys really quik out with the light close to it!!!

but my hydro store guy did say ones they root in the terra soil i cud transplant them in the coco,


Well-Known Member
@ edsthread - I've got the aqua flores on ebay now, got a euro reflector to sell as well, it'll be nice to have some money coming in for once! Thanks for the help again mate.

@ nas - I've been watering with 10ml formulex/ 2 litre and they seem to be liking it but I know what you mean about the soil drying out fast. I'm not watering them too heavily, want to get a strong root system going before I transplant. I'll maybe transplant in a couple weeks and just keep them on the formulex until then. When I put them in the coco, I'll start with the coco nutes and rhizo.

Second set of leaves developing now. This stage is so slow.