Need some advice please


Well-Known Member
OK I purchased a secret jarden dr120 and decided it wasnt very stealth. It was an impulse buy so i have already tore it down and put it away. Now i have built a closet that is 8ft x 8ft and 7ft tall. I partitioned the room so i have 5ft x 8ft flower room and 3ft x 8ft veg and mother room. My question is what size and type of fans should i buy for ventilation which will vent to the attic and also should i go with a 1000 watt hps to flower or a 600. Thanks for any help! :bigjoint:


how about either two 600s or a 1000 and a 600? I have a tent that size and use two 600s and a 400, with one of the 600s using a mh bulb and like that pretty good. As far as lumens per sq ft, i have heard a lot of numbers for what you want, from 2000 lumens / sq ft i think being the lowest i have heard recommended to i think 8000, and i heard sunlight is 10000 sometimes i think. I like having multiple lights for a lot of reasons and didnt really think the extra initial cost was much of a factor.

As far as fans, I have 2 6" (450cfm) fans that seem to work pretty well, both run thru lights and one sucks thru a charcoal filter from the room. I think you could get away with less veg room if that is the only flower room you have to grow plants for, and use the extra room for flowering, depending on how you set it up. I think 3x5 would be enough. It is for me at least for my 50 sq ft of flowering space. Be sure to run your room a couple days to make sure its not getting too hot etc before you put the plants in, and get a thermometer with a hi/lo memory and make sure you have a good fan blowing on the plants.

What kind of veg light are you going to use?


Well-Known Member
how about either two 600s or a 1000 and a 600? I have a tent that size and use two 600s and a 400, with one of the 600s using a mh bulb and like that pretty good. As far as lumens per sq ft, i have heard a lot of numbers for what you want, from 2000 lumens / sq ft i think being the lowest i have heard recommended to i think 8000, and i heard sunlight is 10000 sometimes i think. I like having multiple lights for a lot of reasons and didnt really think the extra initial cost was much of a factor.

As far as fans, I have 2 6" (450cfm) fans that seem to work pretty well, both run thru lights and one sucks thru a charcoal filter from the room. I think you could get away with less veg room if that is the only flower room you have to grow plants for, and use the extra room for flowering, depending on how you set it up. I think 3x5 would be enough. It is for me at least for my 50 sq ft of flowering space. Be sure to run your room a couple days to make sure its not getting too hot etc before you put the plants in, and get a thermometer with a hi/lo memory and make sure you have a good fan blowing on the plants.

What kind of veg light are you going to use?
I have one 250 watt mh but thought about going the compact flouro or led route so i wouldnt have to worry with heat problems. What would you recomend?


i have a 250 mh too and a 4'x2' t5 floro and love both. I put my plants under the 250 when they get bigger but you can grow them pretty big with t5, just i think not as tall because i dont think t5 penetrates as well as the mh. I dont know about led at all but do really like the cheap florescent tubes like from walmart because the fixtures are cheap and they put out almost no heat. I let the leaves touch those bulbs but you have to be a ways away on the t5 florescents, they are hot. The cheap tubes dont seem to help much more than 6 inches away so are only good for smaller plants in my experience, but if you are topping maybe that would work to avoid heat. You could just get a fan for your veg light too.