need help check out my album there is a couple pics ..


Well-Known Member
Hi man, no worries by the looks of it. I'd like to see some better pics though. (Camera phone and HPS light = shit pics. I know from experience)

A little droopy but that would be expected because of the temps. Keep an eye on your RH and temp and don't over water and they'll come around, I think.

What's your soil, grow room and nute situation?


Well-Known Member
You should put a hole in the side of that box big enough for that little fan to fit into, then cut another in the other side and for an intake. If you don't have a filter for the intake, than you can use panty hose to filter the intake air. I would put the fan (exhaust) hole up high and the intake level with the top of your medium. It would be good if you could keep an oscilating fan in the corner of the box as well. You need to find a way to exhaust the heat and this would be the easiest and cheepest way to do that. The ideal way would be to get an exhaust fan ( atleast 400 cfm) and install that as an exhaust and than cut two intake holes half the size of your exhaust fan. this would get some fresh air comming in from two different locations and exhaust the stale hot air. Temps over 85 will stall the growth. Without co2, you really want your temps to stay under 80.
Good luck! ;)