Need a little advice


Active Member
First off my grows are
I use a 125 watt vegg cfl
250 watt Hps sunburst
so I'm not getting bigbuds and i think it is due to transplanting when I flip to flowering
i am moving from 1 gallon pot to2 gallon pot and I think the plant is using its energy to root to the new pot instead of grow buds cuz the buds come but all of them stay small any idea??? Please let me know


Well-Known Member
it could be many things, but 2 gallon is kinda small for a mature plant, id try a bigger final container..


New Member
Well, I don't know if transplanting is the issue but I do know that transplant will slow growth and the roots will take time to grow into the new medium as well. I avoid the issues by only transplanting 1 time in the whole grow. I use 4" pots and at 3-4 weeks I put them into 3 gallon bags to finish

hope full

Active Member
Well cant be to quick to give any advice, dont know how long your veggin for, before you transplant, I personally run 2 gallons as well. Bow close you got your lights? Veg/flower?them cfls shoukd be pretty dam close to the point they all most touch keep a fan on me tho and if you notice any kind of burn back em up just a hair, and how many you runnin with that 250? Should also be really close, the closer it is the bigger buds youll get.

hope full

Active Member
One thing I have learned about growing is, I will never stop learning till the day I die, there is much to learn about these plants, so dont sweat it if its your first run or two, we all start out rough.


Active Member
I veg for no set time I have a. Mother that I clone and when I think the clone is big enough I switch it to flower.... I started a little science experiment switched one over in a one gallon and just gunna flower in the one gallon see how that goes.......the cfl is at the top of the grow and works great no stretching really...and the flower chamber I keep the light as close as possible without getting the hairs all burnt lol....... Ive been growing for over a year I just recently upgraded to the Hps I use to just flower with8 42 watt cfl and I got a bigger harvest this Hps is just a whole diffrent beast to beat lol thanks for the support and the advice I'll keep it updated and try and add some pics as soon as I figure it out on this iPad lol

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
250 watt hps is pretty small for that space. I would run at least 400 watts of hps in that space myself. I don't think the transplanting is the issue. How big of buds are you getting now? How big do you want them to be? Pics?