My tent grow in soil w/ cfls


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here are the pics.....
I started with the wide pvc frame setup with light on the outside. Realized it wouldn't work once plants got a little bigger :wall:. so i made another pvc frame but made it a 4 row frame with 3 light sockets each row(12 sockets). that way i can throw some y splitter in there and really light it up. it can hold 24 bulbs . Notice in pic 7 i covered the top with poster board. dont know it it helps but had alot of light escaping up. And i was forced to put one on the side also close it up, i have to leave tent open with lights on. Those are my temps and rh with lights on.

Rest are just some random pics . random plants

8 kc brains sweet dreams and 6 bagseed from good mids(wanted to see if i can turn it in to DANK)
last 4 pics are this morning didn't pay attention to which plants i was takin the pic of so i can't tell you the age but there all 12-16 days old from sprout. they all have 4 or 5 nodes

Last pic is my MUTANT... i have 3 of them. there all from bagseed i was trying out.



Active Member
Hey there $, do u have reflective material on the under side of that cardboard? U probably already know this but with that card board there u are trapping heat maybe a hole with a fan (like a cheap cpu fan) sucking the hot air out/up??


Active Member
Good $hit, thats what i wanna see next week. the board im using is flat white. i read flat white is 95% reflective and mylar is 97% so i skipped the trouble of gluing it on there. and the bottom of the tent is also open where the fan is located, so the fan is pulling air from the room, made sure the plants are not closed in completely. im getting my exhaust fan soon so hopefully i can close the tent up and still keep it in the 70's


Active Member
So tonight I plan on transplanting, so that this weekend I can start some the girls LST. Here is what the new pads looks like, 6 of the 7 will be moving.
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I will try to get pics of the transplant in progress, should start in a couple of hours!


Active Member
Moistened soil in the pot, and moistened top soil to help keep falling debris to a minimum.
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Yeah, I got a little carried away w/ the watering the top soil
Poured 1/4 cup water into pot. Then bad idea?View attachment 1680891
I hope I was not to rough with ladies. That is what a 3 week old root set looks like at the bottom. I was able to tap out a couple but a few needed a little extra help, so i pushed them out.

Measured the ladies and one of the mk was 6"!, The shortest was 3".
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Watered the top soil with another 1/2 cup for approx 1 cup water total water. I did not want to inflict any more stress so I will dust the ladies another day.
View attachment 1680895 I will be making a small change to my lights in a day or two.
View attachment 1680901So that's how it played out, for now :shock:
After looking at the girls in their new cribs, I feel an LST will have to wait until the next grow and I will be flowering the young ones soon. If my camera can get close enough I will try and get some pics, there is some great growth going on, these girls are gonna be thick. AWWWESOOOME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Killed two extremely small spiders in the garage today, I hope it does not become a problem.

Thanks honey,



Active Member
A quick peek this morn and the ladies seem ok, I would imagine the ladies will tell their story soon. Learning, learning, learning, this has been an awesome experience so far. can't wait to see how the ladies respond.


Active Member
when are you planning to flipp to 12/12....... i wasn't to do it around day 16 like buds for lessbut im not sure yet. might wait till there about ypur size in about a week. around day 20-25


Active Member
When the approx avg of the ladies are 8", with the cfl the light penetration low so don't want the ladies to tall. I was going to LST but I feel there is not enough room, to bend. Any thoughts?


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i was thnking about flipping from 4-8 inches. wanted them real short. i bought 8 more lights so when i flower i will have 18 bulbs all 23-27 watts. not sure about the LST.


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Watered the girls this afternoon, 1- cup to each lady. Tweaked my cooling I hope to have positive results, I will have pics later if it works out. Still need to tweak my lights but I will wait till tomorrow, I am.letting the girls recoup.


Active Member
what are you doing with your lights. i added 6 more 2700k to the setup with some y splitters for a total of 18 lights(all 23-27w). 10 2700k 4 5500k, and 4 6500k. hopefully that will be enough for 6 females


Active Member
Just gonna try to spread the lights out a bit, with the bigger pots the light coverage is not real good. I would like more light but with the temps being such a hassle I won't add any just arrange them differently.


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So its about 4 days after being transplanted and some them are growing like weeds :)
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not totally happy about the light situation, feel like I am cheating the girls.
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Didn't think all the seeds would germ and this far....................................................................................................................
Well here are a couple of closeups.
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From what Ive read, some of the girls may be lacking boron. The brown, dry spots like seen in the prev pic??????????
Gonna flip the ladies this weekend!