MrHowardMarks' experienced grower journal.


Well-Known Member
do you use filtered water or not? i dont know if you have mentioned.and do you water till drains?i guess all that perilite would drain evena haf gal. in 5 gal. bucket,huh.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
Oh, BTW, I'm not supplementing co2, I can imagine how much bigger they'd be if I were, but for my room, I'd go through about a 20# tank every 5 days. And a generator isn't gonna happen in there... I'm not around enough to feel safe about not causing a fire...

I have to get you some pics of my HYDROGEN set-up---The unit is ultra safe and has an oxygen depletion sensor. I mounted a carbon monoxide tester next to the unit no matter what you do you can't get it to go off---The unit is very--very safe and is cool to the touch---with your green-thumb and knowledge you could get some of the massive gains that people talk about with the use of co2---I don't want to eat up your thread with all my babble but I use to run tanks in the summer and a small blue ox in the winter----NEVER AGAIN BROTHER!!!.


Well-Known Member
Yeah raider, 1/2gal is enough for a bit of drainage, there's a lot of perlite, and the moss doesn't hold much...

-Hey doc, all is welcome, I do recommend supplementing co2, but for my current condition, cash is limited, and the room is temporary... Plus I'm exhausting 1000CFM from the room... Soooooo.... CO2 would be really expensive...


Well-Known Member
hahaha buy some seeds!
but on a serious note i have a question for you, why do u choose to trim your plants?
id like to see the difference between one u trimmed and one u let grow natural, yeilds, cola size, taste even maybe? i dunno would be kinda "scientific" in the sense of findin the differences


Well-Known Member
Fuck yeah....and size matters

All the underbrush growth takes away energy that would otherwise go to the cola.

The light doesn't penetrate the inner and lower growth so photosynthesis doesn't occur as much, therfore larfy small buds are a result.

I find it's best to trim off anything that isn't going to receive full light... Which happens to be lower branches and innergrowth...

When managing large plants it seems dramatic... Long bare branches with giant colas.

Smaller plants don't require much trimming, just the lower branches are removed, and some of the side shoots off the lower branches that will remain.


Buds are definately forming on the majority of the plants, from yesterday, there is a pretty drastic difference... They obviously enjoyed the elixer I fed them... :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
They pretty much look the same as yesterday;

Except little buds are forming at all the nodes, and stretching has ceased.


Active Member
Damn dude, you don't have much stretch to cease. Those are some happy ladies. The superskunk looks awesome.

You came out of the gate projecting a lot of confidence, and you lived up to it. I've learned a lot from this journal, +rep for sure.

If you had unlimited clones would you have gone with more plants per lamp, lollipop style, or do you fell you get better yield with fewer, bigger plants filling the canopy?


Well-Known Member
Good question...

I average the same yield either way...


Growing larger plants takes more time in veg, and more effort in trimming for the canopy.

Since I started from seed, I took clones as fast as I could, which gave me different batches at different times.

So, my flowering room filled up within a few weeks, and the first batch was bigger than the second, and the second bigger than the third.

-On my next round they will all be the same size, they will all predominantly be the same strain, and they will all be flowered about the same size as the Super Skunks pictured above. (Two-Three weeks veg) :leaf:


Well-Known Member
ahhhh good to know, i now see why u do what u do(growing wise), partially atleast and it makes sense
i cant wait to start my indoor so i can experiment for myself


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'd rather they all be the same managable size, but the room filled up as clones were ready...

Three sets, so there are 3 different sizes, small, medium and large.

You can see the differences in height...

Otherwise, I'd keep them all the size of the SuperSkunks, and have 9 buckets per light...

Currently, I have 45 plants in the bloom room, so I'm only 9 plants shy of my normal grow... So plant count shouldn't really matter... The maybe extra ounce I would've gotten wasn't worth waiting another 2 weeks for bloom...

The next grow will be a whole bunch more uniform... Starting from seed is a total pain in the ass, that is, if you plan on keeping them as mothers and flowering the clones.

I never expected to have so much information to give on growing from seed, mothering, cloneing etc... Nor did I think it would take this long to establish a garden... From 15 seeds to a garden full of females...

:leaf:What a long strange trip it's been...:leaf:


Well-Known Member
I'd say its getting pretty damn good. That room looks real nice bro! I'm still sitting on my seeds, tryin to feel out my landlord. The mushrooms are going great though, thats been fun!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I only grew in one house where I wasn't sure if the landlord would really fuck with me...

For the first month he had people there everyday painting the outside of the house and putting on a new roof... All shit that had been put off and should've been done before I moved in... Or, he didn't have the money to do it untill I started paying rent... Either way, it was a real pain in the ass...

He had me open all the windows (mid summer) so they could paint around the frames etc. I voiced my opinion on how I should get a month free, for having to put up with all the bullshit, plus the a/c was shitty, barely cooled one room... So I had to get 3 window units...

I seperated the upstairs from the main level with a deadbolted door, if the landlord came in, I was subletting it to a "friend" I didn't have a key to get up there it was his room...

I ran water lines and drains up to a slop sink and had a subpanel with 2 20amp breakers...

A decent room, it was an old 2 story... attic like ceilings, about 25 feet by 15 feet... I grew in one straight line down the middle of the room.

So, the landlord never did come in the house, so it wasn't a big deal anyway.

And yes, it is getting exciting... :leaf:


Well-Known Member
I am planning on using my basement. The only thing I can think of that he would ever need to go down there for is if the hot water tanks fucked up. Its ours, and the upstairs appartments water heaters. I've designed everything to come down easily, but its would still be a bitch esspecially if something happened when we wheren't home, and they went down there to fix it without asking.


Well-Known Member
I seriously doubt anything will happen to the water heater... The only time I ever had a problem with one is when we got a new house, and the electric was turned on before the water... The water heater wasn't turned off, and it was an electric one...

Since there wasn't any water in the tank, the heating elements melted...

It was a quick and easy fix, about 30 bucks for two heating elements and the socket to install them.


Well-Known Member
I was already to start this week, then sunday he called and asked if we were home. Said he thought he left a can of wd40 in the basment, and wanted to get it. We weren't home, and told him that , and that we knew for a fact that there was no wd40 down there. It was just wierd thats all. I'm gonna talk to him the end of this week, and if all goes well, I might be able to germ this weekend. I still need to pick up a couple things, but this is a pay week, so should be all good.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that is odd...

Usually a landlord will give 24 hours notice before stopping by, I'm pretty sure it's a state law in our state...

Plus, he could've asked if you'd leave it outside for him, there's no reason for him to butt into your privacy...

Most landlords don't give a fuck as long as they are getting their check every month. The add in to the cost on the fact they expect you to fuck it up somewhat, and things will need fixing.

So, if something goes awry, fix it yourself, or negelect it if possible...

If you nicely ask him to quit bothering you and you'd appreciate your privacy, I'd imagine he'll comply...