Mohican's 2013 Season with Compost, SS, and EWC


Well-Known Member
How do you deal with the Santa Ana winds when curing? The humidity was single digit. GT
when you cure the buds are in air tight jars and they create their own humidity when the buds decarboxilate. I'm sure they are fine. Kep your doors and windows closed.


Well-Known Member
My drying room keeps getting too humid from the buds. It was great to walk in there last week and enjoy the humid jungle warmth :)


Well-Known Member
Well Mo, we got some heavy winds and its pouring right now. Fucking sucks too cause I am in the middle of trimming so I am on a break. What a mess.

My rH% sky rocketed today with the rain....



Well-Known Member
Well Mo, we got some heavy winds and its pouring right now. Fucking sucks too cause I am in the middle of trimming so I am on a break. What a mess.

My rH% sky rocketed today with the rain....

im glad i got the greenhouse up in time. lol. shit is gonna pour outside so im dealing with the humidity also. i would have been screwed if it hadnt been for tgreenhouse covering everything. i should start trimming in a day or two. hopefully the rain wont be here anymore.


Well-Known Member
Rained here for about ten minutes. For one minute it was coming down so hard it sounded like gravel hitting the roof! Now the wind is just blowing.
I went down to San Diego yesterday to get a stack of scrap Lucite for a very cheap price. I didn't have time to build anything today so hopefully we will get a few more warm days before it gets real ugly :)


Well-Known Member
I decided to get a few plants harvested before the rain came. First was the mutant Marion Berry #4. No bugs (except spiders) and a little dirt from the proximity to the ground and the Santa Ana winds.


OK - Where was I - Oh yeah - The freaky growth pattern on this strain may have been from getting planted in the ground and partially revegging. She is still frosty as hell and is developing a sweet berry scent :)

Marion Berry #4






Well-Known Member
I have one that has really thin Sativa leaves - Space Jill influence. This one was more balanced. I think I have one that shows more of the Oregon Raspberry Kush influence. Can't wait for it to dry. Its clone is in the 5 gallon outside in the rain and cold:

We will see how the Oregon genes hold up in this weather.


Well-Known Member
how many did you go through to find the raspberry kush pheno? That's what I want. Seed depot is cheaper than the clubs but they don't have the new strains yet. I keep changing my mind what I want. Now its marionberry kush, AOS, and jillybean. I have to wait for my comeback from my loss.

The rain already passed today. Some wind still. Its been windy for the past couple weeks though. Like Newport weather in The spring. It was 72 during the day. The last storm it was 88 during the the day. Its in the low 60's now. No a/c and windows are open. My mini outdoor and my indoor love it right now.


Well-Known Member
Got the Marion Berry testers from Subcool at the LA Cup in February.

Here is the clone today after the rain during a short visit from the sun:



Well-Known Member
Trimmed the sugar leaves off of the Jesus OG tonight. The scissor hash is soft and golden :)

I had to clean the scissors three times for each little bud! It smells like cherries.



Well-Known Member
Sun poked its head out of the clouds for a few minutes today so I got some pics:

It is amazing outside tonight - chilly damp rain smell with fireplace smoke - love that smell :)



Well-Known Member
looks like a concentrated dose of mess you up right there, Mo!

Trimmed the sugar leaves off of the Jesus OG tonight. The scissor hash is soft and golden :)

I had to clean the scissors three times for each little bud! It smells like cherries.



Well-Known Member
I miss those types of nights in the Northern county, reminds me of my childhood. Those Jesus OG pics look insane, I bet that scissor hash is!

Oh, and I once had a revegged White Berry clone that came out just like that deformed Marion Berry. It came out small, light weight, funky looking, and the single frostiest beast I had ever grown! I was working in a large dispensary at the time, and my boss really wanted me to grow more of it out so we could use it to enter the Cannabis Classic. I just couldn't make it happen in time so he "settled" for his 26.8% THC Banana OG ;) Makes a nigga proud!

The Banana OG won the cup btw.... And no, I cannot get a cut of it for less than 3k unless I can find someone from that circle that just don't give a fuck no mores.


Well-Known Member
I decided to get a few plants harvested before the rain came. First was the mutant Marion Berry #4. No bugs (except spiders) and a little dirt from the proximity to the ground and the Santa Ana winds.


OK - Where was I - Oh yeah - The freaky growth pattern on this strain may have been from getting planted in the ground and partially revegging. She is still frosty as hell and is developing a sweet berry scent :)

Marion Berry #4




so what your saying is you want a Cadillac cts-v. lol. i want one. 65 grand gets you comfort and 560 ponies. :) also that shit looks super frosty. looks dank my dude.