Misting when lights ON?


stays relevant.
Same one. One of the best revolvers EVER made.
Yeah bud those things are hella sturdy... I mean, they are heavy - but its all countering the recoil, the hold is comfortable.... best part though is how light the action is when the hammer is pulled... a damned ghost could pull the trigger :)

Definitely agree they are one of the best ever made...

Those GP-100s scare the hell out of me! :lol:

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
hahahah. funny I ran into this thread. he was acting up on another thread too. I knew he would get banned sooner or later.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)


Well-Known Member
i know here where i live if you have a grow op and a gun in the same house you get some CRAZY ass gun charge... regardless of if its in the same room or not... hell i could have a gun permit, get raided, and it wouldnt matter.. i dont know what the charge is exactly.. like the specific charge name.. but i know its a federal charge for sure.. maybe in oregon they confiscate the guns, but it doesnt add to the charge?? its like reflectors and shit.. just because you have a bunch of equipment it doesnt increase the seriousness of the charges... make sense??


Well-Known Member
hey can you send some of that my way bro... my dogs ate the last of what i had... its my fault.. left the shit out... at least someone in this house is stoned.. little bastards...


Well-Known Member
hell ya they do.. if im not paying attention, and leave it sitting out, its all but gone to them... hell i came home a few years back when i sold to find that my dog had, and i swear on my mothers life every word of this is true, opened the desk where i kept my stash.. which had a sliding door on it... pulled out the back pack that contained whatever amount i had.. pulled out the large ziplock bag with the weed (back pack was unzipped)... ripped through that bag.. opened another bag that actually had the weed in it.. and ate, oh i dunno, anywhere from 3/4 to 1 ounce... there was a SHIT load of weed on the ground too.. i imagine he had his fill after what he ate... poor little guy was FUCKED up... he was only about 8 or 9 months at the time too... now it seems i cant ever get high enough, but i couldnt imagine making 1 brownie with an ounce worth of weed in it and eating it... wow... it would be something else for sure...


Well-Known Member
well i guess im dumb then.. because i mist my plants everyday wit the light on........... and my lights r only 12 inches from the canopy...and no burns..oh what am i doing wrong.lolllllllllllllllll


Active Member
I would follow nature's way of misting, either on a cool morning or on a cool evening. I'm not saying that this is the absolute truth and the only way but what I am saying is that the whole horiculture thing is to mimic the outdoors. You dont see dew in mid day or when the sun is going down or even when it's warm outside in the mornings (unless you live near the equator and it's close to 100 degrees at 5 am).
I do under my led lights as i have lower humidity,seems to be ok and as for nature i have traveled to many tropical place where marijuana is grown a lot can say that it is quite common for it to pour rain and be as sunny as can be 5 minutes later some places several times a day. Hope this helps guess i will go spray


Well-Known Member
I have foliar sprayed cal mag on my plants in middle of lights on a lot. No problems. I’m running led quantum boards.