Memo my former employer put out on friday


Active Member
I'm pretty sure they have to pass the test if they will be directly working on the federal contractually funded projects. I just remember having to sign a bunch of shit when I was working on gov contracts basically saying that you are receiving gov funds, and are required by law to pass the drug test. I had to sign all that shit just to acknowledge that I understand that I will be drug tested, and why.

I could be wrong though, it has been a few years

In 1986, Reagan made it mandatory for all federal employees to “Just say no.” The Drug Free Workplace Act followed in 1988. This made drug tests a requirement for any company that contracted more than $25,000 worth of business with the federal government.
I think that is accurate. I just got a job with the federal government and I had to pass a drug test and sign a document that said I wasn't addicted to marijuana or LSD, which i found odd because I don't recall the document mentioning heroin, cocaine, meth, or pharmaceuticals. Do people still do LSD?

An important distinction is that I won't be subject to random tests like my former employer requires. Who the fuck do they think they are?


Well-Known Member
And now we see one of the primary drivers of the continuing war on drugs (marijuana) and that is the testing industry. Before they closed it to lay folk, I used to frequent a drug testing forum where "professionals" from many different companies got together and talked about the problems they had testing folks.

What I came away with is the understanding that they LOVE marijuana testing because it is money in their pockets for easy work - there is hundreds of millions in testing for marijuana alone.

One conversation I recall was particularly repugnant. A "professional" was asking how he might get a "sample" from a quadrapalegic "subject" that had nervous bladder syndrome. And these people somehow believed they were "the good guys" striking out against all of the evil drug users where ever they were found, while jacking up the urine of some poor guy who was industrious enough to find a job using a mouth stick and gumption but some crap head testing "professional" encouraged the HR department to make no exceptions - after all, drug users are all liars.

So far as jobs are concerned, I am torn, it is within the perview of the employer to ask for quite a bit, but the problem comes when the employee asks for compensation - oh, like maybe some employer loyalty,instead of seeing his employees as interchangable and disposable. Were there to be more of that sort of attitude, I wouldn't be so disgusted with employers in general demanding piss tests not for THC active within the body but for tests for metabolites that are evidence only that the person smoked or was around a smoker some time in the past, likely not anywhere near work.

Tesing drivers or pilots? So the pilot doesn't test positive for alcohol but he gets in the cockpit after having only two hours sleep - but that's ok right? cause - he ISN'T USING DRUGS!!!

Sometimes the mentality that surrounds us is stunning in its idiocy.


Well-Known Member
I think that is accurate. I just got a job with the federal government and I had to pass a drug test and sign a document that said I wasn't addicted to marijuana or LSD, which i found odd because I don't recall the document mentioning heroin, cocaine, meth, or pharmaceuticals. Do people still do LSD?

An important distinction is that I won't be subject to random tests like my former employer requires. Who the fuck do they think they are?

It is clear that they are certain that they want no enlightened employees on their staff.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
If you can figure out how to do LSD without waiting several days until your body can become high again on it, you'll become rich. The AMA says it's not possible. The DEAs docs defy the whole medical community. They good!


Ursus marijanus
If you can figure out how to do LSD without waiting several days until your body can become high again on it, you'll become rich. The AMA says it's not possible. The DEAs docs defy the whole medical community. They good!
Job 1 would be "find actual LSD" ... cn

Kite High

Well-Known Member
Check out this memo that my former employer put out on Friday:


To : All *** Employees

From : **********

*** provides this memo in response to the recent passage of Initiative 502 concerning the legalization of marijuana. *** wants to make clear its expectation regarding drug use and the consequences to eliminate any confusion.


*** will continue to test for marijuana in accordance with its drug testing procedures. If you are drug tested ( and you probably will be, due to our random drug testing policy ) and are found to have marijuana in your system, that fact will be reported to *** as a positive drug test. At that time, you will have to go through the same steps that you would go through if you tested positive for cocaine, heroine, or any other illegal drug in order to keep your job. A second positive test within 7 years will result in an automatic termination of your employment.

Simply put: you still can’t smoke marijuana if you wish to work at ***.

If you have any questions regarding this notice m please feel free to call me at Ex. ***.
tell him to get fuvked and get another job or better yet start your own business...why make an asshat richer?


Well-Known Member
Wow, that's bullshit..

I'd have a tough time working for such a company.

Where do these companies get off trying to control peoples personal lives? That's a question I've been wondering since I've entered the workforce, even with cannabis illegal.

Stop drinking. Stop smoking. Stop fucking. Stop watching TV. Stop using the internet. Stop playing games.

Work. Take work home. Work more. Make me money. Stop living. Stop existing. Work. Be my slave. I pay you, therefore I have complete control over you. WORK!

The employees of these companies should quit. These companies wouldn't exist with their dictatorial practices if their employees would take a stand against their policies. To the OP, why not organize something around a freedom to exist under state legal practices? Get other employees to understand if this company wishes to remain, either abide by STATE law or get the fuck out of the state. The state in which the majority of voters approved cannabis for recreational use. What's next, you're not allowed to talk about the company? You're not allowed to wear black on Tuesdays? You're not allowed to make a phone call during a break? What other LEGAL things are you not allowed to do because the employer, whose likely been brainwashed with a lifetime of propaganda, doesn't like it?



Active Member

Stop drinking. Stop smoking. Stop fucking. Stop watching TV. Stop using the internet. Stop playing games.
As much fun as those are, you shouldn't do them at work.

I think most companies will not abide by state law when it is federally illegal. No company wants the feds knocking at their door. The problem with weed vs alcohol, is you can test someone on the spot if they are drunk. You can't really test someone one on the spot if they are currently stoned or they tested negative because of bong hits the person took two nights ago. If there was a test that could distinguish the difference it would make a lot of money.


Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
You're the logical science guy. Why is this so complicated? You become the owner and then you can say that to your minions.


Well-Known Member
You're the logical science guy. Why is this so complicated? You become the owner and then you can say that to your minions.
you won't have a business for very long if you view them as minions rather than people who are your best and most trusted assets.

funny how it works when you treat your people well instead of treating them like commodities.


Active Member
I forgot to tell you a couple of years ago I went into a fancy restaurant/ hotel and I was interviewing with this lady and we did the whole interview thing, the lady loved me she hired me on the spot. I started filling out paperwork, turned it in to HR. The last thing she said I needed to do was go take a piss test, I thought this might come up, so I was straight up with her and said I have a medical marijuana lic. and would probably test dirty. She looked at me with a shocked look and was kind of speechless for a sec. She told me, let me run it by HR and I will get back to you. I never heard a word from her. I thought it was funny how she thought I was perfectly capable for the job and loved me. Then when she finds out I smoked, the brakes came on.



Well-Known Member
I forgot to tell you a couple of years ago I went into a fancy restaurant/ hotel and I was interviewing with this lady and we did the whole interview thing, the lady loved me she hired me on the spot. I started filling out paperwork, turned it in to HR. The last thing she said I needed to do was go take a piss test, I thought this might come up, so I was straight up with her and said I have a medical marijuana lic. and would probably test dirty. She looked at me with a shocked look and was kind of speechless for a sec. She told me, let me run it by HR and I will get back to you. I never heard a word from her. I thought it was funny how she thought I was perfectly capable for the job and loved me. Then when she finds out I smoked, the brakes came on.

i would 'like' this comment except for the fact that it illustrates the stigma we face as a group. we are a political joke. even hickenlooper made a dig at us with his cheetos remark.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Happy workers aren't always productive workers.Value and motivation cause productivity.By observing behavior you can implement rewards and punishments.How do you think the public school system works?Happy students with more spent get better grades?


Active Member
i would 'like' this comment except for the fact that it illustrates the stigma we face as a group. we are a political joke. even hickenlooper made a dig at us with his cheetos remark.
Yeah I agree. Marijuana has a bad stigma some are legit, some are not. But why is that? Where does it come from? Isn't it the reality that fuckheads in every aspect of life that ruin it all for the majority of us? When you say we are a political joke, do mean the marijuana movement?



Well-Known Member
Bucky, Happy workers aren't always productive workers.
you don't need to be productive to be happy, but you better have a happy employee if you expect them to be productive. you don't accomplish that by calling them "minions".

the rest of your rant belongs in your cookbook/manifesto.