Memo my former employer put out on friday


Active Member
That is correct
And holds legal merit in 'right to work" states
I was going to call Bullshit on this until i looked up "Right to Work" states. All red states. I've never lived in one, so I don't know what it's like. This is much trickier in states that haven't legalized discrimination.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
If you never know an employee has a "problem" without a blood test, I see no problem. But then we need to get rid of an employer being liable for say your gambling or alcohol treatment. I see no problem with a one strike you're fired for being intoxicated.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Dr, please disambiguate: do you mean the fun kind of stoning, or ... ? cn


the fun kind of Stoning:

not quite as enjoyable as the one above:

also...* my computer doesnt have a latin spell checker. and even if i did, i wouldnt use it. my spelling is full of what ya call "Persian Flaws"


Ursus marijanus
I was actually wondering if you meant the fun kind of sodomy. You ... left that open. cn

ceterum censeo
fuck spellcheckers.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
That is not true. Any activities that effect your work, or your employer deems will effect your work, can be used to dismiss you.

-coming into work late everyday because you decided that your recreational activities the night before were more important.
-If you come into work with a slight hint of liquor on your breath from drinking the night before, but blow a .00, they can send you home, or fire you.
-If you get a DUI in a federal position, you can be fired.
-If you smoke pot only when you are off work, your employer holds the right to drug test, and if found in your system, you can be fired.
-Recently, a woman who posted "Another 4 years of that n*****! Maybe this time he will get assassinated" on HER FACEBOOK, outside of work, was fired from her position at work, and is facing charges.

There are other examples as well. There is a fine line between worker discrimination and termination as a result of negative actions.
you and cheezie are tap dancing in a mine field.

-being late is cutting into your boss's time,
-showing up hung over also cuts into your boss's time,
-getting a DUI while holding a civil service position is political, and thus bullshit, since congressmen can get all the DUI's they like and stay in office. its just a political "zero tolerance" statement, nothing more
-your employer does not have the right to test you for tobacco use, or drinking, or liking dubstep
-recently a guy who wrote that 47% of people pay no taxes, and as a result he didnt get hired... whats your point? sacking somebody for making racist declarations is wrong, but she was sacked for being a dumbass, and thats all right with me.

if you keep expanding the rights of your employer to control their employee's private lives before long youll be unemployed, or working 18 hour shifts in the soylent green factory turning old people into new food. stand up, or sit down. your choice. but those who sit and take it meekly dont get to choose whether those who stand and fight show you the ass or the crotch as they pass your seat.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Pot is classified as a drug... You can most definitely terminate someone who tests positive for a federally illegal substance that can not only land that individual in jail, but if caught at work, could even land the employer or other employees in jail.

Every federally funded company is required to mandate drug tests for their employees, and moreover, the employees have to pass the test based on the federal definition. It's law..

Lastly, just because you file for a wrongful termination suit, does not mean you will win. Of course many ATTEMPT to sue to wrongful termination, I doubt many win. Especially if their reason for wrongful termination was that they failed a pot drug test. The judge will laugh them out of the court room...
i'm assuming you mean every company that receives government contracts, since a "federally funded company" is a bureaucracy, not a company, even if they hang up a shingle and claim to be a corporation (like the obamaphone corporation)


Well-Known Member
nothing changes on that front
legal or not you voluntarily work for your employer. He has the right to make those rules

Exactly right.....the real question is why you would want to work for a company like that? Find a new job and problem solved.


Well-Known Member
You can't work at all in the hospitals around here if you take ANY narcotic medicine. From janitors, and nurses to doctors. Period. They don't budge either. You get hurt, and get prescribed pain killers you are on leave immediately. Central Wisconsin.


Well-Known Member
i'm assuming you mean every company that receives government contracts, since a "federally funded company" is a bureaucracy, not a company, even if they hang up a shingle and claim to be a corporation (like the obamaphone corporation)

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I was actually wondering if you meant the fun kind of sodomy. You ... left that open. cn

ceterum censeo
fuck spellcheckers.
all forms of sodomy are fun (except when it's legitimate real rape) thats why people often voluntarily CHOOSE to do it.

sodomy is any act which could be construed as sexual or sexually stimulating which does not include a penis in direct contact with a vagina.

ZJ's (if you have to ask you cant afford it)
Porn Viewing
Mutual Masturbation
Oral Copulation
Dry Humping
Glory Holes (all sorts)
Beastiality (all sorts)
Bondage & Discipline
AutoErotic Asphyxia
and that thing where the girl chokes you with a belt while she tinkles on a balloon...


Ursus marijanus
all forms of sodomy are fun (except when it's legitimate real rape) thats why people often voluntarily CHOOSE to do it.

sodomy is any act which could be construed as sexual or sexually stimulating which does not include a penis in direct contact with a vagina.

ZJ's (if you have to ask you cant afford it)
Porn Viewing
Mutual Masturbation
Oral Copulation
Dry Humping
Glory Holes (all sorts)
Beastiality (all sorts)
Bondage & Discipline
AutoErotic Asphyxia
and that thing where the girl chokes you with a belt while she tinkles on a balloon...
I doff my tricorn in admiration of your versatility. cn

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Not true. The Bush tax cuts O-Bam-O-Rama extended using the stimulus program were all his. So it's his phone too. He owns you. Now we're all his welfare slaves!


Well-Known Member
all forms of sodomy are fun (except when it's legitimate real rape) thats why people often voluntarily CHOOSE to do it.

sodomy is any act which could be construed as sexual or sexually stimulating which does not include a penis in direct contact with a vagina.

ZJ's (if you have to ask you cant afford it)
Porn Viewing
Mutual Masturbation
Oral Copulation
Dry Humping
Glory Holes (all sorts)
Beastiality (all sorts)
Bondage & Discipline
AutoErotic Asphyxia
and that thing where the girl chokes you with a belt while she tinkles on a balloon...
glory holes and penis to vagina intercourse are not mutually exclusive, sir.


Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Employers have to careful about that kind of shit. Every state has different laws that regulate how an employer is allowed to treat his/her employees. For example, in Illinois, an employer could fire an employee who refused to give them access to their facebook information. A few months ago, the Governor signed a bill that takes that right away from employers. Chesus brought up the smoking thing, 30 states have since banned that practice. I think someone implied that they only hire people with similar political beliefs. That's illegal as shit in most states (perhaps even all states), though probably difficult to prove. This issue of employees being allowed to smoke marijuana outside of work has come up a few times and each time the courts have sided with the employer. I'll bet there are more court battles yet to be fought on this issue and if no victories are made there then the issue could be resolved through legislation.

This employer from the original post found out the hard way that they aren't allowed to do whatever they want. They once fired a guy for being a Muslim. That decisions ended up costing them about 100k. Actually I got caught in the middle, which is why they are my former employer.
I was fired in SLC for being gay. one of the ugliest days of my life. They fought my unemployment claim. I won. :p


Well-Known Member
You are absolutely correct on this. I've been through it. The lawyers I talked to estimate that a company will spend a minimum of 10 grand going to court over eeoc complaints. Even when a company is confident that they can win, they will sometimes settle just to avoid the bad PR.
I'm not allowed to discuss it. Don't tell anyone. I got $17,000. After the lawyers take, $9,xxx. I was actually discriminated against, but since I got a better paying job the next day, I had no damages. And my lawyer really sucked, too. It was a big company, a REALLY big company. That's all I can say about it.