Magnus Genetics Warlock Feminine


Well-Known Member
No doubt, I'll get at ya. Bout to go hit the bong and drink some beers. Grilled up a bunch of shit today. Got a bunch of leftovers to take care of!



Well-Known Member
I am happy and jealous haha. I cant fucking wait for you to get your place and start growing those.... I will be getting my warlock soon too!


Well-Known Member
Very VERY fast! amazing delivery! i am trying to get my posts up over 50 on hg so i can get some discount and freebies! ! i would love to order from the dr. again! i got my lock, now i'd get my tropical shit. then my pure indica . then my pure sativa when i've got time, room, and patience.


Well-Known Member
Thank you driphuse! my mom just got a job, starts saturday. so now we can get a steady flow of income. can you say apartment? lol! i want a house, but with our credit, ha!
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Well-Known Member
start with the apartment work it to the house, get that credit up up up! haha

i just fuond out i might now be buying any seeds, long story short, warlock might not be in my garden anytime soon :(


Well-Known Member
I don't think I posted this, but until I can get the grow up and running, I have the seeds in a film canister filled half way with long grain white. I believe it's supposed to keep moisture out..


Well-Known Member
i was wondering bout updates. i am itching to start a grow but i am gonna be going to the beach and cant have someone watch my animals while i am growing.


Well-Known Member
i cant wait for you to start yours... I might have to wait another month or so to start mine Himalayan. I really want Warlock though :(