LOVEHATE13's 1st Grow... Skunk #1 and Freebie


Already started flushing since around the 14th on the skunk... And thanxx pipe dream... The skunks are pretty dense but the other one is fluffy... Skunk needs a few more days.. Still milky..


skunk #1 was cut on day 100 day 69 of 12/12 on the 30th of last month. been hanging for 5 days now put all the smaller buds in a jar to cure now, but main cola is still hanging.

freebie is on day 92 and day 74 of 12/12
most of the pistils haven't changed color yet. maybe give it a week or two.

will put up pic's later.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
right on man I just chopped one down today. I'm excited to see the nugs and the smoke report on that skunk.


I got like 16g from the skunk and the freebie is still going I hope. The skunk was a very head high and the smoothest stuff I ever smoked. hopefully this freebie comes out good. seems like i will get more from this plant. after this ill just work on the BF Vanilla Kush plant I got in the room right now. Its at 12/12 but when the freebie is done Imma put it to like 14/10 or 16/8.

