Looking for advice on recovery tanks


New Member
Hello first post here, bare with me.

I’ve just recently purchased a CLS. I will be recovering the solvent passively. I currently have a tank full of solvent, and two empty (full of nitrogen) recovery tanks. I was told by the store to pull a vac on the CLS, run the entire 20-25 lbs of solvent (cannot remember if it was 20-25, I’ll have to check) into the CLS (I have a 12 in base, and was told it will hold all 20-25 LBS) to distill the solvent.

Then pull a vac on the recovery tank, and recover the solvent using dry ice and warm water. I was told to replicate the same process to extract from the material, using the other empty recovery tank as my new recovery tank and the other recovery tank, now containing distilled solvent as my delivery tank. I ask them if this was standard to run an entire 20-25 lbs of butane for 1lbs material column and they said yes. They said something to the affect of “it may take longer to recover, but it’s the easiest way to run it”..

I have no idea, but that doesn’t seem to be the easiest way to run it..

My questions are -

- is there a different, better method

- if this is the best way to run it.. on my second material run, would I pull a vac on my empty recovery tank that has previously had solvent in it and acted as the delivery tank? This certainly doesn’t seem correct to me but once again, I do not know.

I guess, if this were you, how would you run a passive CLS using a 20-25 LBS solvent filled tank, and two nitrogen filled brand new recovery tanks.

I do not plan to run the system until I am fully confident that I understand the machine and how to properly use it.

I’ve searched a lot of the internet, but info specific to my situation seems scarce.

Thanks in advance!