Looking for a "Test Grower" for my new 900w & 1800w LED Systems.


Calyx LED
I can provide my new DH 900w LED Panel at wholesale to one grower, and an 1800w LED Panel to another grower. All I ask in return is you document your grow with my lights. If anyone is interested please get at me! :leaf:

(2) Two Test Growers Needed.
I can provide my new DH 900w LED Panel at wholesale to one grower, and an 1800w LED Panel to another grower. All I ask in return is you document your grow with my lights. If anyone is interested please get at me! :leaf:

(2) Two Test Growers Needed.
More interested AND willing!!:-P


Calyx LED
I want to clear up any confusion that may happen, this is not for a "FREE" grow light. You get it at wholesale cost plus shipping to your destination. You guys can be the first in the world to burn a 900w or 1800w LED System and get it at production cost!

Anyone interested please PM me and I will shoot you the wholesale pricing.
if its free means tested i would love to test it again to c if it works for you then if you want i will smoke it 2 and if its not good enough i will let you no


Well-Known Member
i would only have space for the 900w...i was looking into led growing...whats the wholesale price for these?how can we get more info?


Calyx LED
I have some brand new low wattage grow lights for 2011...those might be up your alley and I will need testers as well. PM me for info.


Well-Known Member
this guy decided to build some lights and now he wants to use the site to sell them .
yeah, only one of each. He must be on his way to the bank to retire now. Geeezzz...... Give him a break, he is looking to get some grows going under his LED lights. I do wish him luck though on finding testers willing to pay for prototype design testing. The problem with his results will be bias because the grower will have a financial interest in the product being tested.