Leaves Browning and red stems

hi evry1, just like to say thankyou ever so much for all the support and help that i needed at a desperate time. I havent been back on for a while as i have been paying alot more attention to my lovely ladies. Firstly it was underwatering that was the problem and also nute burn. I watered them streight away and the day after they were back to normal again
its been 2 weeks tomorrow since they were really bad, i have never had this problem since that... so then i have attached some photos again but this time i have a problem of browning middle leaves and small amount of it on higher leaves although its mainly only 1 plant. Since the underwatering i have only fed with plain water and after a week or so i started to introduce a very weak nute feed to prevent and deficiencies. I have also red stems. Just take a look at the pics anyway guys because i could go on forever lmao. Sorry for the long threads i will get better and make them shorter

I have always ph'd the runoff water and i was getting 7.0 there abouts... i sprayed leaves with nitrozyme 5ml/ 1litre last week but seemed to make the leaves even more yellow.


Well-Known Member
To me it looks as if there is still some imbalances in the soil...which overfeeding will cause...it is tricky sometimes to understand the correlation between all the nutes, but there has to be a certain ratio of each element for the soil to work as it should...if there is too much of 1 thing, then it throws off the balance of everything...the only way I get my plants to bounce back after something like what you have described is to replant them into a premium quality soil, and not mess them up again. Nitrogen is a bitch. You give too much and it messes up every single process the plant has, because it messes with the levels of other things that the plant needs...even after you aren't any longer overfertilizing, the plant will still show all manner of issues...so try repotting, and try to get the watering and low level feeds on track.


Well-Known Member
do you ph the water going in runoff means nothing to me
Checking the run off is a better way to know the pH the plants are actually maintaining...so the runoff is what matters...
The way you figure out what you need to put in, is by checking what comes out...You sir seem to be in no position to assist others as of yet.


Well-Known Member
nitrozym is good for setting of new growth areas. i love the stuff for my mothers. but it an clog up the stomatas making it hard for the plant to transpire . make sure you rinse / mist the plants with plain water after application. also did u does this with lights off
also checking run-of for ph is bad news. you can get very inaccurate reading. i.e things like a little roots sweat can cause ph swings and give a miss reading making you think you have a problem when you dont. it just will lead u down bad roads. as long as you put the correct ph water/feed in every-time u should be ok. i know soil as buffers but its still good to ph youre water.


Well-Known Member
Checking the run off is a better way to know the pH the plants are actually maintaining...so the runoff is what matters...
The way you figure out what you need to put in, is by checking what comes out...You sir seem to be in no position to assist others as of yet.
haha your prob right haha i just threw that up cuz noone was answering figured someone would chime in with better info i guess stone me for trying

oh sorry thot that msg was to me im out now haha


Active Member
Checking the run off is a better way to know the pH the plants are actually maintaining...so the runoff is what matters...
The way you figure out what you need to put in, is by checking what comes out...You sir seem to be in no position to assist others as of yet.
i know a hand full of people that dont test runoff ever just what goes in and they have no probs so like ive said after seeing all the grows withou testing runoff im saying it means nothing to me


Active Member
haha it happens im surprised you havnt go chewed out for answering seems unless you have 5,603 posts your no help but really post mean nothing i could have all those posts if i spent my life on the computer just cuz you post pics dosent mean your a good grower you prob posting pics of someone elses plants watch yourself grorite
i test the ph of water before adding it to the plant aswell and all is fine. thanks evryone for all your info it all helps i guess.


Well-Known Member
Looks like a problem with N and P from what I could see.Sounds like you may need a stronger nute solution,since you say you've been very light with them ??Make sure you don't go overboard with nutes or you will create bigger problems.


Well-Known Member
I check my run off so I have an idea of what pH I need to water with...like if my run off is 8, then I need to water with 6, that way the resulting run off will be 7 instead of the original 8. If my water starts at 9...so I bring it to 7...but if I give the plant the 7 the soil shoots it back to 8...so I know I have to water with 6 to get a pH of 7...I mean you should always check your water going in...check it going in, and then check that same water coming out...that way you have a better idea what is going on with the plant. You can't check only the runoff, or only the original solution...you have to check both and adjust accordingly.

And it is always great to help, but often times people try the suggestions they are told online...I know I wouldn't want to be at all responsible for someone else's grow going south.


Active Member
yeah i just figured someone would pop in with better info like you have sorry i went off like that ive been having a ruff week dealing with my sick 1 year old son and on top of it i just quit my job cuz they didnt have the funds to pay me they were behind 2 weeks pay


Well-Known Member
Hmm...so what's the verdict on this plant...? I am curious...have you tried repotting it yet?


Well-Known Member
Looks like a problem with N and P from what I could see.Sounds like you may need a stronger nute solution,since you say you've been very light with them ??Make sure you don't go overboard with nutes or you will create bigger problems.
More nutes???? Just feed your plant good water......and let it recover after a replant, or even a flush.....dont give it more nutes! i My opinion?
i tried repotting one of them however that one seems to be the worst tat is the main bad one. ive spoken to someone today in the growshop and hes pretty sure its P looking at my pics and he knows ive tried N.