L R G's QP In A Dresser


Active Member
Bump bumb any thoughts or comments??
Day 2 of flowering temps are under 80 with the light on
There stretching nicely very excited :mrgreen:


Active Member

Im noticed a little splotchy-ness on the one. Cal/mag?
Yep hundred percent right f ditty
Since its first feed about a week go it hasn't seemed to spread
In fact it improved even on the older growth that got it rough
Seems fairly isolated to those few leaves now and hasn't continued
Only bright side is the techna flora kit comes with the cal mag
And it seems to be workin thanks for the input I was hopin that was the problem


Well-Known Member
Hahaha okay troll take your 6 inch mature plants and go somewhere else
Hope that 8th last you while
1 plant is 2" tall lrg, its for the love of growing. think im stupid? how about you starting 2 plants in 1 pot and saying you know what your doing.. then flowering your plants at 5" tall and still expecting to yield a QP... you talk like a noob and your sure growing like one. :finger::finger:


Active Member
1 plant is 2" tall lrg, its for the love of growing. think im stupid? how about you starting 2 plants in 1 pot and saying you know what your doing.. then flowering your plants at 5" tall and still expecting to yield a QP... you talk like a noob and your sure growing like one. :finger::finger:
Hahaha gosh stay off my journal
Even if I only get two zips I stil have a reasonable yield
I never oncee claimed to be anything great
All though I have growin plenty of plants and have some reasonable knowledge

All you need is more light I woulda told you that but your to busy flippin the bird and bein rude since your first post in here
my titles just a goal somethin to shoot for
If your that upset just smoke a bowl
I don't appreciate the abuse of my thread
Be happy we got plants shit :bigjoint::bigjoint:


Active Member
The leaves look lush and green, like spinach, hmmm, I like spinach lol. They look great dude.
Hahaha yeah they have came around allot hopin it stays that way next feed is real soon it'll be the first set of bloom nutes pretty excited the lsd seems to be lovin the nutrients its piggin out lol

How your ladys doin??


Active Member
Alot of small, but good, growth in her under-britches:) U gonna lollipop her?
I was really hoping they would strecth a bit then trim any growth under those sites to promote growth and better all around air circulation under the canopy we'll see how much they shoot out even a couple lesser colas would be nice :weed:

I'm just really hopin it doesn't strecth more than a 12-16 inches that wouldn't be good I only got a little more room in there I'm sure ill be good though


Well-Known Member
Humbolt countys Bushmaster will stop stretch. Cant vouch for it, but ive seen people with good results..


Active Member
Humbolt countys Bushmaster will stop stretch. Cant vouch for it, but ive seen people with good results..
Thanks for the reminder I totally spaced that!! Good thing your around ill keeep it mind if starts gettin nuts lol

Do you have any current grows goin?


Active Member
If that is somrthing u wanna use. U wanna do it now. Good old string works cheaper tho..
Yeah I've been lsting through out the whole grow so height shouldn't be a factor hoping not at least ill know better in a week or so I may tie them once more before stretch period is over


Active Member
Hahaha yeah they have came around allot hopin it stays that way next feed is real soon it'll be the first set of bloom nutes pretty excited the lsd seems to be lovin the nutrients its piggin out lol

How your ladys doin??
They doing great besides the burned leafs, not to complain about. It's just amazing how much the buds grow per day. Especially since I only look at them once a day now, I can really notice the difference day by day.


Well-Known Member
^^^wish i could only look once a day. Im always like a kid in a candy store, every time, harvest after harvest:):)