L R G's QP In A Dresser


Active Member
New update there truckin along pretty well completly green which never hurts i really wish i could zoom in on the chiesel has great color on the new node thats starting vigorous growth from the lsd very happ looks like multiple growth sites are pokin out do to the lsting enjoy bongsmilie
That one in the first pic is looking strong homie! Lovin that shit. The 2 in the same pot look good. Not to be jumpin on the band-wagon but....I know u wanna test out how well the whole 2 girls in the same pots thing work out, but my thoughts are, if your going to all the trouble of buildig teh cab, making sure the heat good and doing all the shit you've done, maybe you should just put them into separate pots so you can get your full potential, na mean? That's my 2 cents, and i'll shut up on that. Lol


Active Member
That one in the first pic is looking strong homie! Lovin that shit. The 2 in the same pot look good. Not to be jumpin on the band-wagon but....I know u wanna test out how well the whole 2 girls in the same pots thing work out, but my thoughts are, if your going to all the trouble of buildig teh cab, making sure the heat good and doing all the shit you've done, maybe you should just put them into separate pots so you can get your full potential, na mean? That's my 2 cents, and i'll shut up on that. Lol
to be honest i think i might just pull the one its looking like pure sativa which might be a problem later you all got me considerin it now though HAHAHA
i guess i just might do that because the other ones deff the chiesel i think so fuck it operation remove plant is on its wayyyyy


Active Member
soooooo i got with the bandwagon and transplanted the sharksbreath into a new pot still dont know if im gonna keep it itll probably get moved to outdoor lacation if its starts growing out of control damn sativas can be nutty

it was deff the right choice for the future :weed::weed:


Well-Known Member
Diggin the cab dude, i'm hopin to pull off 3qps this time around in my cab. Vertical works quite nicely for confined spaces! Best of luck to you n the ladies.



Active Member
Verbal Update:

All is well in the dresser temps hover at 78-80 degrees
got rid of all light leaks so even in pitch black you will never tell
Barneys Lsd Which is a Mazar/ Skunk#1 cross is growing vigurously with a thick stem and at least three new bud sites since the lst
THe second oldest which is the dna's sharks breath(75% sure since i transplanted the lmore sativa one into another pot) is truckin along well working on its second node that i lsted as well
the chiesel is kinda runt it up not much growth since the ransplant still nice and vibran green though sure itll pick back up
ordering more shit this friday from HID HUT
including 250watt hps cool tube
"perfect pots"
and two 230 cfm 6" whisper fans

planning to flower in mid march maybe a hair sooner

pics will be up saturday

comments welcomed!



Active Member
Verbal Update:

All is well in the dresser temps hover at 78-80 degrees
got rid of all light leaks so even in pitch black you will never tell
Barneys Lsd Which is a Mazar/ Skunk#1 cross is growing vigurously with a thick stem and at least three new bud sites since the lst
THe second oldest which is the dna's sharks breath(75% sure since i transplanted the lmore sativa one into another pot) is truckin along well working on its second node that i lsted as well
the chiesel is kinda runt it up not much growth since the ransplant still nice and vibran green though sure itll pick back up
ordering more shit this friday from HID HUT
including 250watt hps cool tube
"perfect pots"
and two 230 cfm 6" whisper fans

planning to flower in mid march maybe a hair sooner

pics will be up saturday

comments welcomed!

Sounds great dude. Can't wait for the pic update bro.


Active Member

Hello Riu its been quite a while since the last update but Ive been busy at work perfecting my techique and my setup
as of now
were about a month and half into veg for the oldest plant
and 3 weeks on the other two

just started technaflora nutes which has improved growth incredibly
seein how im using mg i saw signs of mag def. but its been gone since the first feed

ph is adjusted to 5.7-6.0

Total cfm for the cool tube 460
and another 460 for intake outake in the box as well probaly a bit over kill but the temps have never been over 83 degrees

250 watt cool tube was a great purchase growth has been spectacular ever since

flowering starts in two weeks

note yellowing on the big boy has stopped and all new growth is green and even some yellow leaves has greened up as well

enjoyyy :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
lookin pretty nice. i actually put together a new cabinet which gives me more room, in a way. you may wanna flower those soon. from what I have seen/heard flowering is much more vigorous with a light like that opposed to cfls. is it hard to keep temps down in there now?


Active Member
lookin pretty nice. i actually put together a new cabinet which gives me more room, in a way. you may wanna flower those soon. from what I have seen/heard flowering is much more vigorous with a light like that opposed to cfls. is it hard to keep temps down in there now?
yeah i was wondering about the stretch with an hps compared to cfl, im hoping it doesnt strecth more than a foot or oot an half there all hybrids and the one is an idica
I think i will be flowering come the end of the week though i got plenty of growth sites coming of the little indica which was why ive been veggin for so long in the first place lol

well temps arent that big of a problem runs at 80- 83 rare ocassions gets to 84-85 but its a fuckin wind tunnel in the dresser and the room as well
thinkin of just droppin an evaporite cooler to balance the heat from the ballast and the hot air exhausted out from the cool tube

Im in! Nice lookin setup...
It's great to have you long fditty i was just reading about your cheap clone box the other day!!

I think i wanna get another tent next go around do a perpatual in coco blocks with god bud from bcbuddepot. any ideas or input on this strain?


Active Member
I like your setup. I have been going by the local goodwill looking for something like this to convert myself. Still nothing so far though. I was thinking of doing the same type of thing with a tall file cabinet but I dont have the tools to cut through metal and this would be much easier. I would like to see some more pics of how you setup the dresser. Did you put it on wheels to roll away from the wall or is it pretty easy to just slide over?

I am on my first grow myself and the first phase went pretty poorly. Still getting the basics like maintaining temp and what type of soil works in my climate. subscribed sir


Active Member
I like your setup. I have been going by the local goodwill looking for something like this to convert myself. Still nothing so far though. I was thinking of doing the same type of thing with a tall file cabinet but I dont have the tools to cut through metal and this would be much easier. I would like to see some more pics of how you setup the dresser. Did you put it on wheels to roll away from the wall or is it pretty easy to just slide over?

I am on my first grow myself and the first phase went pretty poorly. Still getting the basics like maintaining temp and what type of soil works in my climate. subscribed sir
File cabinets and storage cabinets work very well all you need is a metal drill bit and a drill to make your vent holes
For this dresser though it slides over.
Although wheels would be ideal although it moves smoothly with out it
The back is the original back I used screen holder or thumb clamps to keep it light tight and still easy to take on and off

Aweee the good ole what the fuck grow we've all been there my friend its just a matter of time and research
A pretty easy way top keep it all green is the techna flora starter kit super easy to use

Hope this helps bongsmilie


Active Member
File cabinets and storage cabinets work very well all you need is a metal drill bit and a drill to make your vent holes
For this dresser though it slides over.
Although wheels would be ideal although it moves smoothly with out it
The back is the original back I used screen holder or thumb clamps to keep it light tight and still easy to take on and off

Aweee the good ole what the fuck grow we've all been there my friend its just a matter of time and research
A pretty easy way top keep it all green is the techna flora starter kit super easy to use

Hope this helps bongsmilie
Loved the pic update dude, looking like the plants are doing great. :clap:


Active Member
File cabinets and storage cabinets work very well all you need is a metal drill bit and a drill to make your vent holes
For this dresser though it slides over.
Although wheels would be ideal although it moves smoothly with out it
The back is the original back I used screen holder or thumb clamps to keep it light tight and still easy to take on and off

Aweee the good ole what the fuck grow we've all been there my friend its just a matter of time and research
A pretty easy way top keep it all green is the techna flora starter kit super easy to use

Hope this helps bongsmilie
just spent a few hours reading about pc case grows, DWC, Dresser grows, etc. and youre right. I could get away in a much smaller space. This guy got like 26g in a pc case.


oh the possibilities and choices. I should have waited to start my grow until I had read more. damn impulses.


Active Member
just spent a few hours reading about pc case grows, DWC, Dresser grows, etc. and youre right. I could get away in a much smaller space. This guy got like 26g in a pc case.


oh the possibilities and choices. I should have waited to start my grow until I had read more. damn impulses.
They havwe these autoflowering hindu kush seeds only grow a foot tall but nugs are extremely dense so you still have a reasonable yield

Dwc is pretty cool I recomend a very solid knowledge of soil and marijuana in general though because its not forgiving you mess you up they die

To be real goodwill gots tons of dressers pick one up and ill give you full help and directions

^^^^Johnny check my signature, $57 grow box.

Thanks for having me LRG.
Anytime f ditty
Pleasures all mine
HAA dude thats a tight setup...
Thanks man your welcomed to ask questions or just follow allong it should be a pretty good finish,
Flowering Started Last Nights its only a matter of time:weed: