Just Some Questions.

Random update. Got all my ff nutes, and ff ocean forest.
was putting the plants in a hole about 2 feet deep, almost filled with to the top with soil. and a massive storm came in the area, destroyed everything.
it washed the soil onto the plants, and they were slightly submerged underwater for a little, and this happened yesterday. We transplanted and today another massive wave of rain and afterwords my friend checked and said they looked like wilted lettuce.
So now im back to step 1, but I went ahead and purchased a few lights and some peat pellets to get started again.
1 125W CFL 6500k
1 2 ft t5 base w/ reflector & 2 bulbs
4 42w 5500k CFL
2 23w 3300k? CFL
1 BloomBox LED 14wt Grow Panel (for shits and giggles)

I have a lil extra money to spend and decided to see what CFL's can do. Have seen and heard good things, just not as large of a harvest. Gonna take some of the plants again and put em outside, but hopefully this lighting system will allow better vegetation than the 2 23w CFLs.

Everything should be in my possession in about 3-5 days. So ill keep you guys posted and my gf has a nice camera so ill get some pics up when i can.