Just Some Questions.


New poster, 2nd time grower.

First time I grew, I had a strain of chemdawg. My friend provided me with a healthy clone which i let vegetate inside (when receieved was about 1.5 feet tall), and let vegetate until 2-2.5 feet. then put outside, had good soil etc. produced 2 ozs off of one plant.

My buddy doesnt have connections anymore so i started my own personal operation with some good seeds from random good buds i've bought. Some have already shown female characteristics (small small small white pistols).

I know people hate miracle grow, but i used miracle grow seed starter and have only had one plant lose its first 2 bottom leaves. My plants are using a standard aerogarden 26w bulb, just for light. I intend to put them outside in a coldframe just to protect from animals.

8 plants are about 2.5 weeks old, 7 are about 8 days old. I plant on vegetating on an 18/6 schedule for about 45 days. I was wondering when I should transplant the seedlings from the solo cups into something a little larger with better soil (I am getting Fox Farm Ocean Forest). I just dont know when I should do so.

Should I just check to see if the roots are going to the bottom of the cup then transplant or what? any help would be greatly appreciated.

Also if anyone has experience with coldframes, I have a goooood size hole (7x7 foot, 3 feet deep) should i dig individual holes and plant there or should i lay a foundation of some type of potting soil just as a base, because the whole is entirely clay, my other plant did just fine with a hole, but I don't want to have wasted my time with a petty mistake.

Thanks for reading and any comments would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
im an indoors grower( and i always use miracle gro with good results btw) but i would think if u could afford to fill your pit with a decent quality soil then that would be the best option, it would allow ur roots to wind their way all over the area giving roots a lot more freedom, i know that root systems of individual plants may become tangled with others but i dont imagine this would be any great problem. the other benefit that i can see is that when u finish ur grow u can just reuse the same soil pit u already have with maybe just adding a few new bags of soil into it, the initial expense may be higher but as along term investment i would think it would pay off, its the way i would do it if i had the option. although before you throw ur soil into the hole, i would seriously consider getting a few bags of stone chips into the very bottom to help drainage, maybe dig a another foot square hole around 2 foot deepin the centre of your pit and fill with chips as well( in the uk we would call it a 'stone drain' this would help combat your clay soil retaining too much water). im no outdoor expert but i think thats how i would approach it.


Active Member
As soon as the roots are set, transplant them. If you're vegetating, but planting outside, good luck. You can't control the sun & chances are, depending where you live, you'll have about 12/12 which will knock it into flowering. Of course it will have vegetative growth, but other than stealth, this is why so many people grow indoors. You'll get a nice plant still, but indoors, you can control your climate & atmosphere. If I were you & wanting to vegetate it for 45 days, I'd stick it under lights for 45 days, then pop it out to the sun's 12/12. You can never go wrong with the sun's strength :)

Good Luck!

**Try transplanting a couple hours after your plant has been awake :)


Well-Known Member
i would also transplant outdoors when the reach 18" to 24". they shoiuld be more than strong enuff at that point.


Well-Known Member
lol, yeah i would hope so, by that point im in 10 litre(3 gallon tubs) but its also around about the height i want before i put them into flower and if hes goin outside it would be the optimum point.
@ teh freaketh u dont say what ur cold frame height is, whats ur maximum height coz its gonna play a big part on how long your vegging for buddy.


Active Member
Good point, but don't forget, he has seeds from friends. These could be indica or sativa which would differ in height tremendously in most cases. He just smoked the final herb, my guess is no clue what strain they are?


Well-Known Member
yeah thats tru, ive got similar problems happening myself, an la woman thats exhibiting heavy sativa characteristics, the last one i had was almost a pure indica and finished at 4'( i pulled 7 oz off it!!, christ only knows how,it was treated like all the rest of my plants and they gave me around 3 to 4 oz each) my present one is around 5' and showing no real signs of cola building, although it was my retarded buddy that gave me the plant and he knows fuck all about fuck all!


Well-Known Member
lol. if it hermies, and i have slight suspicion it may( it doesnt really matter coz iv got dutch master reverse), i'll keep any seeds and post u some.


Active Member
LOL .. Hermie, dutch master reverse...well, ill take the last part of the sentence and drop the first hahaha! DMR, what are those? I'm not familiar with it, much less possiblyyyy faintly heard of them. They almost sound familiar, but old school, am I right?


Well-Known Member
dm reverse is a product that when used in conjunction with dutch mater penetrator( yeah i know i sounds like a porn film!) reverses the hermaphroditeism by stopping seed production. apparently its used by commercial fruit growers to produce seedless fruits like grapes, melons etc. i read about it on here, ive no real idea how it works but it does, i had 3 plant hermie on me last time and it stopped them and meant my other plants didnt get pollinated(or if they did it stopped that b4 any seed production) it cost about £30(maybe $50). cheap at twice the price imo. heres a thread if u wanna read about it but be warned its a fuckin huge thread with a helluva lot of real technical biological info, way over my knowledge base, i studied history and politics at university not fuckin biology or chemistry.
btw sorry for kinda hijackin the thread but at least there may be some decent information , if its annoying u just tell me buddy and i'll fuck off.


Well-Known Member
and yeah im an old school organic soil grower, produces the sweetest cleanest smoke imo.


Active Member
hahaha me too (occassional hydro, but I always have soil going at the same time). I've heard of something like that, but I think I put a giant void on it in my mind. I'm growing with seeds of my own :D Two shitty strains here in Asia that I cross pollinated. I grew from it once before, and I had ONE HELL OF A TURNOUT. I didn't take a journal, but I kept everything logged online on a different forum. All the shit got deleted when I posted a link to a website. Seriously, I was just referring to how shit the site I was referring to was, and they cancelled my account. I had a good 6 months on that site worth of info. Anyways, I'm home with rollitup & I can post all the shit I want, and they don't seem to kick my ass out with nothing in my hand but a paper towel & a dirty magazine. :) My strain I adore. I beat the hell out of it, and still a beautiful female. It's got plenty of work to do yet, but I've seemed to capture quite a few good characteristics in it :) Soil is a niceeeee cleannnn smoke. Even if it's harsh, it's gonna be that much more harsh in hydro. Is there anything like an organic condom to whre you don't have to pay attention to males?? hahhahah, let's patent that shit! lol


Well-Known Member
i only work with femd seeds myself or clones taken from femed seeded plants. if ur soil growin a strain thats kinda harsh try mollasses or black treacle when ur feeding it, the sugars cause the cola/bud to swell up and it sweetens the finished dry product. but make sure uvgot anti bug stuff around coz they do like the sugary taste, it also promotes beneficial microbes in the soil i believe.
my hole is 3 feet deep, I plan on having a wall that is ~4 feet tall from the bottom of the hole. At the 2 foot mark imma get some screening with big square holes so they grow through it and have some added support just in case.

Also i was planning on making a drainage hole, was gonna stuff it with some perilite but ill look up those stone chips. Right now my tallest plant is 7" and is showing female characteristics. Been using a 26w CFL Aerogarden bulb like i said, I also have a 500w halogen, but ive been reading up and halogens dont have the correct spectrum needed, if anyone else has had experience with halogens and vegetating please post, id greatly appreciate it.

Imma let em get around 2 feet before transplanting, im not too worried about putting them outside, the original chemdawg clone i received was indoors for about 1.5 months before i put it outside.

All i know is that i must get ff ocean forest and ff big bloom.
But as for the base soil, any have anything specific that i should get?

thanks for all the replies, i appreciate it guys.


Active Member
TONS OF WATER TO DILUTE WHEN YOU NUTE BURN IT HAHAHA! other than that, outside is easy bro. Make sure ya got fans and a good cfm. Keep it clean...really, wash your hands every time you scratch your ass/balls before entering the box/room. It matters


Active Member
you don't need that screen either. If that plant grow to be 2 ft under, it's gonna be fine. No reason for support & no reason to get it to be 20 ft tall either. There's a story in Cali about that..Can't remember...pot plant bigger than house haha..check it out....but i believe you're good to go...seriously, fuck spectrum..if you ain't got it, you ain't got it, but use something. Don't stick with a 26watter..that's 80-90 watts max? How many spectrums is that little bastard giving off? I think my piss in the snow glows better. Point being, your plant needs light. that's not gonna vegetate it worth a damn...what's the point if that's all you're going to use...use the halogen..I don't care if it's the old incandescent bulbs...I used them wayyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyy yyyyyyy back in the day once, but hey, I pulled it off. If you'll read forums, you'll get some nifty ideas. My best advice is to just use the 500 or sell it on ebay & then turn around and buy a different one. Hell, sell it on craigslist. you can pick up a 250 hps for 40 bucks half the time from an ebay store. That'll do ya just fine. I, personally, prefer cfl's. Less suspicious, very flexible ( I beat up my plants half the time because I can ), and they do the trick. People who have no idea what they're talking about will comment " you can't grow with cfl's" or "it's gonna turn out like shit" .. If you don't penetrate, your colas will be small, but you'll still have colas. Now, if you get that cfl within 2-3 inches, which you most certainly cannot with any light other than a cfl or MAYBE LED's, but I don't know enough about them & I don't know if I'll ever waste my time. Some people that ask about lumens, I'll tell them I grow with it just so they shut the hell up haha. They don't have high lumens, but apparently in LED grows, a high lumens count is not required because it gives light to the plant in a different way. It's amazing what you can learn with a free couple of hours, a bag of bud, rizlas & nothing but already answered forums. I think preparation is 90% of the plant's success IMHO. all the little things we've fucked up in the past have cost a couple colas here and there I'm sure. Remember, in the end, it's just a plant & if mother nature won't kill it, how are you gonna admit you did?

Insight 101 w/ this stoned mother fucker :) Haha, Good Morning from Asia 4:13 am...Babies are waking up in 5. Gave them an extra hour. I'm such a good daddy :D


Well-Known Member
what ive read about outside grows is that theyre more likely to suffer bug issues so make sure you've got sum basic shit to take care of any potential problems, have it in advance coz u wanna get rid of any shit before it causes probs.