Jeff Sessions is not racist

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
This is how ridiculous the left sounds as they try to slander jeff sessions. Much like the woman, they think political correctness and group speak is more important than actions. The MSM feeds you the lies and plays on emotions to keep you in control. Jeff Sessions has done more for blacks than "civil rights hero" John lewis.

MLK family is working WITH Trump to help blacks. John Lewis will sit out while they make america great again.


Well-Known Member
Jeff Sessions has done more for blacks than "civil rights hero" John lewis.
fitting post for MLK day.

john lewis helped get the fair housing act of 1968 passed. you know, the act under which donald trump was sued for refusing to rent to black tenants.

and jeff sessions fought against prosecuting a KKK lynching.

Sessions had “tried to persuade me to discontinue pursuit of the case.” Figures said that Sessions “remarked, with regard to the investigation, that the case was a waste of time, that it wasn’t going anywhere, that I should spend more time on other things, and that, if the perpetrators were found, I would not be assigned to the case.”


Well-Known Member
Despite once claiming to have filed dozens of desegregation cases, Sessions appears to have filed none––instead taking credit for work done by the civil-rights division on which his signature was included merely as a formality. By contrast, one of Sessions’s signature efforts as a prosecutor was an attempt to convict three voting-rights activists on charges of fraud for assisting elderly voters in filling out ballots.


Well-Known Member
He opposed the decriminalization of homosexual sex, opposed same-sex marriage, blamed school shootings on laws protecting disabled students, and supported the Supreme Court decision striking down key portions of the Voting Rights Act, saying “now if you go to Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, people aren't being denied the vote because of the color of their skin."

Screenshot 2017-01-16 at 10.30.02 PM.png


Well-Known Member
And hes anti cannabis to the hilt... remember it was conservatives who kept him from judgeship before because hes a racist... maybe he doesnt saybthe N word public but he wants to take America back in time! Anti cannabis, anti gay, racist, hes an albino turd.


Well-Known Member
  • Between 2013 and 2015, the Obama Administration released over 86,000 criminal aliens from custody. In 2015 alone, ICE freed 19,723 criminal aliens, who had 64,197 convictions among them. These included 8,234 violent convictions and 208 homicide convictions. [Homeland Security Committee, Nov. 19, 2015]


Well-Known Member
And hes anti cannabis to the hilt... remember it was conservatives who kept him from judgeship before because hes a racist... maybe he doesnt saybthe N word public
maybe he does.

Figures, who died last year, also said that Sessions once warned him to “be careful what you say to white folks” after Figures told a white secretary that he found a comment she made offensive. Figures was the only black assistant U.S. attorney in the office.


Well-Known Member

  • In the last five years, we’ve admitted nearly 100,000 immigrants from Iraq and Afghanistan – in these two countries, according to Pew research, a majority of residents say that the barbaric practice of honor killings against women are often or sometimes justified. [U.S. Department of Homeland Security, August 2016], [Pew Research Center, July 22, 2016]
  • Between 2013 and 2015, the Obama Administration released over 86,000 criminal aliens from custody. In 2015 alone, ICE freed 19,723 criminal aliens, who had 64,197 convictions among them. These included 8,234 violent convictions and 208 homicide convictions. [Homeland Security Committee, Nov. 19, 2015]

reported as spam.

if we wanted to read it, we could go to trum's pathetic website.