Is this a fair assessment of where Obama is?


Illegal Smile

you base your opinion on media propaganda. lies and distortion. the country is in a perilous crisis, and you hope for failure. you are a disgraceful american. and no, you and your ilk need not go on.
The country "is" in a perilous crisis but by Nov the source will be a marginalized lame duck. The bad guys are losing and the good guys are winning.


Well-Known Member
you base your opinion on media propaganda. lies and distortion. the country is in a perilous crisis, and you hope for failure. you are a disgraceful american. and no, you and your ilk need not go on.
The perilous crisis you reference was induced by the inept narcissist in the Whitehouse.

There is a palpable sense of anger toward the Federal Govt. due to the lack of confidence inspired by the feckless POTUS and his cabal of toadies.
And more and more Americans perceive that Obama simply wants to tell us all to sit down and shut up. He know best.


Active Member
The perilous crisis you reference was induced by the inept narcissist in the Whitehouse.

There is a palpable sense of anger toward the Federal Govt. due to the lack of confidence inspired by the feckless POTUS and his cabal of toadies.
And more and more Americans perceive that Obama simply wants to tell us all to sit down and shut up. He know best.
Really? I don't remember the inept narcissist being in office when this shit began, but sure blame it on him. Can we blame the war on drugs on him as well, please?

The anger and lack of confidence started a long time ago. Just because obama happens to be president when the shit hits the fan doesn't mean it's his fault.

Illegal Smile

Really? I don't remember the inept narcissist being in office when this shit began, but sure blame it on him. Can we blame the war on drugs on him as well, please?

The anger and lack of confidence started a long time ago. Just because obama happens to be president when the shit hits the fan doesn't mean it's his fault.
It's being hung on him. The blood is in the water. Even the leftist media is beginning to nibble at him like a pack of wolves waiting for an injured moose to fall. Jay Rockefeller saying he isn't believable. What's amazing is the way the admin is bumbling all over the place trying to recover. When your approval rating and your legislative agenda are both in the toilet, you need to show some modesty and compromise not strut around like you're holding all the cards


Well-Known Member
Just because obama happens to be president when the shit hits the fan doesn't mean it's his fault.
no, but how he deals with it now that he is in the oval office most certainly is. throwing good money after bad, pushing a costly and ineffective agenda and endorsing usurious taxation are no way to pull this country out of its tailspin and anyone with two brain cells to rub together could probably tell you as much. the corrupt, free spending policies of both republicans and democrats have sent us to the brink and what we need is sensible legislation, not just more of the same. government has allowed itself the luxury of catering to unions, special interests and the liberal elite for the sake of a few votes and business as usual is just what this administration campaigned against. instead of attempting a new direction, brak and his crew have merely increased the pace of the spending spree and left us at the mercy of an even more enormous debt in the hands of foreign investors. given the tax and spend tendencies of the democrats, we should have known this would happen, but we blindly swallowed the obvious lies of these political animals and have no one else to blame but ourselves.

apologizing for brak's rather perverse robin hood syndrome and defending his policies by blame shifting is the last thing we should be doing. these idiots are our employees and their feet should be held to the fire. there is no excuse for the broken promises and ineptitude. unless we are willing to endure the pain of recovery and demand that our representatives cut down on the handouts that are driving us to bankruptcy, the downward spiral will continue. the calls for even more entitlements and do nothing social programs have to be ignored, even if it costs a few votes. bowing to the pressure of special interests and the greed of the electorate may be the way to get re-elected, but that is not the job they were hired to do.


Well-Known Member
no, but how he deals with it now that he is in the oval office most certainly is. throwing good money after bad, pushing a costly and ineffective agenda and endorsing usurious taxation are no way to pull this country out of its tailspin and anyone with two brain cells to rub together could probably tell you as much. the corrupt, free spending policies of both republicans and democrats have sent us to the brink and what we need is sensible legislation, not just more of the same. government has allowed itself the luxury of catering to unions, special interests and the liberal elite for the sake of a few votes and business as usual is just what this administration campaigned against. instead of attempting a new direction, brak and his crew have merely increased the pace of the spending spree and left us at the mercy of an even more enormous debt in the hands of foreign investors. given the tax and spend tendencies of the democrats, we should have known this would happen, but we blindly swallowed the obvious lies of these political animals and have no one else to blame but ourselves.

apologizing for brak's rather perverse robin hood syndrome and defending his policies by blame shifting is the last thing we should be doing. these idiots are our employees and their feet should be held to the fire. there is no excuse for the broken promises and ineptitude. unless we are willing to endure the pain of recovery and demand that our representatives cut down on the handouts that are driving us to bankruptcy, the downward spiral will continue. the calls for even more entitlements and do nothing social programs have to be ignored, even if it costs a few votes. bowing to the pressure of special interests and the greed of the electorate may be the way to get re-elected, but that is not the job they were hired to do.
nice dissertation based on, once again, fallacies.

Friday he signed a paygo bill. yes, it did include an increase in the debt ceiling to prevent a default. default is not an option, it's represents a total collapse of an economy. don't even try to claim otherwise.

obama has cut taxes. hasn't raised any yet. he wants to raise them on the richest tiers of society. the middle class, what's left of it, cannot endure a tax increase. this trckle-down theory is bs - cut the taxes on the rich so capital is released into the system to produce goods for the middle class to buy with their new employment - it's not going to work. Just like TARP, it won't trickle down. a tax cut for the rich would be invested in foreign economies. gas and oil and investments in pseudo securities, just as it has been for the last 20-years.

obama is not driving the health care debate. he's been accused of being inactive in the debate. the robin hood metaphor is a joke. only 2% of tea baggers believe obama has cut taxes. you sound like one of them.

i agree with you that spending is out of control i disagree that obama is not tryting to fix it. it reeks of prejudice, either for minorities or democrats or perhaps just politicians in general.


Active Member
nice dissertation based on, once again, fallacies.

Friday he signed a paygo bill. yes, it did include an increase in the debt ceiling to prevent a default. default is not an option, it's represents a total collapse of an economy. don't even try to claim otherwise.

obama has cut taxes. hasn't raised any yet. he wants to raise them on the richest tiers of society. the middle class, what's left of it, cannot endure a tax increase. this trckle-down theory is bs - cut the taxes on the rich so capital is released into the system to produce goods for the middle class to buy with their new employment - it's not going to work. Just like TARP, it won't trickle down. a tax cut for the rich would be invested in foreign economies. gas and oil and investments in pseudo securities, just as it has been for the last 20-years.

obama is not driving the health care debate. he's been accused of being inactive in the debate. the robin hood metaphor is a joke. only 2% of tea baggers believe obama has cut taxes. you sound like one of them.

i agree with you that spending is out of control i disagree that obama is not tryting to fix it. it reeks of prejudice, either for minorities or democrats or perhaps just politicians in general.
It's politically expedient to complain about debt and deficits, but much less so to propose alternatives to what obama is doing, i.e. running up deficits in the hope that they can be payed for by future growth. Having the US gov default on it's credit is not an option. Just ask argentina how that worked out for them, then multiply by a a hundred thousand. The only other option would be to cut back on things we need: education, defense, public works, public services etc. Go try to get elected based on proposing that.

At the end of the month the white house will make it's version of the healthcare bill available ahead of the summit with congress. I can guarantee you that it will be better than the piece of shit that slipped past the senate last year. I wish he were actually driving the healthcare reform debate, but he has to work with the knuckleheads and crooks in congress. That includes both R- and D- knuckleheads and crooks and one particularly annoying I- buffoon from Connecticut.

But from what i gather undertheice is a bit of an anarchist/extreme libertarian who basically thinks everyone is out to screw us, so it doesn't really matter what any politician does, says or tries to do.

Illegal Smile

What bullshit. Obama hasn't and never will cut any taxes except his bullshit gimmicks like telling us he would expand healthcare coverage and save money at the same time.

That's the problem this guy has - he's lost credibility but he refuses to accept that. He says he cut taxes, but the people say "bullshit" and instead of hearing them he says to himself, "I'm so great."


Well-Known Member
But from what i gather undertheice is a bit of an anarchist/extreme libertarian who basically thinks everyone is out to screw us, so it doesn't really matter what any politician does, says or tries to do.
well then, if you're against everything then the only thing you stand for is yourself


Well-Known Member
What bullshit. Obama hasn't and never will cut any taxes except his bullshit gimmicks like telling us he would expand healthcare coverage and save money at the same time.

That's the problem this guy has - he's lost credibility but he refuses to accept that. He says he cut taxes, but the people say "bullshit" and instead of hearing them he says to himself, "I'm so great."
i've always been incredibly interested in Obama's personal interviews for the same reason - getting an inside track on how the man thinks on the fly.

looks like you have discovered an inside track to his thought process.

or did you get that from Becki?

Illegal Smile

i've always been incredibly interested in Obama's personal interviews for the same reason - getting an inside track on how the man thinks on the fly.

looks like you have discovered an inside track to his thought process.

or did you get that from Becki?
Indeed, I think there is a lot we can look to for an assessment of who Obama is. We can look at his associations over the years, we can look at his strange relationships with his mother and grandmother. Most telling might be what we can't look at - from birth records to records from college, records from Harvard, on and on. Do you want to discuss all that?

Surely you don't think, "getting an inside track on how the man thinks on the fly" is something we can't do or shouldn't do or hasn't been done with every president in the past? What makes Obama tick? Or is he quartz powered?

Big P

Well-Known Member
all i know is when i die and give my house to my kids, they wont be able to keep it.

because the government demads half of it, and unless they can come up with half the value to pay off uncle sam

they will be screwed.

I cant even keep my hard earned wealth in my own family everytime we die they take your family back 50% to sqaure one,

its just wrong, they wanna keep us down and always slaving generation after generation

and if there was a Rollitup emmy award i think undertheice gets it hands down

if she/he were president we would be lucky

Big P

Well-Known Member
"The welfare state perpetuates and encourages more welfare and more state"

- Big P 2010


Well-Known Member
Indeed, I think there is a lot we can look to for an assessment of who Obama is. We can look at his associations over the years, we can look at his strange relationships with his mother and grandmother. Most telling might be what we can't look at - from birth records to records from college, records from Harvard, on and on. Do you want to discuss all that?

Surely you don't think, "getting an inside track on how the man thinks on the fly" is something we can't do or shouldn't do or hasn't been done with every president in the past? What makes Obama tick? Or is he quartz powered?
no i do not want to discuss obama's radical relationships, his relationship with his mother (you prick), or his grandmother (what a mother fucker), his birth certificate or his grades. those arguments are baseless jibble.

and i already told you i was incredibly interested in obama's thought process. you twist shit around and it doesn't make sense.


Well-Known Member
all i know is when i die and give my house to my kids, they wont be able to keep it.

because the government demads half of it, and unless they can come up with half the value to pay off uncle sam

they will be screwed.

I cant even keep my hard earned wealth in my own family everytime we die they take your family back 50% to sqaure one,

its just wrong, they wanna keep us down and always slaving generation after generation

and if there was a Rollitup emmy award i think undertheice gets it hands down

if she/he were president we would be lucky
oh boy, a fan club

your estate has to be pretty large to pay tax on your death and even larger to get up to the 50% mark. if it is that large, you can easily afford an estate planning attorney or accountant to do some planning that can avoid much of the estate tax. just like all the fat cats are doing - you know the richest 5% of americans who own the government and 95% of the wealth.