Is it wrong for a Christian to Smoke Weed.


Well-Known Member
From what I've gathered from reading the bible to sum it up.. People are a sin, and god already forgives you for it long as you don't deny him.

Least thats the rough assumption of the bible lumped into one. I'm no Christian by the way, just have read the books.


New Member
seems to me if you used holy water to water your plants you would have to worry about that burning bush thing....


Active Member
The Bible says in proverbs "the prudent man should not neglect the use of healing herbs." prudency is the ability to FORM a just judgment.


New Member
It's called a purse or in my wife's case...luggage. Duct tape anyone? She's on "let's make a deal" 24/7. Me? I have to check to see if I remembered to put on my underwear.

out. :blsmoke:

scotts a buzzn

Active Member
If you are feeling guilty take a look at joining THC Ministries! The sacred oils used in Jesus' days included cannabis if you look at jewish translations! This could be a whole new beginning for you!