Is It TOO Late to plant?


Well-Known Member
ok, i need some help, where i live the growing season is from mid may to mid october, i planted around 30 from seed at the beginning of june to be clear of the frost. i planted them outside in medium sized dixie cups with peat. They got to about there 3 node set and their first set of actual leaves, by that i mean they had fan leaves with 5 leaves on the 2nd node set. then all the sudden, some fucking animal ate them. all of them were nibbled on and or bit off at the stem. Most of them died, but 2. These 2 i planted in a cornfeild, where the one died the day after and the one grew for about 2 weeks, then the edges of the leaves started to turn brown and it shriveled up and died. i think it was the heat that done this, and the lack of water.

So as soon as i get new seeds, end of next week, i will plant them in miracle grow in bigger cups. Then i will go to the cornfeilds with a shovel and some potting soil and dig a good sized hole to put them in to.

I need help, which type of soil should i put in the hole, and will my plants finish if they get full sun??



It really depends on what area you are in... I mean, down south, if you're lucky... you could grow up till the end of Oct. Other places, you're done by the start of September. We would need to know what sorta area you are in to really give you any clue on if you have time...


Active Member
Not too late. Its never really too late, unless its flowering season, which it isint. And since you have them you have to do something with them. Id choose a different spot though, cops and theives find plants in corn first, and the corn can grow about 10 ft tall which blocks out most of your light in a day. I recomend a spot near a creek, in the swails or flood plain.


Well-Known Member
I hope it wont be too late for me, I'm in the Midwest and I have a few clones going right now that wont be ready to go out for another couple weeks.....


Well-Known Member
see now i already tried this, which is why i moved to the corn feild. i put them in the woods and damn animals eat them, although the seedlings werent prolly big enof to live on their own, i replant with fencing, birds get them , cant rip what do you suggest, pm me if you want


what about in an open lot?

How much brush and groundcover is around them? how remote is the site? Will you be able to get to it to water without drawing attention? How open is it to the air? Are you growing tall plants? Is the plot in an area that might be invaded by humans at a certain point of time- aka bonfires in the fall.

For brush and ground cover, I don't plant if my Mj is going to be visible from more then ten feet. I've had people walk by my plants, silly hikers trespassing, from about five feet off. If you're near your plants, well, other people are too, unless you're totally awesome and have a buttload of property.

Remoteness you've got to work with, it all depends really, keep the site remote as possible but no so remote it won't look odd for you to go there if you're spotted.

Kinda goes with remoteness and how you plan to water. If you're running three'ish plants you should be fine. If you're watering +30 plants water gets pretty annoying to cart around (My main problem atm).

Helicopters are all over the place these days, if some random news helicopter swoops over and sees some pretty MJ plants poping out of the greenery, then you're screwed. Almost nothing is worse then news people, they get the police involved and it also raises the attention of everyone around you, I hate reporters.

Tall vs lower bushes. Pretty obvious, if your surrounding brush only goes 3ft high, you don't want to grow a tree. Get a lowrider hybrid of something and mess around with that a bit, monitor the height as best you can. It's always better to take out one plant that could draw attention then to deal with all your plants getting seized.

Year round human invasion. This is annoying as hell, if you don't scout out a spot enough, you might return to find some people camping near your precious bushes. On an abandoned lot the chance is alot less, thank goodness, but you never know when some good samariton might go off and decide to mow it to make it look nice.

I dunno, that's just what i've learned, take it or leave it. Best of luck with your plants, let us know how they turn out.