iraq, just a Q

jeff f

New Member
ok, now that bama is taking credit for iraq, are we aloud to replay what the president and the libs said during the war?


Active Member
Wow, man....did you not finish high school or something? Or do you have dyslexia?

And what the fuck are you even talking about?

Illegal Smile

Obama trying to take credit for success in Iraq is not going to sell and it only makes him look foolish. The reason his approval is down to 44 is mostly because of healthcare and drunken spending, but part of it is that more and more people are seeing that Iraq is becoming a success and that the dem plan to appease saddam forever would have been stupid.


Active Member
What 'success'? You mean that nobody was killed in combat in december? That is success....?

What fucking success are you talking about? We lost over 4000 troops and probably killed somewhere near half a million iraqis in the process. And what do we have to show for it? One less two-bit dictator....hurray. There's only like 50 left to go. And guess what? My friend travis got killed over this bullshit when his chopper crashed in 2004. There is no success. It will always be a huge failure, no matter who is president.

Fuck both of you warmongering cretins and your success.


Well-Known Member
What 'success'? You mean that nobody was killed in combat in december? That is success....?

What fucking success are you talking about? We lost over 4000 troops and probably killed somewhere near half a million iraqis in the process. And what do we have to show for it? One less two-bit dictator....hurray. There's only like 50 left to go. And guess what? My friend travis got killed over this bullshit when his chopper crashed in 2004. There is no success. It will always be a huge failure, no matter who is president.

Fuck both of you warmongering cretins and your success.
I am sorry to hear about your friend, but he should've known what he was getting himself into. I served in the military and saw my fair share of combat. I was fortunate and survived. I knew the risks going in and understood that I could be killed in the process. It's an unfortunate reality of war. There was no draft and your friend volunteered to serve. Nobody made him do it. I've lost good friends, men that I called brother. I know how difficult it can be and part of the healing process is anger and blame. Honor your friends memory, don't belittle the cause that he died for. He has not died in vain and his sacrifice will hopefully allow many Iraqis to have a better life when this is over. War is never a good thing but sometimes it is a necessary thing. I don't wish to argue whether the Iraq war was necessary. History will decide that one. :peace:

jeff f

New Member
I am sorry to hear about your friend, but he should've known what he was getting himself into. I served in the military and saw my fair share of combat. I was fortunate and survived. I knew the risks going in and understood that I could be killed in the process. It's an unfortunate reality of war. There was no draft and your friend volunteered to serve. Nobody made him do it. I've lost good friends, men that I called brother. I know how difficult it can be and part of the healing process is anger and blame. Honor your friends memory, don't belittle the cause that he died for. He has not died in vain and his sacrifice will hopefully allow many Iraqis to have a better life when this is over. War is never a good thing but sometimes it is a necessary thing. I don't wish to argue whether the Iraq war was necessary. History will decide that one. :peace:
1st class post!

and my question is an honest one. this douche has his boy biden running around taking credit for everything going good about iraq. these 2 clowns were the biggest naysayers out there. just sayin....

are we allowed to question their motives and replay some of their speeches without being labeled racist? cuz we know thats what is coming if we question it.

jeff f

New Member
What 'success'? You mean that nobody was killed in combat in december? That is success....?

What fucking success are you talking about? We lost over 4000 troops and probably killed somewhere near half a million iraqis in the process. And what do we have to show for it? One less two-bit dictator....hurray. There's only like 50 left to go. And guess what? My friend travis got killed over this bullshit when his chopper crashed in 2004. There is no success. It will always be a huge failure, no matter who is president.

Fuck both of you warmongering cretins and your success.
sorry about your friend. sucks bigtime. he died for a good cause. he is a hero and dont let anyone tell ya different.

the success i am tlking about is what biden has been saying the last few days. he is now claiming that iraq has been successful and will be one of bamsters biggest successes.,2933,585607,00.html

i know its fox and many hate fox. but he said it regardless of who reports it. are we really going to listen to this and believe these fucktards any longer? they wanted us to pull out.....fact.:roll:


New Member
If anyone wants to claim 'success in Iraq' as a feather in their cap, they are an idiot, Biden or otherwise. We should have never been there in the first place. Funny how the justification for that war changed all the time. First, WMD's, woops there were none. Then, it was to free the Iraq people from Hussein. Well good job, you did it, the surge worked, 4,000 US soldiers are dead as well as countless innocent civilians, do you care to get started on removing all the other evil dictators out there while passing on the bill for the whole thing to next generation?

One thing most Americans agree upon is that going there in the first place was a mistake. Anyone who is current enough with polls to know how low Obama's approval rating is should surely know this fact. Most americans agree with what Obama said originally, we should have never gotten into this war.


ok, now that bama is taking credit for iraq, are we aloud to replay what the president and the libs said during the war?
No. I don't give a fuck who is president, facts remain facts.

There is not, has not, and never will be what I would call "victory" in Iraq. It is a battle that cannot be won, a lost cause.

And if he's claiming success, I know you right wing guys have some clips already on stand-by with his criticisms to the occupation before the election coming from the horses mouth, post em! That's direct evidence that supports the man has lied to the American people. Who the fuck would need that at this point is beyond me...

He's a politician. We've all gotta collectively realize that 95% of all of them, which equals about 400 congressmen and 45 senators, the entire body of the executive branch, and most of the departments our government has created to "protect" us, these would include FBI, CIA, Homeland Security, Dept. of Justice, Dept. of Defense, etc. The one thing that I believe deserves the benefit of the doubt is the Supreme Court. In most of the cases I've investigated, they seem to favor the citizen or the individual rights above the establishment or institution, and it seems like one of the more legitimate branches of government, imo.

But it really is US against THEM. If it wasn't, we would have the things we need, we would have the rights we are born with, we would be able to smoke weed with each other out in the open without fear of imprisonment. They wouldn't be taking "campaign contributions" - otherwise known as bribes in the civilian world - from defense contractors, pharmaceutical corporations, oil corporations, financial institutions, automobile industries, etc...

The fourth horseman of the American apocalypse is the mainstream media. It's so cliche you say? To blame the mainstream media?... is it though, is it really? One almost immediately thinks back to the days of Joseph Goebbels and the Third Reich, propaganda is a powerful tool my friends, and the mainstream media use it on a daily basis against all of us. This stuff is documented, and spread via the internet, which is free and virtually uncensored (for now), and it's still there. The issue persists. Who to trust is emphasized to a completely different degree when browsing the internet. Anyone can post anything from anywhere at anytime... So how do we solve this problem? How do scientists in the field do it? They face the same variables as we do, anyone is allowed to submit a scientific paper to the community if they'd like, it's then analyzed, scrutinized, criticized, tested, over and over again, and finally accepted if it passes the vigorous academic triathlon that is the scientific method. We must apply this same structure to the way we interpret any information at all times during our lives. This couldn't be more important, it serves as the foundation for all of our conclusions. We have to know who is lying to us. We have to know who is telling us the truth. And since everyone has a certain degree of motivation to lie to serve their own purpose, everyone is subject to the exact same scrutiny, especially in media.

All of them lie because it's in their best interest to lie. It's not because they're evil, it's not because they hate us, it's not because they want to take over the world (although some of them might), it's because they're human, and they're susceptible to the human condition, just like we are, along with all of the negative things that come with it. It's our responsibility, if we love this country, what it means and what it and each of us stand for and what our mothers and fathers fought for to stand up and demand accountability now and always. Accountability or Revolution - if I were the US government, there wouldn't be a choice within this scenario.


Well-Known Member
No. I don't give a fuck who is president, facts remain facts.

There is not, has not, and never will be what I would call "victory" in Iraq. It is a battle that cannot be won, a lost cause.

And if he's claiming success, I know you right wing guys have some clips already on stand-by with his criticisms to the occupation before the election coming from the horses mouth, post em! That's direct evidence that supports the man has lied to the American people. Who the fuck would need that at this point is beyond me...

He's a politician. We've all gotta collectively realize that 95% of all of them, which equals about 400 congressmen and 45 senators, the entire body of the executive branch, and most of the departments our government has created to "protect" us, these would include FBI, CIA, Homeland Security, Dept. of Justice, Dept. of Defense, etc. The one thing that I believe deserves the benefit of the doubt is the Supreme Court. In most of the cases I've investigated, they seem to favor the citizen or the individual rights above the establishment or institution, and it seems like one of the more legitimate branches of government, imo.

But it really is US against THEM. If it wasn't, we would have the things we need, we would have the rights we are born with, we would be able to smoke weed with each other out in the open without fear of imprisonment. They wouldn't be taking "campaign contributions" - otherwise known as bribes in the civilian world - from defense contractors, pharmaceutical corporations, oil corporations, financial institutions, automobile industries, etc...

The fourth horseman of the American apocalypse is the mainstream media. It's so cliche you say? To blame the mainstream media?... is it though, is it really? One almost immediately thinks back to the days of Joseph Goebbels and the Third Reich, propaganda is a powerful tool my friends, and the mainstream media use it on a daily basis against all of us. This stuff is documented, and spread via the internet, which is free and virtually uncensored (for now), and it's still there. The issue persists. Who to trust is emphasized to a completely different degree when browsing the internet. Anyone can post anything from anywhere at anytime... So how do we solve this problem? How do scientists in the field do it? They face the same variables as we do, anyone is allowed to submit a scientific paper to the community if they'd like, it's then analyzed, scrutinized, criticized, tested, over and over again, and finally accepted if it passes the vigorous academic triathlon that is the scientific method. We must apply this same structure to the way we interpret any information at all times during our lives. This couldn't be more important, it serves as the foundation for all of our conclusions. We have to know who is lying to us. We have to know who is telling us the truth. And since everyone has a certain degree of motivation to lie to serve their own purpose, everyone is subject to the exact same scrutiny, especially in media.

All of them lie because it's in their best interest to lie. It's not because they're evil, it's not because they hate us, it's not because they want to take over the world (although some of them might), it's because they're human, and they're susceptible to the human condition, just like we are, along with all of the negative things that come with it. It's our responsibility, if we love this country, what it means and what it and each of us stand for and what our mothers and fathers fought for to stand up and demand accountability now and always. Accountability or Revolution - if I were the US government, there wouldn't be a choice within this scenario.
Damn Pad, that was quite a rant! I find myself agreeing with most of what you said here. This is where we need to be as a society..........realizing that our system is in dire need of an overhaul. It shouldn't matter what side of the political spectrum our idealogies reside. As citizens of this great nation we simply need to open our eyes to the facts. Our system of govt, while still the best in the world, needs to be fixed. The longer we wait the more difficult it will be and the worse things will get. I'm not referring to the current economic crisis because that's just a symptom of the greater problem. Our leaders should be doing what's best for the country and instead one side lies to us while the other side.................well, while the other side lies to us too! We need to get some real people in office, not politicians. The only problem I see with that is power corrupts. I think most politicians start off with the best of intentions but before long they've become corrupted by a broken system and become just one more wind bag that cares about lining their pockets. I still think America is the greatest place on the planet. I still think capitalism works. We have to reduce the size of govt if we want to save this great nation though, and drastically. We are living in a house of cards and we all knows what happens when a house of cards becomes too big. :peace:

That's it for my rant. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Hey next month will mark the Afghanistan conflict anniversary, It will also mark the longest conflict the US has ever engaged in.


Well-Known Member
Hey next month will mark the Afghanistan conflict anniversary, It will also mark the longest conflict the US has ever engaged in.
It's the other way around. March is the anniversary of Iraq. October is the anniversary of Afghanistan.................I knew what ya meant. ;-)

jeff f

New Member
Damn Pad, that was quite a rant! I find myself agreeing with most of what you said here. This is where we need to be as a society..........realizing that our system is in dire need of an overhaul. It shouldn't matter what side of the political spectrum our idealogies reside. As citizens of this great nation we simply need to open our eyes to the facts. Our system of govt, while still the best in the world, needs to be fixed. The longer we wait the more difficult it will be and the worse things will get. I'm not referring to the current economic crisis because that's just a symptom of the greater problem. Our leaders should be doing what's best for the country and instead one side lies to us while the other side.................well, while the other side lies to us too! We need to get some real people in office, not politicians. The only problem I see with that is power corrupts. I think most politicians start off with the best of intentions but before long they've become corrupted by a broken system and become just one more wind bag that cares about lining their pockets. I still think America is the greatest place on the planet. I still think capitalism works. We have to reduce the size of govt if we want to save this great nation though, and drastically. We are living in a house of cards and we all knows what happens when a house of cards becomes too big. :peace:

That's it for my rant. :bigjoint:
i am not as pessimistic on the "system" as you and pad but i understand your pessimism completely.

i think if you watch what they do, instead of listening to what they say, its not that difficult to understand what their intentions are.

for instance, when the president of the united states starts bad mouthing business from all ends, pretty good chance he thinks he is smarter and knows better than them. that is a dangerous position especially when you havent an ounce of experience in the business world.

shouldnt the potus be happy that their are still businesses that are profitable?

you as a parent, do you want your kids to strive to be a ceo of a major company or a widget maker in a factory? most would say a ceo.

when people are encouraged to strive for the v ery best they can do, great things happen. when all you do is tell them how evil everybody making a profit is...well then you get complainers who are motivated very little and never reach their potential.

when you have bean counters in govt picking and choosing who is "worthy", giant red flags should start waving in your mind.


Well-Known Member
We invaded a country that had one of the largest armies in the world, and occupied it for nearly a decade. Losing 4000 troops is never a good thing but nobody here seems to realize how low of a number that really is.

jeff f

New Member
We invaded a country that had one of the largest armies in the world, and occupied it for nearly a decade. Loosing 4000 troops is never a good thing but nobody here seems to realize how low of a number that really is.

it is very low. each lost life sucks because the fucktards we are fighting arent worth it. the mission is noble IMO and it certainly wont be settled on who is right or wrong for at least another 20 years.

then we can look back and see if iraq is a functioning free society or is it a fucked up place that didnt get any better because of our action.

biden taking credit for the mission tends to make me believe that the potus thinks it will be a positive when history is written. otherwise he would be holding his nose and pulling troops out without any chest banging.


Active Member
What 'success'? You mean that nobody was killed in combat in december? That is success....?

What fucking success are you talking about? We lost over 4000 troops and probably killed somewhere near half a million iraqis in the process. And what do we have to show for it? One less two-bit dictator....hurray. There's only like 50 left to go. And guess what? My friend travis got killed over this bullshit when his chopper crashed in 2004. There is no success. It will always be a huge failure, no matter who is president.

Fuck both of you warmongering cretins and your success.
I couldn't have said that better myself, +Rep.

I know a dude whose whole squad got killed over there, Pvt. James Ryan (ironically lol). Poor bastard tryied to save the rest of the squad, they covered the 2000th death.


Illegal Smile

Biden said today that Iraq will be one of Obama's great successes. What a trainwreck.


New Member
We invaded a country that had one of the largest armies in the world, and occupied it for nearly a decade. Losing 4000 troops is never a good thing but nobody here seems to realize how low of a number that really is.

I've said this often.... it's the greatest military achievement this country has ever done.

The left's crying is a sign of THEIR weakness, not the rest of the county's. Once again, out in left field....