Inside the convoluted mind of John Edwards ...


New Member
Convenient how the ultra liberal is quite apt to forgive his liberal counter-part but personally attacks anyone on the forum who dares contradict his misinformed viewpoints. You sir, ought to try using a dictionary to refresh yourself of the meaning of "hypocrite". There's a reason that not only conservatives, but centrist and other liberals are disagreeing with your posts... they don't make any sense.
Hypocrite, definition: One whom preaches Christianity and acts like a heathen; A person that says one thing and does another, as in preaching all about Jesus and then shunning the poor. Do you fit the mold? Now as for your screen name, donnieosmond, HaHaHoHoHeHe~LOL~ what a dufus name. Hey, maybe if you thought for a while, you could come up with a better one like "asswipe" for example. This forum is really not about being popular, but about exchanging Ideas. If you have any, besides personal attacks, feel free to express them. Start by refuting any of my posts that don't make sense and I'll see if I can rebut you, who knows, maybe you'll change my mind.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
i could be wrong...

but is not somebody who preaches one thing and then does the something different... but rather, a hypocrite is somebody who asks people to do something that he humslef would not do....

subtle but very important difference...

LIke, if i tell you that smoking is BAD>. but then I smoke... thats not a hypocrite.. that is somebody who has experiece, giving advice... a hypocirite is somebnody who says they think what michael vick did is bad and he should be punished.. but then eats a hamburger produced from tortured cows...



New Member
Hypocrite: a feigning to be what one is not or to believe what one is not; the false assumption of an appearance of virtue or religion. Does that work for you? Mirriam Webster


Lets have a big Sig Heil for Indie,~LOL~. Indie you Nazi, where have you been hiding? Hasn't Bush killed enough for you yet? Come on out and play. Why don't you tell us all the wonderfus stuff Bush and the Repukes have done in the last 7 fucking years, oh thats right, outside of the Tax cuts for the rich, Not much positive to talk about, eh. So why don't we just bash a few Democrats that haven't had a hand in this insane policy that Bush has laid down. You are a hypocrite and an asshole, oh wait, did I mention the asshole part, ~LOL~, geeze, I almost forgot. Sig-Heil!
Haven't we not talked enough about Bush for a while...He was not a great president. We are in a war that perhaps we should not have been in....tho I do remember quite clearly all the Dems and all the Reps....wanted us to be in that war..everyone was gunhoooo about it...and over 8 years our spenting increased some $800 billion, and we lost soldiers lives, but may have also saved many american lives as there were no terrorist attacts.
Now lets talk about Obama. He is bowing to Kings and dictators. Shaking hands with murdering dictators, looking quite chummy I might add. He has increased the national debt fourfold over what Bush did in 8 years. He has quadrupled our national debt in a few months. Our government now owns our banks, businesses like chrysler that are doomed to fail. Constitutionaly speaking our government should not own our banks and business...not legal!!!!!!!Socialized medicine is a joke...Go over and chat with some folks in Ireland, England etc...See how it works for doesn't
China owns about 1trillion$'s of our debt. Soon they will own us! and our grandchildren.
Our national security if shot!!!!Lovely shows from North Korea with their nuclear experiments....They want to see Obama will react and so far not much reaction at all.....We are going to try and talk to them to dictators....

I kick myself for voting for Obama and believing his lies. If things don't change soon this will not be America land of the free and home of the brave....It might be called PINGPONGGGGGGGGGGCHEEEEkiss-ass


New Member
Haven't we not talked enough about Bush for a while...He was not a great president. We are in a war that perhaps we should not have been in....tho I do remember quite clearly all the Dems and all the Reps....wanted us to be in that war..everyone was gunhoooo about it...and over 8 years our spenting increased some $800 billion, and we lost soldiers lives, but may have also saved many american lives as there were no terrorist attacts.
Now lets talk about Obama. He is bowing to Kings and dictators. Shaking hands with murdering dictators, looking quite chummy I might add. He has increased the national debt fourfold over what Bush did in 8 years. He has quadrupled our national debt in a few months. Our government now owns our banks, businesses like chrysler that are doomed to fail. Constitutionaly speaking our government should not own our banks and business...not legal!!!!!!!Socialized medicine is a joke...Go over and chat with some folks in Ireland, England etc...See how it works for doesn't
China owns about 1trillion$'s of our debt. Soon they will own us! and our grandchildren.
Our national security if shot!!!!Lovely shows from North Korea with their nuclear experiments....They want to see Obama will react and so far not much reaction at all.....We are going to try and talk to them to dictators....

I kick myself for voting for Obama and believing his lies. If things don't change soon this will not be America land of the free and home of the brave....It might be called PINGPONGGGGGGGGGGCHEEEEkiss-ass
You must not forget that Bush started the bailouts with his no accountability 700 billion dollar give away to the banks and wall street.
The Obama "giveaways" are supposed to have some accountability. I also am begining to be dissapointed in the Obama prophecy. It seems he is reverting to the bane of all politicians, complicity in the fuckall we call government, going along with the actual people he campaigned against, the lobbiests, big pharma, big insurance, big medical, big corporate, all the "big" boys. I guess his stand up to them attitude was just hype, alas, just another politician. He's even started with abusing the constitution, no crime detention, no time limit detention, just "I think you are guilty of something or may be in the future so we are going to incarcerate you indefinently" What a load of crap. Maybe the still existing Bush appointees will feel partisan enough to take him to task, but I doubt it. We won't have to worry about China imposing their draconian human abuses on us, Obama is figuring out how to do it "Legally".


New Member
I kick myself for voting for Obama and believing his lies. If things don't change soon this will not be America land of the free and home of the brave....It might be called PINGPONGGGGGGGGGGCHEEEE
And you are but one of what will become tens of millions by the time the 2010 elections roll around. Good for you for waking up.



Well-Known Member
Voter Revolt (another word brought to you by the Democrats for first usage see Clinton, Bill; Carter, Jimmy.)

Of course the problem is that I don't want to support the Republicans either. Horrid horrid situation. Who can we actually vote for that will represent Libertarian Ideals of limited government, even more limited taxation, self-governance, and self-dependence.

As far as Edwards answer...

I don't see how there can be any thought to the question.

(Ignoring my personal opinions)

Regardless of whether it was a male and a female kissing, two females kissing or two guys kissing the answer should be that a second grader should not be exposed to that inside of the school.

It is properly the realm of the child's parents, whether they be homosexual or heterosexual to determine the proper upbringing of their children.

This is not a responsibility of the State.

In short, Edwards is a weasely incompetent that wants everyone to abdicate their responsibility for their own kids to the state with out thinking about whether or not they agree with the morals that the state is forcing upon their children in the Public Brainwashing System, err, public education system.

(Now, my response including my personal opinion)

We shouldn't be having to ask this question of Federal Candidates as there should be no Department, Bureau or anything else of Education at the Federal Level.