Inside the convoluted mind of John Edwards ...


Well-Known Member
They make \"corrections\" on a regular basis.....................................Thats the nice way of saying it. Why do we continue to fund that corrupt bunch at the UN? So they can wave this piss ant dictators in our face? Get the USA out of the UN.
i'm with you on that!!

we don't need to pay for all these multi-billion dollar photo ops and dinner parties consisting of staged diplomacy.

did those fools ever take D. Trump up on his offer to perform renovations to the building at less than one fourth what they were prepared to pay another company??? nope. it's a disgusting elitist club and it was a mistake to ever join.



New Member
So if I agree that the UN is fucked, then what is the alternative to dealing with foriegn nations? Just bombing those that disagree with us would run us out of bombs pretty quickly. I do agree that most diplomats or UN reps or whatever they are called are probably corrupt and in it for personal gain, but that is the case in most situations where the elites meet and greet. This is a corrupt world, or hadn't you noticed.


Well-Known Member
So if I agree that the UN is fucked, then what is the alternative to dealing with foriegn nations? Just bombing those that disagree with us would run us out of bombs pretty quickly. I do agree that most diplomats or UN reps or whatever they are called are probably corrupt and in it for personal gain, but that is the case in most situations where the elites meet and greet. This is a corrupt world, or hadn't you noticed.

yeah, i notice it's corrupt!

we have ambassadors to almost every country on the planet. we have lots of cabinet people, a VP, tons of people already handle diplomacy. we can deal with other countries directly.

by getting out of the UN we wouldn't have to drop bombs on people, in fact the UN encourages this behavior itself. when there's an issue we should go to the source, not to some third party fancy dinner group.

it's common sense that the government leaders from around the world should meet and discuss things but paying billions of our tax dollars for membership in a club that doesn't even serve the citizens is wrong.



New Member
yeah, i notice it's corrupt!

we have ambassadors to almost every country on the planet. we have lots of cabinet people, a VP, tons of people already handle diplomacy. we can deal with other countries directly.

by getting out of the UN we wouldn't have to drop bombs on people, in fact the UN encourages this behavior itself. when there's an issue we should go to the source, not to some third party fancy dinner group.

it's common sense that the government leaders from around the world should meet and discuss things but paying billions of our tax dollars for membership in a club that doesn't even serve the citizens is wrong.

What about paying billions of our tax dollars to run a war after lying to the UN about Iraqs weapon status? Maybe if we hadn't of gone to the UN, we could have just bombed them straight away, no middle men. I see your point. Hell we don't need no stinkin world opinion, Might makes right.


Well-Known Member
no, that's not the point at all. i do agree though, if our nation sees war as the only option we certainly don't need their approval for whether we should survive or not. bombs require a declaration of war, that's in the Constitution. the people have to tell their reps to authorize war.

how many times do our presidents use the UN as a rationale for bombing people? "the UN said that's a good idea, so we did it." "the UN voted to do this or that."

let's not let our leaders hide behind this scam.



New Member
no, that's not the point at all. i do agree though, if our nation sees war as the only option we certainly don't need their approval for whether we should survive or not. bombs require a declaration of war, that's in the Constitution. the people have to tell their reps to authorize war.

how many times do our presidents use the UN as a rationale for bombing people? "the UN said that's a good idea, so we did it." "the UN voted to do this or that."

let's not let our leaders hide behind this scam.

Our leaders are flaunting the constitution right in our faces. This is as close to a dictatorship as I've ever seen it. They are not even coming close to doing the peoples bidding, It's as if we really didn't exist, well except for the finance part, we must pay for it all.


New Member
i don't see anything wrong with the statement he made. sounds more like it was a very loaded question he never imagined anyone would ask him so he fumbled a bit.

"I don't want to make that decision on behalf of my children. I want my children to be able to make that decision on behalf of themselves, and I want them to be exposed to all the information. …"

-that statement doesn't mean he think they need to decide in 2nd grade. i'm sure he means..."some day, they will decide. but we don't need to decide to show them that lifestyle in the 2nd grade."

it's not an answer, but it's a tough question and he fumbled over it.


Well-Known Member
i don't see anything wrong with the statement he made. sounds more like it was a very loaded question he never imagined anyone would ask him so he fumbled a bit.

"I don't want to make that decision on behalf of my children. I want my children to be able to make that decision on behalf of themselves, and I want them to be exposed to all the information. …"

-that statement doesn't mean he think they need to decide in 2nd grade. i'm sure he means..."some day, they will decide. but we don't need to decide to show them that lifestyle in the 2nd grade."

it's not an answer, but it's a tough question and he fumbled over it.

oh yeah, that's what this thread is about!

the truth is, the guy knows what he really thinks and he should have been honest instead of lawyering the answer to death.



New Member
maybe he's not. or maybe he's just afraid to be seen as a human with views that will alienate potential voters?

you decide.

I've decided, he's just a human, with all the frailitys that entails. So being human myself, I forgive him his transgressions,~LOL~, sound familiar? "forgive us our transgressions as we forgive others", You ought to try it.


New Member
This thread has descended into juvenile ramblings, so I assume you heathens are OK with Edwards, 400.00 hair cut and a few fopaws, well thats just all right with me. Maybe I'll Give the almost gay, Maybe all the way, Juliani for crossdressing, a pass,~LOL~.


Well-Known Member
unfortunately, the current tone of the thread reflects the mental status of Edwards. in your words it has descended into juvenile ramblings




New Member
This thread has descended into juvenile ramblings, so I assume you heathens are OK with Edwards, 400.00 hair cut and a few fopaws, well thats just all right with me. Maybe I'll Give the almost gay, Maybe all the way, Juliani for crossdressing, a pass,~LOL~.
you know what happens to those who assume... :-)

i don't have a negative opinion of him yet. nor positive. but any of them would be better then Hillary.


New Member
you know what happens to those who assume... :-)

i don't have a negative opinion of him yet. nor positive. but any of them would be better then Hillary.
On hillary, I agree, but not repukes, a dead dog would be better than any repuke but Ron Paul who you really can't classify as a repuke. The rest of the repukes are just Bush on steroids. Bush with brains, now that is frightening.


Well-Known Member
I've decided, he's just a human, with all the frailitys that entails. So being human myself, I forgive him his transgressions,~LOL~, sound familiar? "forgive us our transgressions as we forgive others", You ought to try it.
Convenient how the ultra liberal is quite apt to forgive his liberal counter-part but personally attacks anyone on the forum who dares contradict his misinformed viewpoints. You sir, ought to try using a dictionary to refresh yourself of the meaning of "hypocrite". There's a reason that not only conservatives, but centrist and other liberals are disagreeing with your posts... they don't make any sense.