im on drug court can i still trip off DXM?


Well-Known Member
Yes it really will show up as a false positive, its your choice to listen to me or not. But I know 100% it can come up as a false positive, as ive seen it happen with my own eyes.
do you know if in 4 days it will be out of my system and not show up on a drug test?


Well-Known Member
cocain baby stays in your system only 3 days if you got a strong mind you can quit any time


Well-Known Member
I cant say for sure, however why risk it man. Just stay clean for a bit man, I know its shitty and all, but your playing with fire.
yea ill just wait the 40 more days until i get off drug court then im just gonna be getting a drug test once a month so then i can start trippin again at least but i still wont really be able to smoke


Well-Known Member
yea ill just wait the 40 more days until i get off drug court then im just gonna be getting a drug test once a month so then i can start trippin again at least but i still wont really be able to smoke
yeah youll be able to do basically everything but weed...... Stupid how you can go smoke a 10 bag of meth a couple days before a drug test but not a joint over a month ago.


Do not take any cough meds on probation or drug court i swear to god i did it 2 days before my color was called and it showed up as PCP thank god i had a cold that day to back up the cough meds story but i could tell she knew inorder for it to pop up i would have needed to take a butt load but it will show up but she let me go and i have to retest on monday because actual pcp takes 14days well cough meds take 2-4 days im lucky anyother PO would have canned my ass


Yes dxm shows up as PCP i had a test on thrusday and i took triple C's on tuesday and it came up positive for PCP thank god i dont ever come up positive for that and i actually had a cold so i told my PO before hand and she let it slide and she retested me today which is monday and it came up clean. So yes DXM will come up as PCP but if it does ask for a retest in 2 3 days because PCP is 5 to 14 days to and DXM is 2 to 3 days so... They can see the diffrence that way if you came up clean a few days before that is so i would just stay away stick to shrooms and acid lol they dont test for those on the standard 5 panel with PBT its coc ,amp, thc. benzo, opi, and each of those cover about 2-5 different drugs like amp covers pcp ,adderal. Along with meth and opi covers herion, percs ect. Benzo covers both benzos and barbiturates. coc well covers all forms of coc which also sometimes pops for mdma because it usually has it in it and pure mdma is never pure mdma thats why its not on the list it usually come up as coc, opi , amp and benzo. Sometimes they will have a 6 or 7 panel which will include antidepressants and mdma so before you decide what you can or cant use see what the panel is 90%of the time its a 5 panel and if they suspect it they will breathilize you.