Ill start my CFL growlog..


Well-Known Member
Sure you can continue to train. I have seen people train them in circles. Like a spring.
Thats a bit advanced though. The stem gets more brittle as it gets older so you got to be careful and dont try and go back the way you came. you can bring it down a bit and off to one side. The smaller ones will catch soon. They grow a lot the first couple weeks of flower. She will slow down soon.


I did some training today, tied the main cola down and off to one side.. the buds are starting to develop nicely in my own "newb" opinion.. :) I wish I could get a better camera, to get some nice clear close ups... some of these are a bit blury..



Well I personally think she is coming along great for my first time! I'm like a giddy new daddy!! :D Not sure tho if I need to change anything as far as nutes or anything else??? Right now, I just feed/water when she's thirsty with distilled h2o and some food of 16-22-19.. do I need to go stronger, I saw some super bloom with a higher P number I think.. the second number..haha it was 55... if so? when? Thanks for any help in advance! and now on to the show.. (sorry for going on..)


Well-Known Member
There ya go, now your growing buds and your not 4 feet tall.
Looks like you found the macro setting on the camera too, nice bud shot.

Stands for Nitrogen.
Nitrogen helps make plants greener, and helps them grow faster. Nitrogen can be depleted over time by plants, or by being washed away.


Stands for Phosphorus.
Phosphorous is good for root growth, disease resistance, seed and fruit growth, and for blooming and flowering.


Stands for Potash (or Potassium).
Potash can help with increasing root growth, with drought resistance, and with disease resistance. (So why is it K? Because it would be confusing if they used P twice in a row, and you'd never know which is which!)

So yea a higher middle number would be better for her right now but when ever you start using new nutrients start slow (1/4 to 1/2 strength) and keep an eye on her. If you see bad reactions stop and water the hell out of her to wash it off.


There ya go, now your growing buds and your not 4 feet tall.
Looks like you found the macro setting on the camera too, nice bud shot.

Stands for Nitrogen.
Nitrogen helps make plants greener, and helps them grow faster. Nitrogen can be depleted over time by plants, or by being washed away.


Stands for Phosphorus.
Phosphorous is good for root growth, disease resistance, seed and fruit growth, and for blooming and flowering.


Stands for Potash (or Potassium).
Potash can help with increasing root growth, with drought resistance, and with disease resistance. (So why is it K? Because it would be confusing if they used P twice in a row, and you'd never know which is which!)

So yea a higher middle number would be better for her right now but when ever you start using new nutrients start slow (1/4 to 1/2 strength) and keep an eye on her. If you see bad reactions stop and water the hell out of her to wash it off.
hahaha!! :)yeah i think i got the camera thing figured out!Thanks man for the info, Yeah i was tokin a little when I wrote that, and kinda forgot NPK thing.... but thanks, I will get some nutes today and start off slow.. she is starting to reallly fatten up!! I noticed the take off on the bud development, so I'll keep an eye on that for her to slow, and I still got to get a magnifying glass or something... Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
Oh yea baby. Cha friggin Ching!

Great bud shots. they look so awesome at this stage.
Hey, how about a pic of the whole plant so we can get a better idea of what you did.


Well-Known Member
I gotta get some better nutes.
This is the best I got so far.

Great job
Keep that shit up

Which nutes you using?



Well-Known Member
Nice looking canopy,

I see those side branches didn't actually catch up with the top but they are doing very well.
Now she's settled down shes gonna pack on the weight.

Ya did good man.​


Hey thanks guys!! I think she's been flowering since mid September( I shouldve kept better track!). Do y'all think it's worth it to introduce some Co2? Don't wanna spend the money on a tank, but I heard something about using a soda bottle and some yeast??? What ya think??


Well-Known Member
Sure you can do it and its been proven to be very effective. In temps over 90° I think it is.
If she can handle like 4 hours lights on without ventilation you can do it. Be sure to exhaust outside.


Just a little update.. not sure where I stand as far as progress.. can y'all help? Couple questions.. The lowest fan leaves up and died, no worries? Plus I've noticed some redding on the stems of the fan leaves and some tip burn on the small leaves around the buds.. should I start to flush? do you think Im near that point? It's cause of the nutes right? And honestly I've heard about using the 30x loupe to check for "ripeness", but where the's best place to look? I need to read up a little more again.. for the next stage! Still a newb... :D here's some pics... thanks again!!



Well-Known Member
Looking good, your still about 3 weeks out I would guess.. I would flush for about a week when it gets closer but for now I would just keep feeding them nutes like you have been!

The lower fan leaves usually start to die off around this time so I wouldn't stress it..