"If Wall St. does not end its greed, we will end it for them."


Well-Known Member
It is costly to society because the government has chosen to subsidize bad behavior. How about if everyone was responsible for their own health?
People are responsible for their own health, that's not the argument, Scarecrow..

People shouldn't die in a first world nation because of preventable causes. We can fund war, corporate subsidies, bank bailouts, and unlimited investigations into republican pseudo-scandals, but we can't fund education, veterans affairs, and universal health care? Nah son, homie don't play that. The allocation of funds is the problem. Any moderately thinking individual would want their money going to educate fellow citizens instead of bombing foreign civilians, or funding highways and railways instead of building tanks and ships, or paying for books for kids instead of bullets for guns..

If it's "too costly to society", then I want the same standard when it comes to funding wars, or bank bailouts, or golden parachute packages for executives when they crash the global economy..


Well-Known Member
Again, ignorance tax, not poor tax. They choose to fuck their lives up by spending money they can't afford to spend on shit they don't need, and its all completely voluntary.

This is just a wild guess, but maybe it has something to do with why they are poor in the first place.
I beg to differ..crack was formulated for the masses as much more affordable and MUCH more addictive than cocaine in powder form..the masses can afford single dollars only on personal entertainment and this concept is seen everywhere..take leasing cars for example..a portion for the time of usage..this has translated to everything now..iTunes, Redbox..day or single use streaming of movies or monthly membership Hulu etc.

Ever heard of a 'dollar store'? Can you figure out why they are wildly popular?
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Well-Known Member
I beg to differ..crack was formulated for the masses as much more affordable and MUCH more addictive than cocaine in powder form..the masses can afford single dollars only on personal entertainment and this concept is seen everywhere..take leasing cars for example..a portion for the time of usage..this has translated to everything now..iTunes, Redbox..day or single use streaming of movies or monthly membership Hulu etc.

I can't remember all the times I only had a buck or two to my name and I never ran out and got all fucked up on crack.

Some people are just stupid with their money and bodies. They have only themselves to blame.


Well-Known Member
Um, observation..something you too could do if you took your head out of the sand.

Yup, just sitting here having no fucking clue whats going on around me.

Oh look, another customer walked through the door, must be fucking magic!!! And more magic, I'm still sitting here and someone else is taking their money and putting it in my cash drawer.

But yeah, head in the sand, no idea what I'm doing in life. Should of taken the advice of some doped up crack head a long time ago, maybe I'd be doing alright.

Fuck my life.


Well-Known Member
It's pretty clear you lack a basic understanding of the world or the people that inhabit it by your responses
Righties are nothing more than 'me, me and me'.. Which is demonstrated by the correlation of unwillingness to pay taxes (for the better good of ALL) and willingness to spend untold amounts of monies on lotteries..


Well-Known Member
Yet here you are..

Drinking coffee and playing on the internet for the first hour of work is how the boss rolls.

However, once I stand up from this chair I'll out produce most of you before I walk out the office onto the shop floor.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
I can't remember all the times I only had a buck or two to my name and I never ran out and got all fucked up on crack.
Some people are just stupid with their money and bodies. They have only themselves to blame.
Yep. They'll blow their brains on pot all day and not produce shit for themselves or their employer, and claim that pot is not a powerful drug.

Stupid is as stupid does.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
So are you against regulating Wall St. and breaking up the financial institutions because it's a democratic proposal?
This coming from a person that's never played stocks and doesn't have a clue how the game works.

Keep drinking the kool-aid and following the airhead parrots.


Well-Known Member
Debating made up shit?

Thinking some of you need to be less high and more productive.
I don't agree with most of what they say, but fuck the bit in bold.

Being high and being productive have no corrolation whatsoever, it just so happens lots of lazy people like weed too.


Well-Known Member
I don't agree with most of what they say, but fuck the bit in bold.

Being high and being productive have no corrolation whatsoever, it just so happens lots of lazy people like weed too.
I was talking about people who smoke all day and because of if they do nothing and their world revolves around getting stoned. Not those who can work their way through the fog, those people you wouldn't even notice on any given day.

However, being high, you are impaired, period. Exceptions to any rule, but most stoners are not the exception that they think they are.


Well-Known Member
Righties are nothing more than 'me, me and me'.. Which is demonstrated by the correlation of unwillingness to pay taxes (for the better good of ALL) and willingness to spend untold amounts of monies on lotteries..

Our government has no money management and I'm not going to give more just to see it go to fucking waste. I'd rather use ever loop hole I can to keep as much as I can, and then give it to someone who is actually trying to better their position in life.

We have a program within our church that helps those seeking trade schooling to get into these programs. It started out as a small group project that was originally geared towards helping the needy during Thanksgiving back in 2009 after many members found themselves without work due to the crash. Instead of just giving them money, we gave them an opportunity to start over. Myself and a few other local entrepreneurs fund this program. Hygienists, computer science, linemen college, etc, lots of success stories.

But "me me me" right?

Better good is why half the country is on the dole and the other half is supporting them. It would be better for all if people were held accountable for their own failures, rather than propped up in life just because they showed up or don't have.