"If Wall St. does not end its greed, we will end it for them."


Well-Known Member
None of them "need" a bail out. None of them did. They all should have failed. The depositors should have received their returns first, capital should have shifted appropriately from the hands of those who took risks to those who played it safe (savers and such) through the pricing mechanisms of the market.

This idea that they HAD to be bailed out says everything you need to know for example about Elizabeth Warrren. Clearly 100% in the pocket of big banks even making such a stupid and ridiculous statement.


Well-Known Member
You can't effectively run an economy without a centralized bank, let alone the largest economy in the world. Centralized banking isn't the problem, we had a relatively stable financial sector from after the great depression up until the 08 collapse, it's the deregulation of banks, the merger of commercial banking with investment banking, a financial monopoly over the market by very few large institutions and greed and government corruption that's the problem, and there are very valid solution proposals by both Sanders and Warren to fix it.


Well-Known Member
None of them "need" a bail out. None of them did. They all should have failed. The depositors should have received their returns first, capital should have shifted appropriately from the hands of those who took risks to those who played it safe (savers and such) through the pricing mechanisms of the market.

This idea that they HAD to be bailed out says everything you need to know for example about Elizabeth Warrren. Clearly 100% in the pocket of big banks even making such a stupid and ridiculous statement.
That's not at all what she said. She said the same exact problem that led to the 08 collapse exists today and that if any of them failed, they would need a bailout, and she was using that information to support her opposition to bank bailouts footed by the taxpayers and support for breaking them up, just like you previously posted about supporting.

Warren is the strongest ally against Wall St. in Congress, you must be misunderstanding her position


Well-Known Member
That's not at all what she said. She said the same exact problem that led to the 08 collapse exists today and that if any of them failed, they would need a bailout, and she was using that information to support her opposition to bank bailouts footed by the taxpayers and support for breaking them up, just like you previously posted about supporting.

Warren is the strongest ally against Wall St. in Congress, you must be misunderstanding her position
She implied the bailouts were necessary. She's wrong or lying.


Well-Known Member
You can't effectively run an economy without a centralized bank, let alone the largest economy in the world. Centralized banking isn't the problem, we had a relatively stable financial sector from after the great depression up until the 08 collapse, it's the deregulation of banks, the merger of commercial banking with investment banking, a financial monopoly over the market by very few large institutions and greed and government corruption that's the problem, and there are very valid solution proposals by both Sanders and Warren to fix it.
The monopoly on the market exists because of central banks. Who sits on the board of the Reserve? You don't suppose there's a reason they all got bailed out do you?


Well-Known Member
She implied the bailouts were necessary. She's wrong or lying.
Bud, that's not her position, I'm not sure how you inferred that from her tweets, but watch this clip, it might help clarify her stance on things;

The monopoly on the market exists because of central banks. Who sits on the board of the Reserve? You don't suppose there's a reason they all got bailed out do you?
The central bank serves to adjust fiscal and monetary policy in accordance with the federal government. The monopoly over the market largely exists because of corruption in government. You have these financial institutions lobbying congress to remove regulations in the industry and completely legally providing large funds to super PACs or to their campaigns for reelection, you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. Finance is the biggest industry in the US in terms of $.

In order to fix that problem, we have to ensure average American's vote count equally as much as their corporate sponsors do today. Get money out of politics and enact a 28th amendment to the Constitution to make elections fair and more representative of the American people.

When you play Monopoly Pada, do you share the money as you play?
Just wondering.
Yeah dude, I only play Democratic Socialist-Monopoly, everybody wins


Well-Known Member
Bud, that's not her position, I'm not sure how you inferred that from her tweets, but watch this clip, it might help clarify her stance on things;

The central bank serves to adjust fiscal and monetary policy in accordance with the federal government. The monopoly over the market largely exists because of corruption in government. You have these financial institutions lobbying congress to remove regulations in the industry and completely legally providing large funds to super PACs or to their campaigns for reelection, you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. Finance is the biggest industry in the US in terms of $.

In order to fix that problem, we have to ensure average American's vote count equally as much as their corporate sponsors do today. Get money out of politics and enact a 28th amendment to the Constitution to make elections fair and more representative of the American people.

Yeah dude, I only play Democratic Socialist-Monopoly, everybody wins
It's a Social Democracy you're looking for, Democratic Socialism is Nazism.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
The monopoly on the market exists because of central banks.
What monoply? What in the hell are you talking about?

Look, grab that $28.13 you have stashed under your mattress, bike your way down to an American Bank, Citibank, whatever..... open an account and see how the nice system works.

My wife and I have have a personal AND a business account with a large local chain bank. Our investments which includes IRA's are with out of city USAA Financial Services and we have 2 accounts with 2 different out of the city credit unions.

.....we are financially very well off because of our past and current bank holdings and financial choices, not because we took the whiney cowardly way out and blamed banks for some delusional ailment.


Well-Known Member
House poor is no way to go through life.
I never understood why people do that to themselves. They go in, show the lenders all their income and bills, and the lenders say "Congratulations, you have just qualified for a 350k loan" and then the idiots run out and buy a 350k house.

Its cage with an unlocked front door so they think its safe, but people fail to see the chain around their neck. Fuck em, those contracts are in plain English.


Well-Known Member
so because others have the ability to manipulate a corrupt system..breaking the law and become wealthy beyond your wildest dreams bringing the world economy down with..we should just roll over and let them?

because no one understands like chief brokers Ben, Harrekin and spandy..because quadrotrillionxxx:lol:


Well-Known Member
so because others have the ability to manipulate a corrupt system..breaking the law and become wealthy beyond your wildest dreams bringing the world economy down with..we should just roll over and let them?

because no one understands like chief brokers Ben, Harrekin and spandy..because quadrotrillionxxx:lol:
It's quadrillion...

And you just jealous cos you unemployed, son.

Unemployed people dont build anything.


Well-Known Member
so because others have the ability to manipulate a corrupt system..breaking the law and become wealthy beyond your wildest dreams bringing the world economy down with..we should just roll over and let them?

because no one understands like chief brokers Ben, Harrekin and spandy..because quadrotrillionxxx:lol:

I've never manipulated shit and I manage to keep my feet dry.

Whats your excuse?


Well-Known Member
DAVENPORT, Iowa – U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders on Friday plans to make the case for three months of paid family and medical leave if employees have a child or they or their family members become ill. He plans to tell a news conference in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, that it’s unconscionable that millions of new parents in this country are forced back to work because they don’t have the income to stay home with their newborn babies. Sen. Sanders is disappointed that Hillary Clinton refuses to support the FAMILY Act sponsored by leading Democratic women in the Senate and House. Bernie … Read more about it https://berniesanders.com/press-release/sanders-campaign-questions-clinton-opposition-to-paid-family-and-medical-leave-legislation/


Well-Known Member
I've never manipulated shit and I manage to keep my feet dry.

Whats your excuse?
Totally over your head..sarcasm on how you and your buddies are NO authority and never cite therefore every post you make is not taken seriously.

Just a bunch of old farts with nothing to do all day.

So which of Bernies platform do you not like?


Well-Known Member
DAVENPORT, Iowa – U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders on Friday plans to make the case for three months of paid family and medical leave if employees have a child or they or their family members become ill. He plans to tell a news conference in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, that it’s unconscionable that millions of new parents in this country are forced back to work because they don’t have the income to stay home with their newborn babies. Sen. Sanders is disappointed that Hillary Clinton refuses to support the FAMILY Act sponsored by leading Democratic women in the Senate and House. Bernie … Read more about it https://berniesanders.com/press-release/sanders-campaign-questions-clinton-opposition-to-paid-family-and-medical-leave-legislation/

Millions of families are forced back to work because they can't afford to sit on their ass all day because they dont live within their means and have children on a whim, or accident. Thats not their employers responsibility to fix their stupids.


Well-Known Member
Totally over your head..sarcasm on how you and your buddies are NO authority and never cite therefore every post you make is not taken seriously.

Just a bunch of old farts with nothing to do all day.

Nothing to do, lol. I'll produce more by 10am today than you will all week, and I still have this new cup of coffee to sit here and drink before I get started.


Well-Known Member
Totally over your head..sarcasm on how you and your buddies are NO authority and never cite therefore every post you make is not taken seriously.

Just a bunch of old farts with nothing to do all day.

So which of Bernies platform do you not like?
We've all got jobs and shit to do, what do you do all day?

Watch Bernie Sanders videos hoping he'll "free shit" you to a better life?

Steal things from big corporations, because they allegedly steal and thats wrong?

Get your shit together, if you can't understand a conversation about mortgage rates then you should probably just be quiet and try learn something.


Well-Known Member
Millions of families are forced back to work because they can't afford to sit on their ass all day because they dont live within their means and have children on a whim, or accident. Thats not their employers responsibility to fix their stupids.