

Active Member
Hello new to this part of RIU(HYDROPONICS) just picked up a copy of High Times(GrowGuide) and it has a setup for harvesting a pound every 3 weeks the setup of the veg unit and flowering unit aren't well described if anyone has knowledge of how to build the veg and/flowering units I'd appreciate it
Hello new to this part of RIU(HYDROPONICS) just picked up a copy of High Times(GrowGuide) and it has a setup for harvesting a pound every 3 weeks the setup of the veg unit and flowering unit aren't well described if anyone has knowledge of how to build the veg and/flowering units I'd appreciate it
Smokingrubber -

I have 2-100 gal res. I could stagger the change out of the water of them so the RO 100 would work.

Do you use the RO system? Any tips you could pass on or things to pay attention to?

I appreciate your help


Well-Known Member
Smokingrubber -

I have 2-100 gal res. I could stagger the change out of the water of them so the RO 100 would work.

Do you use the RO system? Any tips you could pass on or things to pay attention to?

I appreciate your help
Yes, I have the RO200. I installed it last week and filled my tub for the first time last night. It took me 5 hours to fill 40 gallons.

Tip: get a float valve so you won't have to worry about floods. Install the unit near your water & drain source. The outlet line is small and cheap so running it 25-50 ft is no problem.

Keep in mind that the longer it takes to fill the tub - the longer your babies will be without water. If your tubs are on wheels, you could buy a third tub and fill it the day before. Then you could roll out the old tub and roll in the new one without missing a beat.

ShoAL paTroL

Well-Known Member
Used rockwool isn't really trash imo. It will be assimilated into the collective forest medium quite rapidly. But I wouldn't advocate dumping "trash" anywhere. I'm sure you can find a dumpster somewhere for that.
rockwool is "trash" it will NOT break down.we have piles that have sat in our compost and if u dig in the compost the cubes at the bottom havent even started to breakdown.some are 5-6 years old.even if u crush it up it doesnt seam to help.its been a problem for us for awhile,"what to do with it"theres plenty of forest where we live and the prop. has had a number of old grow spots from past owners.we have had to spend days cleaning up piles of rockwool,nute bottles,plastic piping,and wire.the rockwool from these old grows are still useable if u had nothing else.

dont mean to give u a hard time about it but our collective has spent countless days cleaning up old grows in norcal and we are hoping that u will go back and clean up the trash u have dumped.


Active Member
Hey still alive out there? lol listen any of RIU Hydro growers have a copy of the new HT grow guide it has an article about harvesting a pound every 3 weeks but the plans for the veg/ flowering units are confusing if anyone has built this or something similar please respond. I'm a organic soil grower but hydro yields blow soil away according to some circles and experimenting with it is something that intrigues me. Any help would be appreciated


Well-Known Member
rockwool is "trash" it will NOT break down.we have piles that have sat in our compost and if u dig in the compost the cubes at the bottom havent even started to breakdown.some are 5-6 years old.even if u crush it up it doesnt seam to help.its been a problem for us for awhile,"what to do with it"theres plenty of forest where we live and the prop. has had a number of old grow spots from past owners.we have had to spend days cleaning up piles of rockwool,nute bottles,plastic piping,and wire.the rockwool from these old grows are still useable if u had nothing else.

dont mean to give u a hard time about it but our collective has spent countless days cleaning up old grows in norcal and we are hoping that u will go back and clean up the trash u have dumped.

I appreciate the knowledge. I don't and won't dump trash. I have a very convenient dumpster at work for that ;) I didn't know they wouldn't break down. Thank you for the info. +rep


Active Member
No one reads High Times huh, first time I wander into the hydro area of RIU and no help. This is a community lets step our helpfull hand game up growers.


this is my first grow and im using aeroponics. I would like to harvest from the top branches and then let the lower branches continue to mature. I was wondering what your suggestion would be for the best time to flush the nutes? Wouldnt the lower branches still need the nutes?


so i was wondering if it is better to go with a ebb and flow system or a bucket drip system. the bucket drip system has a 8 gallon res and 13 gallon controller and the buckets are all 5 gallons. i could make any size ebb and flow system so i guess my question is which one should i use in a 6 by 6 grow room?


Well-Known Member
so i was wondering if it is better to go with a ebb and flow system or a bucket drip system. the bucket drip system has a 8 gallon res and 13 gallon controller and the buckets are all 5 gallons. i could make any size ebb and flow system so i guess my question is which one should i use in a 6 by 6 grow room?
Drip system fine for vegging . . . but serious budding would demand ebb and flow


Active Member



Well-Known Member
First and foremost, my utmost apologies for not reading all of this thread, but I do plan on reading it all to get a better insight on everything and brush up on the things I've already done and used before a long time ago. ANYWAY... I am wanting to build a clone & flower hydroponic set up with the stuff I have here. I just need to buy the pots and the mister tips and I have everything else from around my house. I have totes, air pumps, plenty of pvc of all sizes and fittings, water valves, water pumps, air tubes, PERFECT tap water, PH tester, nutes (5 years old. does it matter?), and a watering can. I plan on making my own air stone (so to say) out of an air tube with a ton of holes in it. I need the set up to hold 50+ clones for a SOG setup. I am a bit rusty on my hydro knowledge as it has been about 3 years since I did hydroponics. I have been a "dirtbag" and pot type of guy for the rest of my experience. I would like it if someone could possibly throw together a blueprint and possibly some pictures. As I said before I plan on reading all of this but am a bit short on time as I have to run out. Any information and pictures and setup blueprints will be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Joker :D


Well-Known Member
I would like to know if this tote with a good air flow would work or should I set it up with a aqua pump and misters / sprayers?
If my calculations are right I should be able to fit around 30-50 3" net pots. Is this an accurate calculation?

Or would this 1 work better?


Active Member
Hey everyone

I'm just starting out so i ordered the stealth hydro bubbleponics kit. I'm having trouble with the Ph. When i first started i used poland spring- spring water. At first everything was fine, then i went to add back about a gallon of water back to the resevoir and thats when the ph problems started. I would adjust it and it would always go up to about 7.15 a few hours later. so i was adding ph down to try and control it and eventually i ended up with what looked like soap on the top of the water...and everything was slimy (not algae). So i called their support line and they said they recommended distilled water. so i switched my water.... cleaned everything and now my ph is going back to around 7.15 .... I'm not sure what to do to keep it consistant. PLEASE HELP :(


Hey wats sup man im deff a noob at this lol but a very fast learner i jus basic steps on how to get my hydro plants growing.

I jus did the paper towel method so i got to wait about 2 days and then i have the rapid rooters to put them in. I have the nutirents and distilled water for my 6 plant hydroponic system and 150 hps light.

Im looking to grow wat ever i can with my 150 hps only for me to smoke so i want to make this some real decent hydro bud. :) hopefully u can guide me thru and i can deff post pictures on how it goes for you also. Thanks buddy