How to Sell and Not Get Caught

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Well-Known Member
who deleted my posts in this thread? and why?
cowboy logic? tiptoptoker? snitches? who the hell feels they are the censorship police on this site? that is lame as hell.. i would like to know who deleted my posts and least have the balls to explain yourself


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
cowboy logic? tiptoptoker? snitches? who the hell feels they are the censorship police on this site? that is lame as hell.. i would like to know who deleted my posts and least have the balls to explain yourself
im no snitch..
ur a bad bad boy.....LOL


Well-Known Member
now how the hell can i delete ur post.. are u fur real... oh 484 post still a nubie
ohh sorry about my measly 484 post count, i guess i could have 10k plus posts since i did become a member a month before you..but i like fresh air and enjoying life;-)


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
ohh sorry about my measly 484 post count, i guess i could have 10k plus posts since i did become a member a month before you..but i like fresh air and enjoying life;-)
freash air hell ya. thats why im in the woods 99% of the time loving life.
some people have to buy pot if they want to smoke it they cant always grow their own not everyone lives where they can get a marijuana card it's stupid to attack the people who sell pot.

your all bunch of fucking hypocrites with your fucking cards that let you grow and smoke what the hell are the rest of us supposed to just not smoke.

well go to hell im goin smoke pot and if a buddy wants a bag im goin sell him a bag

I feel like punching your faces in talking how we make the pot community look bad

this thread just pissed me off...
Im on my shitty phone right now so I cant really read or respond to (probably) multiple misconceptions.

But i will say that this guy i just quoted has it fucking right!!!!


Well-Known Member
i am not as angry today as i was yesterday when i first read "all dealers belong in jail" and other bullshit know you read it and type your thought, send there are other posts telling those two clowns how absurd that statement i don't feel the need as much this morning...if that makes any sense...but i committed no violations and i am not a fan of censorship, and what is the point of belonging to a site to post thoughts on topics with other people ?..only to have someone delete it because they do not agree or it was directed at one of their E "friends" lame lame lame...kinda like a security guard trying to flex what little power they believe they have eh?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i am not as angry today as i was yesterday when i first read "all dealers belong in jail" and other bullshit know you read it and type your thought, send there are other posts telling those two clowns how absurd that statement i don't feel the need as much this morning...if that makes any sense...but i committed no violations and i am not a fan of censorship, and what is the point of belonging to a site to post thoughts on topics with other people ?..only to have someone delete it because they do not agree or it was directed at one of their E "friends" lame lame lame...kinda like a security guard trying to flex what little power they believe they have eh?
well if ur a pot dealer dealing pot then yes u belong in jail.. my oppinion


Well-Known Member
i am not as angry today as i was yesterday when i first read "all dealers belong in jail" and other bullshit know you read it and type your thought, send there are other posts telling those two clowns how absurd that statement i don't feel the need as much this morning...if that makes any sense...but i committed no violations and i am not a fan of censorship, and what is the point of belonging to a site to post thoughts on topics with other people ?..only to have someone delete it because they do not agree or it was directed at one of their E "friends" lame lame lame...kinda like a security guard trying to flex what little power they believe they have eh?
that a mod deleted your post(s) was my best guess, they usually give notice when they do that
web site hiccup? who knows - posts are seldom deleted, things have to get pretty bad on a thread for that to happen


Well-Known Member
well if ur a pot dealer dealing pot then yes u belong in jail.. my oppinion
nah i am no dealer...but i would have no way to medicate if my dealer went to prison..are you insane? that is the dumbest thing i have read since some retard said that yesterday? how did you get meds before your card? you feel only people in meds states should be allowed to smoke?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
nah i am no dealer...but i would have no way to medicate if my dealer went to prison..are you insane? that is the dumbest thing i have read since some retard said that yesterday? how did you get meds before your card? you feel only people in meds states should be allowed to smoke?
just cuz u buy from a dealer don't mean shit. its the seller in trouble not the buyer..i can go down and buy a sack from a joe blow on the corner, get stoped down the road buy the cops i have my green card and now they want to now were i got it.. i say joe blow on the corner. i drive away with my meds and there of for joe blow on the corner... smoking is way diffren then selling buddy.. get it right..
what ur saing is the lamest i have ever herd..
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