How Much To Save For A Lawyer?

South Texas

Well-Known Member
As with every Social Program, the Original impletation is based on good intentions. "Good intentions is the road to hell" Before I get off subject, just remind me to talk out the 1930/s poor farm and how effective that Law is in your defense today.
One of the 7 steps of Due Process is Right to Counsel. It seems that right to legal advise doesn't only apply to people with money to hire such. Po'-ass folks has that Right also, but without funds, the State must provide such. Now, the Franenstien begins. The State has not the money to pay for expensive Atty's, the money is being spent to convict Citizens, because it looks good when running for higher Office to convict, rather than to assure Justice is being served by Us, the Tax Payer.
And like Citizens picked out for Jury Duty, so it the high dollar Atty's. If you are regerstered in your local area as being a member of the Bar, your ass will be called. So good, so far. But like all Social Programs, there is no incentive, other than some Body's Life. Saving a life from a lifetime imprisonment doesn't pay the debt owed to Law School, or the Law Books, Office, Asst., etc.
As of the late 80's, the State only paid each Atty. $250 dollars for each "COMPLETION OF DUTY". This competion of duty, known as a final verdict or agreement ranges from Plea of Guilt to a VERY exspensive Jury Trial, which is our Right. Anybody with any commom sense quickly figures out that the quicker the ordeal, the less time & money is invested to.... Defend a charge brought on by the State. The State has lots of resourses, Snitches, Police, CSI teams, DA's with a host of Assist.'s. And here is the selected Court Appointed Atty. (herein CAA) having to foot the entire bill for a measly $250. per Defendant. ...... What would you do? SOB is obviously guilty, or He would not have been charged, and He's dumber that a box of rocks, with an attitude. 80% of inmates is "semi-illeterate". Don't get me started on THAT "semi" statement.! So, short cuts was made, people was placed in cages & forced to manual labor for free.... As ACDC, Bon Scott said, "All in the name of Liberty". So, you see, 2 and 2 don't add up.
While sitting in a cage, my atty CAA walked up, ask if I would go for 30, they started at 80. Yeah, 80, when I didn't know shit from rocks. Point, Guy next cage over, with prison tacs all over said, "That Bitch is a Plea Bargin Bitch, fire His ass! What?, Excuse Me? These Criminals sho do talk funny. I've not a clue.
Stage is set. Just because you pass the Bar, just because you order & recieve seeds, dosen't mean shit. Some Atty's suck, can't make it on their own. This is the import part, take note. The actual good or even smart ATTY's will threaten Trial by Jury. These People/Atty's is never invited back, off the list..... are you listening? The only ones remaining is the ones that get the instant Plea
of guilt.
The State (Jails) do the "Set Up", once per month, out of 50 "Clients" the CAA walks past "The State is really pissed about this case... you should take the 80, 60, 40, whatever. When NO is answered, He say's He will try to work it down, and walks to the next Cage,.. The State's really pissed off about you, will you take 30, 5, 2 etc? If you say NO, you will not see your Counsel for 1 month, in the meantime, He's walking the isle, every week, with 50 Clients, out of the 50, if 4 Pleas, Boom, $1,000 bucks...., 10 Pleas per week, Boom, $2500.. for what? No Counsel as to Rights,...nothing!!!!!
A good intention, gone to hell. Same as Right to waive Counsel and or Rights. I hope this spread some light on the Roaches.


Active Member
That makes a lot of sense. They really do have the system set up to screw you. Which is why I would want to learn as much as possible and screw them whenever I can.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Yes they do really have a system. They have worked on this for 200 years. These people are pro at what they do, make no mistake. Being the Pro that they are, here is the trap they set for you. Your Court Apointed Atty. Waits to hear one non-legal phrase to come out of your mouth. Boom, Your ignorance is servered up to the DA, Head on a platter. Let's be fair, Bills to pay.... for your Criminal Ass? What comes first?
Stay on the Porch, and be quite, until You are readiy to be the Big Dog. I'm tellng You,these fucks are good at what they do. 200 years worth. They don't play. Came to me with 12,... I danced buck naked in the street. I set a legal minefield, and here they come. 8 Lbs, too Coward to show up for Court. I'm sorry, but when your good, your fucking good!
Just a couple of points. First, just because someone is a member of the State Bar of Texas, doesn't mean they get drafted for court appointments. Second. Always, Always, Always ask for a jury trial. Any lawyer would know to do this. You will lose a bench trial. The defense bar sometimes calls it "fundraising." Third, representing yourself is, in most cases, a really bad idea. I wouldn't even consider it for a state jail felony. Many times the fill in black forms are so poorly done it's laughable. Nothing is more painful to watch when a prosecutor shreds a pro se who has no clues regarding the rules of procedure and evidence. I'm not saying it can't be done. It usually fails. Fourth, Taking legal advice from a stoner is a bad move. There's somebody on here going on that Texas is a legal medical state offering ways to get off the hook. Try bringing that defense and the Prosecutor, Judge, Defense Counsel, and the entire peanut gallery will look at you as if you're from mars.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
WeedBeavis is correct. If you think trying to figure out the proper way to grow Pot is confussing with all the BS info, when it comes to Law, ... forget it.


Well-Known Member
Knowledge is power! I always remembered my 3 rules- Never consent to a search, remain silent and request a lawyer asap- I am happy to report and say "Im glad I have not had to evoke any of my rights" and hopfully will never have to- in a nutshell even if your red handed with LBS in your car or some other heavy situation-never believe shit a cop tells you/Never say Anything except "Id like to see my lawyer"-

South Texas

Well-Known Member
AMEN Bro. If it's not within immediate possession to where you are sitting.... then that is not 'PROOF' that it belongs to you,.... but if your fingerprints are on the shit, well, have a long trip.
Anyway, after a BIG grow, let's say quarter to half Mil.,,, I'll retain an Atty. for 20 grand, then have Him visit the next grow for legal advice. H'ell probably want an LB or two, anyway. But He's damned sure not going to jepordize His career, potential easy income & Livilyhood by saying something. Hell, He's the only one you can trust. Instead of getting in trouble & calling Him, why not walk Him through what your plan to do, and get legal advice every step of the process. 20 grand per year, whether you need Him or not. And 5 Grand for the Animal Shelters.