HOW MUCH electricity constitutes an alarm with authorites or the electric company?


Well-Known Member
depends where you live, how much you are going over your base, etc. etc. etc. lots of variables go into that kind of stuff.

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
electric company usually wont care unless u steal it....theyre makin money off of you....if theyre lookin into ur electric bill ur already fukd anyways


Well-Known Member
If you are on a smart grid you can look up your use as compared to your neighbors. Get an idea of your neighborhood average, and you can tell if you are way beyond that. If you are not on a smart grid just keep it within reason and pay your bill. Numbers are pretty arbitrary, but going over 3000 kwh for a small house is somewhat unusual. On the other hand, it would be nothing for my parents ranch to use that much. From what it seems, when electric use is cited, it is used as supporting evidence, and rarely the sole trigger of suspicion. Furthermore it is not only the amount you use, but the amount as compared to your past use, so cut down in other places if possible. Elementary things like turning down the water heater and fridge can make a difference.

hope full

Active Member
i was a bit concerend about that as well (excuse the spelling) if your worried about it wich there is nothing wrong with being worried better to be safe than sorry.. but like i said if you are worried go with some flourcesnt's now dont be scared of all the bad talk about them, the beauty of growing this wonderfull plant is that she is a weed,with that being said, flours dont use nearly as much elct, as hps and mh's, and how many ladies are you planing on growing?


Active Member
Change all the bulbs in your house to low watt CFLs when you install the HID. The savings will counter the spike and they will never know. It's what I did and my bill didn't even go up. Get on level billing if you can too, that helps.

hope full

Active Member
great idea man i never thought of diverting my elect like that its like a bell just went off duh!.. lol


New Member
If anyone asks, you got a new 50 inch TV, computer etc. Should pretty much cover it.


wouldnt it be easier to just say u had been using a few power tools an doing some diy over the weekends ?


Rebel From The North
You all are triping they dont ask questions so dont offer anything duh! They want your money people, so chill unless
Your burning up over 10k your fine sleep easy people

collective gardener

Well-Known Member
You all are triping they dont ask questions so dont offer anything duh! They want your money people, so chill unless
Your burning up over 10k your fine sleep easy people

Thank you Hellraizer. What in the fuck does everyone think is going on at the power company? They fucking sell electricity. Be not afraid. If someone ever asked me about my electric bill (which was $1,840 last month), I'd tell them to go fuck themselves. Which is why nobody ever asks you. But, for those of you out there that are gonna start selling lies about why you use so much power, at least use good lies...NOT a big TV and some computers.

Here's some big draws:
1 or 2 big ass freezers in your garage. You have alot of frozen meat. You're a fucking big game hunter.
An electric sauna that runs around the clock. You injured your back big game hunting.
An arc welder that you use all day. You weld aluminum tent frames for big game hunters.
An automated CNC machine that runs around the clock. You make parts for big game hunting riffles.
HID lights. You have an indoor garden that you grow herbs in, to serve guessed it...the big game you eat every day.

Bottom line, worry about the real reason people get caught...telling other people. In 20+ years of commercial growing, hanging with commercial growers, reading every grow publication out there, and scouring the web...I have NEVER heard of an op's cover being blown by an electric bill. Heisenberg is absolutely correct...If they suspect that you are growing (because someone you told, told them), them will pull your power bill to add to the evidence needed for a search warrant. Once you're suspected of growing, you're done. These days judges give warrants out like candy. The idea is to never be suspected.


Rebel From The North
Thank you Hellraizer. What in the fuck does everyone think is going on at the power company? They fucking sell electricity. Be not afraid. If someone ever asked me about my electric bill (which was $1,840 last month), I'd tell them to go fuck themselves. Which is why nobody ever asks you. But, for those of you out there that are gonna start selling lies about why you use so much power, at least use good lies...NOT a big TV and some computers.

Here's some big draws:
1 or 2 big ass freezers in your garage. You have alot of frozen meat. You're a fucking big game hunter.
An electric sauna that runs around the clock. You injured your back big game hunting.
An arc welder that you use all day. You weld aluminum tent frames for big game hunters.
An automated CNC machine that runs around the clock. You make parts for big game hunting riffles.
HID lights. You have an indoor garden that you grow herbs in, to serve guessed it...the big game you eat every day.

Bottom line, worry about the real reason people get caught...telling other people. In 20+ years of commercial growing, hanging with commercial growers, reading every grow publication out there, and scouring the web...I have NEVER heard of an op's cover being blown by an electric bill. Heisenberg is absolutely correct...If they suspect that you are growing (because someone you told, told them), them will pull your power bill to add to the evidence needed for a search warrant. Once you're suspected of growing, you're done. These days judges give warrants out like candy. The idea is to never be suspected.
Very well said hopefully this will clear some confusion up.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
The Power Company can't very well sell you power if you are locked up. They aint gonna turn you in. Besides, human eyes almost NEVER get set on your bill. The meter reader only reads the differential. A smart detective MAY pay him a retainer to report increases in usage, but that's not even close to probable cause. It might cause him to put you under the microscope....
This new "smart grid" and "smart meters" have got me worried tho... with that technology, they can read your power USAGE patterns in real time. A high usage for a couple of weeks followed by a 12/12 pattern would be a dead giveaway.
Nevertheless, the cops need a warrant or court order for the Power Co. to turn over your records. If it's at that point, you're already screwed.
If you follow the news or read the reports, EVERY instance of someone getting popped is due to an "anonymous tip". Don't tell anyone what you are doing.