How long till cannabutter Goes off, unedible?


Active Member
as the title says.

i have some cannabutter that was made a few weeks ago, just wondering if its still fine to use.


Well-Known Member
i wouldnst see why not.
I would think the fat in the butter would act as a preservative? So i would say treat it like normal butter. :)


Well-Known Member
yeah I've had butter in my fridge last over 3 months so I don't see why that wouldn't be the same for cannabutte.r....

I always freeze my cannabutter tho, and I've had it last over 5 months and still be potent... I recommend freezing it.


bud bootlegger
yah, same as everyone else, butter can last for ages if it's kept nice and cold and closed up well, years i'd think if frozen...


Well-Known Member
And if you freeze it, for some weird reason it defrosts alot quicker than you'd expect. Might be low water content or something.